
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Special Silver Book Birthday + Giveaway

Join me in wishing a happy book birthday to the second book in a poignant, dramatic, and romantic historical fiction series by Rachelle Rea Cobb! :) This two-week celebration includes an awesome giveaway too! So please read on to learn more about this series and to get your name in the drawing...

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ABOUT The Steadfast Love SERIES 

In 16th-century Europe, the Reformation rages between Protestants and Catholics. Gwyneth, half-Dutch, flees from England to Holland to escape the man who murdered her parents. When he follows her there and insists he came to rescue her, will she trust this man called Dirk? When tragedy strikes, will their steadfast love erode?

ABOUT The Sound of Silver (Book Two)

The stalwart saint and the redeemed rebel. One fights for faith, the other for honor…

After Dirk rescues Gwyneth from the Iconoclastic Fury, she discovers that faith is sometimes fragile—and hope is not as easy as it may seem. Gwyneth continues her quest to learn more about the love of God preached by Protestants she once distrusted.

Meanwhile, Dirk’s quest is to prevent his sullied name from staining hers. Will his choice to protect her prove the undoing of her first faltering steps toward a Father God? Once separated, will Dirk and Gwyneth’s searching hearts ever sing the same song?

Read my thoughts on The Sound of Silver (Book Two) and The Sound of Diamonds (Book One)!


Times gone by snatch Rachelle Rea Cobb close, so she reads and writes about years long ago—her passions include the Reformation, Revolutions, and romance. Rachelle wrote the Steadfast Love series during college. Five months after she graduated, she signed a three-book deal with her dream publisher, WhiteFire. She's a homeschool grad, Oreo addict, and plots her novels while driving around her dream car, a pick-up truck. In June 2016, she married a man with the same name as her fictional hero, and they live happily ever after in Small Town, South.


Enter using the Rafflecopter form below to win a beautiful necklace created by Baubles, Beads and Stuff and your choice of any one of Rachelle’s three books (the series begins in Book One, of course, but in case you have one or two of her books already, Rachelle will gladly send you the next one to read!). 

International friends, the paperback & necklace giveaway is open to continental U.S. addresses only (sorry!). But do still enter, because one international winner will also be chosen to receive an e-book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Amber, you're swell, you know that? Thank you for being a longtime supporter of Dirk & Gwyn--and one of the first readers of this series! I"m blessed to know you. :)

  2. Rachelle,

    Aww! It's been a privilege to be a supporter and friend for the journey. :) Dirk and Gwyn's story is something special!

    Blessed by your friendship as well! Hope you're having a splendid book birthday celebration. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!