
Monday, September 26, 2016

You're Invited to the Emma Read-Along

Dear Friend, 

Are you longing to savor a classic tale on sunny autumn afternoons and chilly fall nights? Have you been eager to become acquainted (or reacquainted) with the refined world of Jane Austen? Then please accept this invitation to join fellow book-lovers for a read-along of Emma, beginning Sunday, October 2nd, and concluding Sunday, October 30th. 

The schedule will proceed as follows...
  • Week 1 ~ Read Vol. I: Ch. 1-14
  • Week 2 ~ Finish Vol. I // read Vol. II: Ch. 1-10
  • Week 3 ~ Finish Vol. II // read Vol. III: Ch. 1-6
  • Week 4 ~ Finish Vol. III
Thus we shall read about 14 chapters a week (or 2 per day). Discussions will be held on Sundays...
  • Week 1 Discussion: October 9th
  • Week 2 Discussion: October 16th
  • Week 3 Discussion: October 23rd
  • Week 4 Discussion: October 30th
It would be a delight to see you here next Sunday (October 2nd) to launch this grand event! And together we shall do our best to make this a fun experience for all. (Perhaps a Twitter watch-along is in order, as well?)

A Fellow Reader

P.S. Please feel free to take the button above and share it on your blog or social media page to announce your participation in the read-along! You can also join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #EmmaReadAlong.

P.P.S. Would you like to see how a Jane Austen read-along works? I invite you to peruse past posts: Persuasion and Prayers Read-Along; Northanger Abbey Read-Along


  1. Looking forward to the Read-Along Amber. I'll be on vacation for the month of October, but I hope to keep up with the reading and discussing. :)

  2. Really want to join ya'll! Unfortunately, high school has declared reign over almost all my for-pleasure reading. Have an excellent time!! <3

  3. Julie,

    Aww, that's awesome that you're willing to join the read-along even while you'll be on vacation! I hope you have a great month, and I'll look forward to chatting with you about Emma whenever you can check in. :)


  4. Miranda,

    Me too! Love your excitement, friend, and I'm looking forward to exchanging thoughts on the story with you! :D


  5. Olivia,

    I totally get it - and I think you're very smart for prioritizing well and staying focused! Thank you for your kind words, and know that you'll be missed! I hope school is going well for you. *hugs*


  6. I've heard my blogging friends talk about your Northanger Abbey read-along and it sounded like it was tons of fun, so I'm definitely going to join in on the Emma read-along! So excited :D.

    ~ Savannah

  7. Savannah,

    Aww, I'm flattered you heard good things about the Northanger Abbey read-along - and I'm excited to have you on board for the Emma read-along! :) I hope you enjoy the book and the discussions! Thanks so much for joining us and visiting my blog. :D


  8. I know it already started, but may I join?

  9. MovieCritic,

    Oh my goodness, yes - please do! :D Anyone is welcome to jump in at anytime. And we haven't even had our first discussion yet, so you're starting at a good time. :) Thanks so much for your interest in the read-along!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!