
Thursday, December 22, 2016

I Said Yes with All My Heart

On March 18th, he smiled at me. A virtual smile through eHarmony, followed up with some multiple-choice questions. I was intrigued enough to respond...and when he later answered some open-ended questions I chose for him, I was smitten. This was a man of faith, a humble man who could see God at work in his life and express his insights well through writing.

We spent the next two months falling in love through our words. Emails. Texts. Phone calls. Skype sessions. Handwritten letters.

Memorial Day weekend arrived...and so did Josh, standing there in person for the first time at the airport. I was worried I might not recognize him. I needn't have been. :)

We spent our Saturday out at the coast, walking a trail, sitting by a waterfall, and visiting my favorite lighthouse. We were awkward. We didn't quite know how to navigate the newness of finally being together. But we learned, and it was as sweet and silly and emotional and wonderful as a first real date ought to be.

Then summer came, and with it a series of delightful visits. Vacation with my family in the high desert of Central Oregon. Trips to see him in Washington. Trips to see me.

We meandered through a garden. Explored a lava cave. Went on hikes. Canoed under the stars. Enjoyed a festival with friends. Took a road trip down the coast, viewing a couple more lighthouses along the way.

We experienced some great highs and some tough lows through the summer and into the fall. Quite the new adventure, falling deeper in love while still being hundreds of miles apart. But God has been there through it all, reminding us what love means...showing us new levels of humility...growing us closer together as the seasons changed.

We talked about marriage, about a forever commitment. We spent Thanksgiving together with some of his relatives, with so very much to be grateful for, even in an in-between time.

He completed another difficult quarter of school with success, getting closer and closer to realizing his dream of being an airplane mechanic. And right after his last class before Christmas break, he hopped in his car to head south, trying to beat a winter storm on his way to surprise me with a visit he had been secretly planning for months.

The storm beat him instead.

That evening he called me, devastated that his plans had fallen apart. But God gave us a Christmas miracle early this year. :)

Despite the snow and ice covering the roads, Josh made it safely back home the next morning. We both knew it would be too dangerous for him to try to drive down to see me. He didn't give up, though. He had been able to book a seat on a flight that afternoon...a flight that kept getting delayed as the weather continued to conspire against us.

The odds were high that he would get stuck in an airport overnight, but he got on the plane regardless. And in an answer to prayers, his second flight was delayed long enough for him to make the connection!

We had dinner that night with dear friends of mine who hosted Josh for the weekend. And the next day, Josh was able to carry out his special plans with another outing to the coast.

We had breakfast in a restaurant by the ocean. Took a walk along the beach. Browsed some favorite little shops. And finally made our way to that favorite lighthouse of mine, the one we visited together back in May.

On a trail above the lighthouse, Josh got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes with all my heart!

So now we're entering a new season, one full of uncertainties and newness and incredible possibilities as we start to plan our wedding and our new life together. But God has brought us to this place, and we trust Him to watch over us in all the days and adventures to come.

I couldn't ask for a better companion for the journey. ♥

Thank you, friends, for letting me share my story with you. :) I hope you all have a beautiful Christmas full of reminders that God is at work and very near!


  1. Amber, dear friend, you DESERVE to be happy. Since I've known you, you've been the sweetest and most humble person I know. My heart swells that you're so happy! I wish you and Josh the best that heaven has to offer. I pray that your journey together not only bless the two of you, but also bless and inspire others to trust and wait on God. May your marriage be full of much goodness and joy. God bless you and, big, big Hugs!!! :) XOXO

  2. Amber! I'm squealing with delight right now! How exciting for you and your Josh sounds like a sweet man! Love the pictures, you look perfect together. I love your love story, it sounds as special as you are! Praise the Lord for your faithfulness in waiting for Mr. Right, and may the years bring you much joy and happiness together :)

  3. How perfect! Your smiles say it all! Best wishes to you and Josh and prayers for your perfect happiness in your forever marriage, Love and hugs!

  4. What wonderful news!!! And what a sweet story. ^_^ Congratulations to you, Amber, and I hope your life together will be blessed! <3 Merry Christmas!

  5. Oh Amber! Congratulations! It sounds like you have had a wonderful journey so far, I wish you more to come! God bless you, and Have a Merry Christmas!

  6. Oh, congratulations, Amber!! I pray you two have a wonderful journey as husband and wife!! <3

  7. Congratulations, Amber, on writing your own love story. Looks like a good one!

  8. Yay, Amber! This is great! Very happy for you! Congratulations and Merry Christmas! :)

  9. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! :) Merry Christmas!

  10. How exciting!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you, my friend! :-D

  11. Oh congratulations, Amber, how happy!! Hey, hey, I think I know that lighthouse. Wow, it would have something to run into you...

    I've been rather absent from the blogging world (due to work)(and I hope to change that), so what a wonderful thing to come back to! I was just wondering how you've been.

  12. Congratulations!!!! This makes my heart very happy. I am thrilled and excited for you! May you and Josh have a blessed Christmas!

  13. Congratulations Amber and Merry Christmas.

  14. So exciting to hear your news and now to read more about your journey together. You completely deserve happiness and love and joy, dear friend.

  15. CONGRATULATIONS, Amber! :D I'm so happy for you!

    Merry Christmas!

    ~ Savannah

  16. Amber, congrats! I'm so happy for you, friend. I "knew" this announcement would arrive - my suspicion was sooner rather than later. :) Wishing you and Josh so much joy as you begin this adventure. Hugs.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  17. Congratulations!!! Again. :) When we connected over Facebook I saw him in a few pictures and wondered if he might not be part of the reason you've been so busy this year. ;) This is truly the best news! I am SO, so happy for you, my friend. I will be praying that wedding planning goes smoothly, as well as all the aspects of planning a life together when you live so far apart. There will be lots of changes in your future, but as we all know, God will get you through! His plan is always bigger and more amazing than any we can imagine. Yay! If I could, I'd squeeze you tight, friend. Sending so many hugs and good wishes your way!

  18. This makes my heart SO happy for you!!!

  19. Congratulations Amber!
    It was so delightful to read your story. Thank you for sharing your journey, it truly blessed my heart. So excited to hear more about the coming wedding.

  20. So delightful to read this post of yours. You and Josh have a beautiful story and make one good-looking couple. All the best!

  21. Woo-hoo!! So happy for you both, and looking forward to welcoming Josh into the fold, so to speak. You make such a lovely couple!

  22. Oh, Amber, congratulations! So happy for you!

  23. I am so very excited for you, Amber! A hearty congratulations! I love your love story! :)

  24. I'm a sucker for a good romance. It's even better when it's real life!

    That looks like Heceta Head. I'm feeling the need for a road trip. :)

  25. Unsure how I could POSSIBLY have missed this but completely and totally thrilled beyond words for the both of you.

    Much love to you!


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