
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Night at a Lighthouse

If you ever wonder where my characters get their impulsiveness from...well, wonder no more!

A few weeks ago when my sister and I visited Heceta Head Lighthouse on the Oregon coast, the lighthouse tour guide told us about the bed and breakfast operating out of one of the former lightkeeper homes. I was delighted at this discovery and definitely intrigued at the possibility of staying the night in such a beautiful location.

My thought was to come back in winter sometime, when the rates are a little cheaper (being off-season). But then last week I saw that one of the smallest rooms remained unreserved for Labor Day. After double-checking to make sure I could get Tuesday off, I promptly booked it.

And I'm ever so glad I did. :)

My comfy bed. (And that pile of papers? That's what I have so far for Where Trains Collide. Per my dear friend Lena's suggestion, I printed it out and read it. I think perhaps Trisha and Paul's story isn't hopeless!)

The breakfast room. (Seven-course meal, friends. Seven. Courses.)

The grand porch, perfect for sunny-evening reading.

See what I mean? (I re-read Daddy-Long-Legs. Once again delightful!)

A peek at the lighthouse.

Sunset glory.

A view from above.

The bed and breakfast.

Last light.

Next morning.

Hello from Heceta Head!

A distant view of the lighthouse (left) and B&B (right).

Such an amazing, relaxing, unforgettable experience! (The lighthouse at night, surrounded by stars? A memory to cherish.) I totally recommend Heceta Head Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast - and even just a visit to the lighthouse. Light is such a magnificent thing, isn't it?

And now that I've finally finished another story (the first draft of Sting Me to Sleep - didn't I tell you? :)) and had a chance to look back on my poor neglected novella, I feel grateful and encouraged and motivated to tackle Where Trains Collide once again. Wish me luck!

(Don't you think that Heceta Head Lighthouse should appear in a future story? Me too!)

P.S. This post was not sponsored by Heceta Head Lighthouse B&B. I just wanted to share some pretty pictures and gush about the beauty of it all!


  1. That is SO lovely! It sounds like you had a great trip! : )

  2. What a lovely place and I do love the scenery at Heeta Head. I'm so glad you are getting inspired to finish your novel as I love your stories. Holiday vacations are lovely, aren't they?

  3. This is SO beautiful - can I just LIVE THERE forever?!

  4. What a beautiful place you visited, Amber! Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad you enjoyed a relaxing couple of days away and were renewed in your excitement with your novellas and stories. Great post. :)

  5. Allison,

    Isn't Heceta Head beautiful? I love the Pacific Northwest!

    And yes, I had an absolutely wonderful little trip. :) Thanks so much for checking out my pics; hope you had a great Labor Day weekend, too!


  6. Sandra,

    It's gorgeous, for sure. :) Love this part of the world!

    And thank you so much for the encouragement! I'm touched by your words, and I really hope I get to share a new story with you soon. :) Excited for your next release, too, friend!

    Yay for WIPs and holiday weekends!


  7. Stefanie,

    Oh, I'm totally with you! It's such a wondrous place. ♥

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! :)


  8. Rissi,

    That's so kind of you to say! It's wonderful to store up memories to look back on when you need some rejuvenation or inspiration, isn't it? :)

    I hope you had a lovely weekend, as well, friend!


  9. Lovely post! I would to go there myself now. Yes, definitely should go into a book.

  10. WOAH! Oh my gosh, that place looks AMAZING. That's awesome that you got to stay there! Oooh another story?! Yay!!

  11. What an amazing getaway for a writer! I would love to go there someday :)
    Btw, Hi Amber! I'm Eliza. I'm a Christian homeschooled fifteen year old and I am currently editing my first novel. I recently started following your blog :)

  12. Linda,

    Thank you! And I definitely recommend a stop at Heceta Head if you find yourself on the West Coast. :)

    Doesn't the setting look wonderful for a story? Inspiring!


  13. Emily,

    It truly is! I loved my stay. :)

    And yes! The novelette I just finished is a Sleeping Beauty story. :) (At this point, I don't think I'll be entering it in the contest...but the contest did inspire me!) Now to work on Where Trains Collide, etc. ;)

    Thanks so much for your interest in my stories and your support, friend!


  14. Eliza,

    I completely agree! And I definitely recommend a trip to the lighthouse - it's a beautiful, beautiful spot.

    And thanks so much for following and introducing yourself! It's nice to meet you. :) That's wonderful that you're editing your first novel! Hope things are going well for you. Exciting times!

    Please do make yourself at home here - hope to see you around. :)


  15. Wow, Amber!! Sooooo gorgeous!! What a perfect place to get the little grey cells firing and ready to write. So glad you had a fun getaway!! All the best with Sting Me to Sleep.

  16. Cindy,

    I know, right??? It's a fabulous getaway destination. :) Thanks so much for your kind comment!


  17. What a beautiful place to spend a long weekend! It looks so relaxing and peaceful. And yay for writing!! I am confident that WTC is still in you, just waiting for the perfect moment to finish itself. (Meanwhile, I will enjoy your newest novelette! :)

  18. Kara,

    For sure! I truly loved staying the night there; would do it again in a heartbeat. :)

    And your faith in me and WTC means so very much! It's a blessing (and mercy) to know that others haven't given up on the story, despite my delays in getting it out there. Thank you for understanding - and for your help with my novelette! ♥


  19. This place looks utterly gorgeous!! And that room is so charming!

  20. Olivia,

    Yes to both!! :) This place is beautiful, for sure. ♥ Highly recommend a visit!



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