
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Blog Tour: The Sound of Silver

Isn't it wonderful to see dreams unfolding all around you?

My blogger friend and proofreader, Rachelle Rea, has been hard at work these past months, polishing up the gems of her debut historical romance trilogy, Steadfast Love. And now Book 2, The Sound of Silver, is being presented to the world in all its loveliness! It's a pleasure to help her celebrate this release (as well as the beautiful cover reveal for Book 3 a few days ago).

Check it out!

About the Book

The stalwart saint, fighting for faith… the redeemed rebel, fighting for honor.

 After Dirk rescues Gwyneth from the Iconoclastic Fury, she discovers that faith is sometimes fragile—and hope is not as easy as it may seem. Gwyneth continues her quest to learn more about the love of God preached by Protestants she once distrusted.

Meanwhile, Dirk’s quest is to prevent his sullied name from staining hers. Will his choice to protect her prove the undoing of her first faltering steps toward a Father God? Once separated, will Dirk and Gwyneth’s searching hearts ever sing the same song?

Available now!
Order on Amazon | Add to Goodreads

My Thoughts

It's refreshing to experience such an epic love as Dirk and Gwyn's, spanning the length of a trilogy filled with hardships and obstacles and complex emotions. There's something very authentic about a romance that grows and matures beyond the first happily-ever-after ending.

I had the privilege of revisiting these beloved characters first introduced in The Sound of Diamonds through reading and critiquing an early version of The Sound of Silver, and once again I was impressed by the unique themes and circumstances, as well as the likability of the characters, despite their stubborn natures and mistakes.

In this second installment of Rachelle's poignant historical romance series, Dirk, Gwyn, and their friends and loved ones must face threats from the past and from within their own uncertain hearts. It's a dramatic continuation of the story and a great set-up for all that is to come in the last chapter of the series.

Silver doesn't sparkle in quite the same way as Diamonds did with its many adventures and dangers and fledgling relationships. Silver is more of a solid setting in which Diamonds (as the beginning) and Emeralds (as the end) shine even brighter; it provides the testing and bonding in-between story that explores fears, betrayal, and doubts.

While I haven't fully re-read the final version of Silver yet, glancing through the pages reminded me of the tenderness of the love story and showed me that the story has been strengthened even more since I first saw it. I definitely recommend experiencing the inspiring journey from start to finish - and luckily, that finish is only a few short months away (February 2016)!

About the Author

Rachelle Rea plots her novels while driving around the little town she’s lived in all her life in her dream car, a pick-up truck. An Oreo addict, she is also a homeschool graduate and retired gymnast. She wrote The Sound of Emeralds (the final book in the Steadfast Love series) during her senior year of college.

Find Rachelle online:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram


  1. Beautiful review, Amber. AS always. Beautiful. Looking forward to Emeralds. :)

  2. Rissi,

    You are too kind! Thank you, friend. :) Emeralds is a worthy conclusion to this great series - it's going to be an epic release!


  3. Amber, how I love and appreciate these words--and you, for you had such a great impact on shaping this story. Thank you!

    Rissi, you're amazingly encouraging. I hope you truly enjoy the finale to the saga :)

  4. Rachelle,

    ((Hugs)) Steadfast Love is such an impressive debut series, and I feel privileged to have been able to watch and experience a bit of the journey to publication. Thank you for the sweet words, and many well-deserved congratulations to you!

    And I completely agree about Rissi being an amazing encourager. :D



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