
Monday, October 23, 2017

Working with You | My Return to Editing and Writing

Happy Monday, friends!

As you might already know from this post last month, I am now living in Montana with my husband, Josh. Because of this move and this new season in my life, I have returned to freelance editing!

The image above shows a sampling of books I've edited. I especially enjoy working with fiction, including Christian fiction and young-adult stories. But I'm also available to hire for other genres and nonfiction projects!

And due to my line of work these past three years as a content writer for a Christian book publisher, I have experience writing book descriptions and other marketing copy. So if you're in need of a writer to help you in those areas, I'd be honored to work with you.

To learn more about me, my services, and pricing, please visit my new website:

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Some of you may recall that I also used to host/organize blog tours back when I was previously freelancing. Out of curiosity, is that something you'd be interested in hiring me to do? Or is that something you'd enjoy participating in as a blogger?

And one final note: I do plan to continue writing my own books as an indie author, Lord willing. :) While I'm not quite at a point to give a possible publication date, Where Trains Collide is definitely on my radar and something I've started revisiting. I believe that's the next story I'd like to share with you all, and I'd certainly be grateful for your prayers for focus, commitment, and guidance in completing this novella. ♥

Thank you all for your support and encouragement!


  1. This is wonderfully exciting, Amber! I wish you success in your back-to-editing ventures (and yay for more writing on the horizon!)!

  2. Courtney,

    Thank you so much, dear friend! I really appreciate your kind words! :D


  3. Yes, yes!! Please bring back the blog tours!! Those were so much fun!!

  4. And just so everyone knows, Amber is hard at work editing my next book and is doing a fantastic job! I highly recommend her as an editor. You will not be disappointed!

  5. Yay! Welcome back! ;)

    I can't wait to read When Trains Collide, too!

  6. Cindy,

    You're too sweet! Thank you so much for the shout-out and recommendation of my services! :) It's always a pleasure and honor to work with you.

    And I so enjoyed hosting blog tours! I certainly wouldn't mind returning to it sometime... :)


  7. Rachelle,

    Thank you, dear friend and fellow editor/author! :) And I'm thrilled you want to read Where Trains Collide! It's my hope it's coming down the track... ;)



  8. Many congrats to you on your return to editing, Amber! Wishing you well in all your endeavors. And I can't wait for another book from you! So looking forward to reading more of your writing. :-)

  9. Miranda,

    That's so kind of you, friend! Thank you!! I really appreciate your congratulations and your encouraging words about my writing. :) ♥




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