
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Join the Northanger Abbey Read-Along!

Dear Book-Loving Friend, 

The honor of your presence is requested at the read-along of Northanger Abbey by the illustrious Jane Austen. This event will begin Tuesday, the 1st of March, and conclude Thursday, the 31st of March. Gifts to be awarded and inspiration to be had by all.

But do be forewarned. There are secrets hidden within the halls of the abbey...

* * *

I apologize that I'm issuing this invitation a mere few days before the start of the read-along! I've had it in my mind to host this, but I just haven't taken the steps to put together all the details until now. But you're welcome to jump in at any time! And since we're only reading a chapter a day, it shouldn't be too hard to catch up should you start late. :)

Here are the details:
  • The read-along will last through the month of March.
  • We'll plan on reading one chapter a day, with discussions happening each Thursday of the month (the 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st), for a total of five discussions.
  • There will also be a Twitter watch-along at the end of the read-along (perhaps the evening of the 31st?). We'll be watching the Masterpiece version with JJ Feild as Henry Tilney, naturally. ;)
  • There will be two giveaways (US only due to shipping costs): one for a DVD copy of Northanger Abbey, and the other for the 200th-anniversary annotated edition of Emma by Jane Austen. The first drawing will be held March 3-16, with a winner announced on the 17th. (Hopefully, the winner would receive their prize in time for the watch-along!) The second drawing will be held March 17-30, with a winner announced on the 31st. (I'm hoping Emma will be the subject of our next read-along, so this would help prepare the winner for that event!)

I hope you'll join me here on Thursday for the first discussion!

P.S. Feel free to take the button above and share it on your blog or social media page to announce your participation in the read-along! You can also join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #NAReadAlong.

P.P.S. If you'd like to see how our previous Jane Austen read-along went (for Persuasion), check out this link!


  1. It's like our brains are on the same wave. I was planning to try and read this book in March, and wished there was someone who could read along with me. And lo and behold, I see this post. So yes, I'm joining in and am excited! :-D

  2. I had planned on reading it this year, this read-along allows me to move up that time table and have someone to read it with.

  3. I have yet to read Northanger Abbey and keep meaning too... this is perfect! :D

  4. How fun! I'm in! Perfect timing too since I'm just finishing the read-along of Little Women. :)

  5. Yay! I'm very excited! And a chapter a day will be a great pace. Thank you, Amber, for hosting!

  6. Grace,

    How perfect is that?? I knew this was one people kept expressing interest in reading, and I'm so glad the timing works out well. :) I've read it once before, but I'm sure it will be good to read it again!

    Happy you're joining in!


    P.S. Thanks so much for the recent blog award nomination! ((Hugs))

  7. Carissa,

    Wonderful! Happy to have you on board. :) Thank you for posting about the read-along, as well!


  8. Deborah,

    Yay! That makes me happy. :) Excited you're joining the read-along!


  9. Miranda,

    Awesome!! And thank you for posting about the read-along. :D


  10. Julie,

    Sweet! :D

    I epically failed at the Little Women read-along, sadly. :( I hope to read more today, but I highly doubt I'll be able to catch up. *sad sigh* But I'd still like to finish the story! I'm enjoying it so far. :)


  11. Courtney,

    I'm so glad the pace will work well! I'm all for doable. ;) And I'm happy to host! It's a lot of fun. :) Thanks for joining in!


  12. I was just talking to my husband about this book {he's so Tilney and doesn't know it!}, so I'm all for it! I just have to check out a library copy since mine's in storage. :/

  13. Elaine,

    Aww, that's awesome! Yay for husbands like Tilney! :D I hope you're able to find a copy - we'd love to have you join in the fun. :)


  14. I started reading this book about a week ago, and have already struggled a bit. I always do with Austen books, despite the fact that I want to love her writing. This read along came at the perfect time, though, because I REALLY want to read it! I'm in. :)

  15. I've decided to join! Woo hoo! I'm going to make my introductory post tomorrow. Thanks for hosting this!

  16. Oh my goodness, I literally JUST decided this morning while I was making out my reading list for the month that I would read Northanger Abbey. Impeccable timing! I hope to join in the read-along and enter the giveaways! (Because the prizes look positively scrumptious!)

  17. Bluerose,

    First of all, SO good to hear from you! I feel like I haven't chatted much with you lately. I hope you're doing well. :)

    Second, yay for perfect timing! I totally understand about struggling to get into this sort of writing. I think (hope!) read-alongs can help with motivation. :) (At least, I think it helps me when I'm hosting one, LOL!) Plus, we're going to take it nice and easy over the whole month of March, and the chapters in this particular story are rather short. (Huzzah!)

    So happy you're joining us! ((Hugs))


  18. Jenni,

    All right!! So glad to have you on board. :)


  19. Mary,

    That's perfect!! I love that the timing seems to be working well for everyone. :) Thank you for joining us!

    And I'm happy to hear the giveaway prizes sound good to you. It's always fun deciding what to give away. :) (And how can you beat watching JJ Feild as Henry Tilney?? You really can't!)


  20. Awesome that you're doing this readalong, I hope you guys enjoy reading Northanger Abbey! Maybe I'll pop in a discussion or two or the Twitter chat at the end if time permits :)

  21. Lianne,

    Thank you so much! I'd love to have you pop in for a discussion or chat, if you can. :) That would be fab!


  22. Oh, what a fun idea! I'll have to see if I can find my copy. I need a good dose of Austen in my life right about now. ;)

  23. Heather,

    Aw, don't we all? ;) Huzzah for Austen! I do hope you'll be able to join us!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!