
Friday, July 17, 2015

Persuasion and Prayers Read-Along: Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of the Persuasion and Prayers Read-Along! You can follow along on this three-week discussion of Persuasion and The Prayers of Jane Austen by checking out the read-along tag or by clicking the button in the sidebar.

Today we're discussing the second part of Jane Austen's prayers from The Prayers of Jane Austen (the lovely book that inspired this whole read-along!). But first, here are a few links you should definitely check out...
  • In addition to the read-along giveaways (you still have today to enter this week's giveaway - see the form at the bottom of the post!), there's another giveaway of the book happening on Harvest House's Facebook page. More chances to win this lovely book for your nightstand or for a friend? Why, yes! 
  • Did you know this read-along conversation can also be found on other social media sites? Check out the hashtag #InspiredByAusten on Twitter to chat with us, and/or visit the Inspired By Austen Pinterest board to take a visual journey through the read-along and all things Austen. (Leave a comment if you'd like to be added to the board!)
(Have you been participating in the read-along via your blog? Or have you written a review of Persuasion or The Prayers of Jane Austen that you'd like to share? Leave a link in the comments, and I can include it in one of next week's posts!)

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You're Invited to a Twitter Watch-Along!

Kara (@flowersquiet) and I have had an absolute blast in recent months with events we like to call "watch-alongs." :) Basically, we meet up on Twitter and begin watching a movie at the same time, proceeding to tweet our observations and favorite quotes and all the goodness of the characters and story. Fun, am I right?? It's the next best thing to actually getting all your blogging friends together in front of the TV in your living room!

Well, we'd like to invite you to join us for a special viewing of Persuasion (1995 version) next week! Here are the details:
Who: You, me, and whoever wants to join in!
What: A watch-along of Persuasion (1995), with commentary to be live-tweeted during the viewing
When: Tuesday, July 21st at 5:30 p.m. PST / 8:30 p.m. EST
Where: Twitter (#InspiredByAusten; I tweet with the handle @SeasonsHumility)
Why: Because you know you want to watch the movie now! ;)
*Note: I hope this time works all right for everyone! Because I work until 5:00, I can't really start much sooner, and I know we wouldn't want to start any later, or we'd be keeping the East-Coasters up all night! But if the details change, I'll be sure to let you all know.

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The Prayers of Jane Austen: Part II

Discussion Format: One quote to ponder, one observation, and one question for each day's reading.

Quote to Ponder

"We bless Thee for every comfort of our past and present existence...imploring their continuance from They Fatherly goodness, with a more grateful sense of them, than they have hitherto excited."
- Jane Austen


I think this line sums up this poignant prayer well: "We are helpless and dependent; graciously preserve us."

Austen's humility rings clear in her desire for mercy and the strength to do her gratitude and her longing to be even more grateful in the her requests for the preservation of herself and her loved ones. The attitude of this prayer is admirable, and I could certainly learn from its example of honesty and reverence!

I believe I tend to take way too much for granted and don't appreciate my blessings as I ought. Austen's reminder to have a heart that's growing in its sense of gratitude is much-needed.

And not only does this prayer serve as a reminder to speak words of gratitude and praise to God, but it also reminds me that I should live in a way that expresses my gratitude. Does my life reflect the excitement of a thankful heart? Do I show my gratitude to God in the way I spend my time and through the choices I make?

Those last questions strike a nerve for me. The way I spend my free time and prioritize my activities and exercise generosity - those are all areas where I especially need God's mercy and strength to do better, to develop "a more grateful sense of [my blessings], than they have hithero excited."


Did this prayer speak to you and your current situation in life? If so, how?


Today's the last day to log your entries for this week's giveaway! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for a chance to win a hardcover copy of The Prayers of Jane Austen. (You'll have one more chance to win this book next week!)

(Giveaway open to US residents only. Prize donated by the book's editor, Terry Glaspey. Thanks, Terry!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
We'll resume our Persuasion read-along on Monday (discussing chapters 17 and 18)!


  1. Quote to Ponder: " Pardon, O God, the offenses of the past day. We are conscious of many frailties; we remember with shame and contrition, many evil thoughts and neglected duties; and we have perhaps sinned against Thee and our fellow-creatures in many instances of which we have no remembrance." Jane Austen

    This sort of reminded me about keeping "short accounts" with God. Confessing sin quickly and making things right between God and my "fellow-creatures" as quickly as possible. I like the end of this quote about there being "many instances of which we have no remembrance." A good reminder to take every thought captive, even those fleeting annoying thoughts that cross our mind such as standing in line at the check out and being impatient with the person in front of us, or frustrated with the person driving slow when we are in a hurry, or the person that you pass by and they smell so bad you want to throw up(they are God's creation too). So many of those "little sins" that we think nothing of because they aren't the BIG ones.

    Once again I like Jane Austen's form in writing her prayers. This one is set up a bit different, but there are still the elements of confession, intercession, praise and thanksgiving.

  2. Julie,

    Thank you so much for another thoughtful comment! That's such a poignant part of the prayer - and it's so true how much we sin in a variety of ways that we'd consider "little," but it's all still sin. And how often we sin without even acknowledging it or recognizing it as such!

    I like the idea of keeping "short accounts." This prayer is a great reminder to really search our hearts and, as you say, strive "to take every thought captive." It's a constant, daily battle we face.

    Thank goodness for God's grace and the countless second chances He gives us!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!