
Monday, February 13, 2017

Lena Goldfinch’s Sweetheart Blog Tour + Giveaway!

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with some sweet historical romances!

I’m excited to share about the latest book release and an awesome ebook deal from my author friend Lena Goldfinch. :) And don’t miss the fun giveaway at the end of the post!


A former tomboy resolves to be the perfect lady for her new husband. A mute struggles to break through the silence to win her rescuer’s heart. A shy advice columnist develops a secret crush on her most devoted correspondent. The Old West holds challenges galore for these brides…but true love is a worthy reward.

Book 1 | The Unexpected Bride {Buy Now}
Book 2 | Sleigh Bells & Mistletoe {Buy Now}
Book 3 | The Bartered Bride {Buy Now}
Book 4 | Only the Heart Knows {Buy Now}


(Too Tall) Mandy MacKenna is secretly the voice behind Ask Mack, an advice column for men, addressing all matters ranching-related. And she’s secretly in love with “Banks,” one of her most devoted correspondents. But whenever she’s around him, she can barely bring herself to make eye contact with the man.

Adam Booker is a banker-turned-rancher who’s struggling to make his way after he inherits his uncle’s place. If not for Ask Mack, he would have surely floundered by now. But the ranch is only one of his problems, because the woman he has a romantic interest in—a natural beauty by the name of Mandy MacKenna, daughter of the region’s wealthiest rancher—seems less than interested in him. 

A sweet but convoluted romance of secrets and revelations ensues...

Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Google Play | Paperback {You can read a cute excerpt on Amazon!}


For a limited time, get book 1 in the series for only $.99 in ebook format! Sale ends 2/20.

Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Google Play


Lena Goldfinch writes sweet historical western romance / inspirational romance and books for teens. She’s always been a sucker for a good old-fashioned romance, whether it’s a novel or short story, young adult or adult, fantasy or realistic, contemporary or historical. Lena has been a finalist in several national writing contests, including the RWA Golden Heart and ACFW Genesis contests. She enjoys life in a quiet, small town with her husband, two kids, and two very spoiled Black Labs. 

Amazon | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest | Twitter | Website


Indulge your love of books with a $25 gift card to OR Barnes & Noble (winner’s choice!) and all four ebooks in The Brides Series. (If you already have the series, you can surprise a friend by gifting the ebooks to them!) To enter for a chance to win, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Years ago I was getting so frustrated with my husband for constantly leaving his shaving cream and shaver on the counter. I would angrily put it away but I really resented it. I was telling my mom about it and she told me, "You put that shaving cream up and you be happy that he is with you every day! Some day he might not be there anymore and you will regret being angry for something so small." OUCH! But such good advice! It is so true, we are not guaranteed our next breath with the one we love and so I put that shaving cream away if it happens to get left out(which over the years he has started putting away on his own without my prompting). I have also learned through that advice to let a lot of "little stuff" go that is not worth the arguing over. Or those annoying little quirks that tend to get on my nerves...I remind myself daily that someday he may not be here and I will miss those things.

  2. Thank you for inviting me to this fun blog tour, Amber! :)

  3. I think the best advice (for both life and love) would be to "commit your path/plans to the Lord." Great giveaway, thanks for doing it!

  4. Love is a verb! Not sure if someone told this to me, or if I just read it somewhere. But we all need to remember that love isn't just a feeling.

  5. Worst advice: Don't go to bed angry. It turns out that sometimes we need a little break and rest to get things in perspective, let go of the defensiveness, compromise, and resolve arguments :)

  6. Julie,

    Wow, that is a great (and convicting!) reminder! It's crazy how we can get so fixated on the little things... It can be tough to keep things in perspective. Thank you for being willing to share your story and your mother's helpful advice. :)


    P.S. Thank you for participating in the blog tour, as well!

  7. Miranda,

    Of course! Thank you so much for participating in the tour and helping to spread the word! :)


  8. Polaris,

    That is wonderful advice for both love and life in general! Thank you for the comment! Happy to hear you're excited about the giveaway. :)


  9. Patty,

    Yes! It's easy to equate love to feelings. But that's a great thing to remember, how love is demonstrated through actions. :)


  10. Heidi,

    Indeed! It's hard sometimes to end a conversation without reaching a resolution, understanding, or peace. But that's so true about needing space and time to process thoughts and feelings and gain perspective. This is something I definitely can take to heart. :) Thanks so much for sharing!


  11. Worst advice I was ever given, which is probably true anyway, "everything ends, everything ends bad or it wouldn't end." Told to me by some narcissistic guy I dated as a teenager. He also saved my life though.

  12. Hmmm . . . interesting question! I think the worst advice anyone ever gave me was to hold back, and let life "come to me" in a sense, rather than taking the initiative and working hard toward making my dreams come true. After a brief time of adhering to this advice and taking this rather passive approach, I quickly learned that life didn't come to me at all, and instead, life just passed me by.

    So, I guess in the end, maybe I did learn a valuable lesson . . .

  13. Susan,

    Wow! It sounds like there's a story there with this guy saving your life, although it also sounds like dating him wasn't the best experience - which I'm sorry to hear!

    Thank you for being willing to share your response to the question. There are definitely some things that end badly in this life...but I'm grateful that this world isn't all there is. :) Wishing you hope and blessings!


  14. Aunt Cindy,

    Oh, that's a very good point and lesson! I think there's definitely a balance, in the sense of trusting results into God's hands and being willing to wait when necessary. And we know God can certainly bring about whatever His will is, wherever we are. ♥ But I so agree that action and taking steps of faith are imperative, as well as preparing ourselves for the opportunities He might give us and seeking after them. :)

    Like Proverbs 16:9 says, "The heart of man plans his ways, but the Lord establishes his steps." The Lord will establish our steps, but that implies that we're moving forward, right? :)

    Thank you for the thought-provoking and motivating comment!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!