
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Huzzah for Sweater Weather! (A Tag)

It's been a while since I've done a non-bookish sort of post. :) The fab Grace of Fictionally tagged me a while back for the Sweater Weather tag, so I'm finally responding. (Thank you, Grace!)

Who else is excited for sweater weather?? If only autumn wasn't slipping away so quickly...

Favorite candle scent
Hmmm. I like cinnamon and other holiday scents. (Not terribly big on pumpkin, though.) I also really like my Sundrenched Vineyard candle from Bath & Body Works. (It looks like this, but it's a bit bigger and has a bit of a different design. I just love these jar candles! I'm not sure if I love it so much because of the yummy scent or the adorable presentation. Both?)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
Most definitely hot chocolate! Although peppermint tea is nice when I'm in the mood for it. 
What's the best fall memory you have?
It's more like a bunch of little memories I hold dear. Years of watching Disney's animated The Legend of Sleepy Hollow with my family... Showing off my Halloween costume to my grandparents... Drinking the world's best apple cider at the Apple Harvest Festival... Enjoying the beautiful, haunting sight and sound of stalks of corn swaying in the wind while wandering through a maze... Listening to a bluegrass band play at a farm decked out for the harvest... Watching my mom carve the cutest pumpkin faces... Munching on salty roasted pumpkin seeds... Seeing Ashland, Oregon drenched in golden sunlight and dripping with autumn colors.  
In fact, I got to go back to Ashland just a week ago (the last time I went was with my Shakespeare college class). I went with my friend and her husband, and we had an absolute blast! The presentation of Much Ado About Nothing was hilarious and intriguing and beautiful! And while it wasn't quite as sunny and warm as my previous visit, we did get to enjoy the fall colors...

Best fragrance for fall
The scent of my mom's apple dumplings baking in the oven.
Favorite Thanksgiving food
Turkey and homemade biscuits. Mmm!
Most worn sweater
Probably one of my school hoodies. My baggy purple Corban sweater is comfy. :) Although, I also have a little black sweater that I wear all the time, no matter the season. It's a nice, light sweater, and black goes with anything!
Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
Give me a pile of leaves over football any day! (Sorry, Duck fans of Oregon. It's just not my thing!) I love the crunch of leaves and the way the little joys of autumn can bring out the kids in all of us. (Just remember Linus's advice: "Never jump into a pile of leaves with a wet sucker.")
Skinny jeans or leggings?
Jeggings! That's not cheating, right? I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, but the jeggings I've bought at Maurice's are pretty awesome. :)
Combat boots or Uggs?
I guess Uggs. Unless I can choose a third option: cute heeled boots.
Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
I wouldn't really know. *shrugs* I haven't had pumpkin spice anything. Pumpkin = not my fave.
Favorite fall TV show
Not sure if these count, but we like to watch these shows every year: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Disney); It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; Scared Shrekless. All classics!
What do you want to be for Halloween?
Well, I found my prom dress, so I think I'm going to dress up as Cinderella for the harvest party. I mean, just look at how blue and poufy and Cinderella-like it is!
And I can't resist the opportunity to actually wear it again. ;)
Hats or scarves?
Scarves. One of my coworkers taught me a couple of ways to wear a scarf, so now I'm not so unsure of them, haha. And I've added a ton to my collection over the past year!
What's your #1 favorite thing about fall?
I love the symbolism of the season - the letting go that is all at once freeing and beautiful and melancholy. It's that indescribable something that makes autumn a time of long nights, thought-provoking sights, and harvest joys. 
* * *

Your turn! I'm tagging Courtney at The Green Mockingbird, Meghan at A Northern Belle, and Kara at Flowers of Quiet Happiness - but I'd love to hear everyone's autumn preferences in the comments section. :) "Happy fall,  y'all!"


  1. How fun! :) I love tags! Thanks for tagging me my friend. <3

  2. I'm in I'll try to get my post up this week.

  3. Meghan,

    Me, too! They always include such fun questions. :) Happy to tag you, friend - looking forward to seeing your responses!


  4. Carissa,

    Awesome! Gotta love the topic of autumn. :) Looking forward to your post!


  5. This is so fun! I love tags :) Thank you for tagging me. Yay for scarves, apples, and memories with friends.

  6. Courtney,

    I love them, too! And you're very welcome! Totally agree with all three of those fabulous reasons for loving fall. :)


  7. Amber! I loved this post ... and your prom dress! It's always good to get to know you more! :)


  8. Miranda,

    That's so kind of you to say! Thanks so much for reading the post. :) And isn't it a pretty dress? I'm really grateful my parents got it for me. It was fun being Cinderella for a day (well, night, technically) in high school - and once again today! ;)

    Hope you're doing well, friend!


  9. Since I'm finally catching up on your posts, I just realized I never commented on this one! So sorry about that. I did post my answers, thank you for the tag!! :)

    That dress is so pretty! Did you end up using it for Cinderella?

    Ashland looks like a fun place to visit. Since you enjoyed Much Ado the play, have you seen either of the movies? I can't remember if we've talking about that before or not. I love both for the record! :)

  10. Kara,

    No worries at all! And always happy to tag you and learn more about you. :)

    Thank you for the compliment about the dress! I truly loved wearing it to prom. And yes, I did end up wearing it so I could be "Cinderella" at the harvest party at work. :) While it wasn't quite the same as prom (of course!), the best part was when one of my coworkers brought her daughter by, and we got to twirl (well, mostly me, because she was shy, but still!). :D My coworker later told me I had been dubbed the "Blue Princess." Aww!!

    Ashland is a totally great place to visit! Such a cute little town, and the Shakespeare Festival is great. And I have seen one of the movies (the one with Emma Thompson) a few year back, I believe, but I'm probably due for a rewatch sometime. :)

    Thank you for commenting!



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