
Monday, January 18, 2016

Join Me for the Little Women Read-Along in February?

Many thanks to awesome blogging friend Courtney (The Green Mockingbird / @CameraCourt) for bringing this read-along to my attention! I got a gorgeous Puffin in Bloom copy of Little Women from Barnes & Noble a while back, but I could use a little motivation to tackle this chubby (but lovely!) book. :)

The read-along is hosted by It's All About Books (@SueySays), Jenni Elyse (@jenni_elyse), and Kami's Library Thoughts (@kamisthoughts). Here are the details...
  • Who: Anyone's invited!
  • What: A read-along of Little Women by Lousia May Alcott
  • When: The month of February
  • Where: First discussion (February 10th) @ Suey's blog; second discussion (February 19th) @ Kami's blog; third discussion (February 29th) @ Jenni's blog
  • Why: To read a treasured classic with friends
There will also be some Twitter chats (#LittleWomenRAL) and a movie watch-along in early March. (Woot!)

If you're interested, you can learn more and sign up at Jenny's blog!

Hope to chat with you in February. :)


  1. Your copy is SO pretty!! Wow! It is also really big. Is it all the Little Women books in one? Thanks for joining us! I hope you have fun!

  2. Thanks a million for the shout-out! And I'm thrilled we're doing this read-along! Little Women is one of those I've always wanted to read, but doing it with a read-along will make it so much more interesting (and provide motivation to finish :).

  3. OH how fun. My all time favorite novel. I have to dig out one of my (three) copies from wherever they ended up after switching rooms last month...
    Can't wait to read along with everyone and hopefully when I feel up to it (I'm having another surgery on February 9th) join in on Twitter and my blog.

  4. I love your copy. It's so beautiful. I just have the Kindle edition, but I would love to get a pretty copy like yours! I'm glad you're joining us! I hope you have fun!

  5. Thanks for joining in the fun! We look forward to getting to know you and to having a great time reading this book together. :)

  6. Kami,

    Thank you! I just love the design. ♥

    And my understanding/hope is that the book contains both Little Women stories. I didn't realize it was more than one "book" until the read-along announcements prompted me to do some digging. (Or maybe I saw it on one of your guys' posts?) Anyway, this copy does look a little intimidating, but I'm looking forward to reading it all the same. ;)

    Thank you for being one of the hosts!


  7. Courtney,

    My pleasure! Thank YOU for bringing the read-along to my attention. :) I could definitely use the motivation of a group read-along! I agree that it should be a lot of fun. :)


  8. Meghan,

    This is your all-time favorite novel? How awesome! :D I'm so glad you're planning on joining the read-along, too!

    Although I'm sorry to hear another surgery is coming up for you, friend. :( Will pray! ((Hugs))


  9. Jenni,

    Thanks so much! I'm so glad you guys are hosting the read-along. :)

    (And I hear you - I love the affordability of ebooks, but it's so nice to have lovely hard copies of beloved books!)


  10. Suey,

    Aww, thank you! I'm looking forward to the read-along and getting to chat with everyone about the story. :)



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