
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Real Neat Sisterhood of the World: Blog Awards

Whoever came up with the idea of blog awards is awesome. :) I love that they allow us to show some love to our blogging friends and learn more about one another.

Many thanks to Ariel of The Librarian's Bookshelf and Shantelle of A Writer's Heart for the recent award nominations! I haven't been the greatest about participating in posts like these lately, but I couldn't resist answering these fun questions...

Real Neat Blog Award Rules:
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc.).

Here are the questions...

1. What is your favorite genre and why?

I like to think I've broadened my reading horizons a bit since I first started blogging, and I've discovered some lovely gems in a variety of sub-genres (fantasy, contemporary, historical, time-travel, dystopian, and even paranormal). But the overarching theme/genre of the reads I most enjoy would be romance. Sometimes romance is just one flavor in the whole sundae, and most often it's the whole enchilada, but generally I love me some sweet love in my fiction. :)

2. Where is your favorite place to read?

Does "anywhere" count? I love the memories I make reading in unique places (like up a tree or in an airport), but I spend a lot of time reading in bed or on the couch, which works just fine!

3. What are you reading right now? What do you think so far?

I just finished a book last night (Five Enchanted Roses, which was awesome!), but I have a few others I've started, and some I plan to start soon. Part of me wishes I could read it all at once so I don't have to choose, but then I'm grateful that our brains force us to savor one story at a time. ;)

4. What made you want to start a book blog?

My desire to be a writer - with some inspiration from other bloggers I followed and a much-appreciated nudge from one of my professors at college. You can read my first post HERE, if you're interested!

5. Do you prefer physical books or ebooks?

Both! You just can't beat the experience of reading a physical book, but then you can't beat the convenience of buying and reading ebooks. I like collecting both. Love 'em either way!

6. Who is your favorite author?

Oh, good gravy - that's a tough question! While I do have some authors whose releases I eagerly anticipate (Sharon Cameron, Rosamund Hodge, Marissa Meyer, Serena Chase, MaryLu Tyndall, Karen Witemeyer, Jennifer E. Smith, Lena Goldfinch, and many more), I feel like I often roll on a book by book basis. I like trying new authors if the story sounds promising and the cover is pretty (#LetsBeReal). And sometimes, a favorite author releases a book that isn't so much my cup of tea, even though I still love their writing. Just depends!

7. What is your favorite series?

Again, just one? So hard! :) I'm going to cheat and list several: "The Legacy of the King's Pirates" by MaryLu Tyndall, "Phantom Island" by Krissi Dallas (eagerly awaiting the next set of four!), and "The Lunar Chronicles" by Marissa Meyer (not a huge fan of Fairest, but I'm dying for Winter!). Also, for a little #ThrowbackThursday fun, I still have a special place in my heart for the "Disney Girls" series by Gabrielle Charbonnet.

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award Rules:
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. 
  • Put the award logo on your blog. 
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you. 
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. 
  • Nominate ten blogs.

Here are the questions...

1. What genre have you read most this year?

Hmmm... I think it's a fairly good mix of contemporary, fantasy, and historical. Although it seems like I've been reading a lot of stories with some sort of fantastical or fairy-tale elements. :) You can check out my stats on Goodreads.

2. Do you enjoy fairy tales? Which one do you like most?

Yes, indeedy! I'd probably have to go with Beauty and the Beast as my favorite, although I greatly enjoy creative retellings of all sorts of tales.

3. Favorite dessert?

My grandma used to make a chocolate Texas sheet cake with homemade frosting for birthdays and special occasions, and there was nothing more delicious or delightful! I haven't tried to make it myself, but perhaps someday. It's a recipe that deserves to live on.

4. Which Disney princess are you most like and why?

Cliche as it is for a book blogger, I have to say Belle. The love of books, the longing for adventure...the naivete and brown hair. :) But when I was younger, I used to want to be like Jasmine (I even had a "magic carpet" - a little Oriental rug with tassels my mom had sewn on it!) and Ariel (I went through a period of wanting to be an Olympic swimmer and a professional singer when I grew up...). And now I really admire Princess Anna's attitude and kindness, and I love Tiana's work ethic, as well as her big dreams and big heart. Wouldn't mind being like them!

5. Which Disney prince do you consider the most dashing?

Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert. He's handsome, daring, and a total softie with the best smile. :) And if I could pick two, I'd add Prince Naveen. He starts out shallow, yes, but oh my goodness - the way he supports Tiana and totally adores her makes my heart melt. ♥

6. What was your favorite blog post this year?

I'm such a I'm going with my Top 3 so far!
7. A few books you hope to read soon?

The Shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor by Melanie Dobson (for review), The Wonder of You by Susan May Warren (for fun), and Persuasion by Jane Austen (for the read-along!).

8. Favorite book of the year?

Favorite new fiction: Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade
Favorite non-fiction: The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst

And I just have to mention the two classics... I discovered the loveliness of the Tuck Everlasting book this year, and it's definitely a favorite! I also re-read To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time since freshman year of high school, I believe...and I was absolutely blown away by a book I hadn't really understood or appreciated when I was younger. Now, I feel it must be among my top favorites - the story is just that raw and true and meaningful, with characters that are real. Classics (for me) have often been books to wade through and endure because school required it, with a few exceptions in college (like Dracula and Jane Eyre) that I especially enjoyed. I'm so grateful and excited to experience the magic of classics that have surprised me and moved me.

9. Summer or winter?

Generally, I'd say summer. I love family vacations and longer days and sunshine and fun events like county fairs! Right now, this heat and the bugs are making me think fondly of winter days...but still, I do love summer overall.

10. One goal you have?

To read Persuasion for the first time! Yes, this is a shameless shout-out for the read-along starting next week. :)

And the awards go to...

I'm nominating: Julie (My Favorite Pastime) | Kara (Flowers of Quiet Happiness) | Rissi (Dreaming Under the Same Moon) | Courtney (The Green Mockingbird) | Carissa (Carissa's Bookshelf) | Alicia (A Brighter Destiny) | Meghan (A Northern Belle) | Emily (Zerina Blossom's Books) | Caitlyn (Just Your Average Reviews) | Miranda (To Be a Person)

Y'all can pick which award you want to share (or both!). (And absolutely no pressure if you don't have time or interest right now! This is just a fun thing for those who want to do it. :)) Feel free to either respond to the corresponding questions I answered above or choose from the questions below:

1. Dream vacation this summer, if you could go anywhere?

2. Classic (book) you're most interested in revisiting sometime?

3. Latest fictional crush?

4. Favorite period drama?

5. One summer book release you're super excited about?

6. Music you can't get enough of at this moment in time?

7. Most exciting discovery this year (book, movie, or music)?

8. Best freebie you've found online (ebook, download, subscription)?

9. Favorite Jane Austen hero?

10. Most beloved Disney sidekick?


  1. I finally had the opportunity to read this in full! I loved seeing your answers. Yay for all of the book love and Disney fun. I'm going to start working on my answers now :)

    My grandma makes a chocolate sheet cake (not sure that it is a "Texas" recipe) that is to die for! She used to make it very often for all of mine and my cousins' birthdays. The icing for it is heated in a pan and poured over the cake while it is hot. And now talking about it really wants me to make one!

    It seems like I'm hearing a lot lately about The Legacy of the King's Pirates series. I must check it out!

  2. Aww, Amber! Thanks so much for the awards. :) Such fun tags. I'm posting mine on Tuesday. HOpe you're well! One day we need to pick up our letter-emails again. :)

  3. Amber, this is lovely! What fun questions and of course, another well put together post by you. Loved reading about some of your favorite books and/or character. Flynn is awesome. I love that dude and have to confess, this makes me want to watch Tangled again. ;)

    Thank YOU so much for the S/O. I plan to put mine together next week at the latest. Appreciate you and your beautiful blog, friend. :)

  4. So fun to read your post, Amber!! ^_^ So glad you could do it!

    Belle seems popular among us readers/writers, :D I always loved Ariel when I was younger; but after Tangled, I totally sympathize with and understand our lovely Rapunzel, ;D And Flynn Ryder is the best, isn't he? Dashing "bad guy" turned courageous hero with such a soft heart, ^_^

    Once again, fun to read your post! I meant to comment sooner ... but yeah ... lots going on!

    Blessings! :)

  5. thanks for the awards Amber my post should be live on my blog now if you want to check out my answers. This was fun post and I did enjoy reading your answers. I think Belle is indeed the choice among readers and writers.

  6. Courtney,

    Thanks so much for reading! I'm so glad you decided to put together a post, too. :) You have some fab responses!

    Oooh, your grandma's cake sounds scrumptious! Grandmas do make the best cakes, don't they? :)

    And yes, I totally recommend The Legacy of the King's Pirates series! (Although, if I may add, the original covers for the first three books were much better, in my opinion. Although I like the covers for the two latest, The Ransom and The Reckoning! And it's quite fun that The Reckoning adds in some time travel. ;))


  7. Meghan,

    You're very welcome! Aren't these awards post fun? Happy you participated, too! :) And yes, I'd love to start emailing again! I just need to get better at responding sooner. :P


  8. Rissi,

    Aww, thanks so much! Isn't Flynn wonderful? And any excuse to watch Tangled again, right? :)

    I'm always happy to give you a shout-out, friend, and I look forward to your responses! Thank you again for your constant encouragement and kindness!


  9. Shantelle,

    Thank YOU for the nomination, and for checking out my responses! It was a lot of fun answering your great questions!

    Yes, Belle is a popular choice for us bookworms. :) And Flynn is awesome! I definitely love his and Rapunzel's story.

    And no need to apologize - I'm way late in responding! I'm happy you stopped by. :)


  10. Carissa,

    You're so welcome! It was fun reading your answers, too, and I'm grateful you checked out mine. :) And it's hard to beat Belle as a bookish princess, right?



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!