
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Birthday and Blogoversary Bash (+ Free Books!)

Three years ago, I had recently graduated from college.

Two years ago, I revealed the cover of my debut novel.

One year ago, I was preparing to move to a new town and start a new job.

What epic life-change does Amber have to announce this year? An engagement?? That would be the logical next step, of course. ;)

But nope, there's not quite so much fanfare around this birthday. No new book releases (yet!). No big move or extremely exciting tidings.

And that's perfectly all right. Because I have all sorts of things to celebrate today...
  • Family awaiting me at home for my sister's upcoming high-school graduation (woot!) and our Disneyland vacation (squee!).
  • Friends and coworkers to play mini golf and eat pizza with tonight. (Can't wait!) Correction: Red Robin instead of pizza - even better!
  • Blogging pals who continue to inspire and encourage and teach me what social media is really all about. (Book chats, am I right?? #BookBesties Hashtag created by the fabulous Rissi)
  • Five-plus years of blogging joys. (Shame on me for missing out on a chance to party back in March... Clarification: That's when my actual blogoversary occurred - I just figured I'd lump it in with the birthday fun. :))
  • Four books out in the world, including my very first audiobook, which I adore.
  • A job to challenge and grow me. (And pay the bills - mustn't forget that!)
  • An apartment for living and sleeping and watching movies and reading and having random one-person dance parties/karaoke sessions.
  • A church and college group to pull me into community.
  • A town and state to explore.
  • And a Savior who blesses beyond measure and never gives up on me.

Well, there's just an awful lot to celebrate! Including the fact that I'm now the same age as my darling hero Derrick from How a Star Falls. ;) We're like twinsies!

While I don't have any new releases to offer you at this time for a giveaway, I don't want to bemoan the fact that I'm behind on where I should be and late on publishing a couple of titles that should be out by now. (Although I still apologize for the delay!)

For now, I just want to look back and say "yay" to the journey and the seasons that came before. Yay for Bleeding Heart and Forget Me Not and the short stories and How a Star Falls! Each of them helped me express my heart and explore new horizons in different seasons, and I'm grateful for the chance to have written those stories and shared them with others.

If you haven't yet read all of my already-published books, I'd love to offer you a copy of one today! You can read more about them HERE. Just fill out the form below, and I'll email you the document of your choice soon. (Offer ends when I close the form to entries.)

* * *

So tell me, dear friends, what is it you're celebrating today? What happened in seasons past that helped shape the person you are and life you have now?


  1. Congratulations!! I am celebrating... summer! A time for rest, fun, and relaxation! Oodles and oodles of free time!

    Happy birthday!

  2. Happy 3 years and Birthday, Amber! Looks like you have many blessings to be thankful for. And wow, has it really been 2 years since you showed us the cover of "Bleeding Heart?" Time sure does fly by!

    I'm learning to celebrate the little blessings in life. May not be anything fancy, but I choose to think of it as a growing experience. :-)

  3. Happy birthday! Today I'm celebrating the third day of my new lifestyle of eating clean :) Thank you for the e-book! It's been on my wishlist.

  4. Thanks for this kind offer, Amber! Later today I'll be celebrating my new book, Hutterite Diaries. McNally Robinson bookstore in Winnipeg, MB is hosting a book launch. Very exciting!!

  5. Happy birthday, Amber!

    All you have done in just three years is inspiring!

    Wishing you a GREAT celebration of your day! Blessings!

  6. As always, what a beautiful post, Amber. You are constantly writing some of the most sweet, poignant "blessing posts" I read. Thank you for constantly reminding us to appreciate those small blessings. Sometimes life really is all about our simple joys. Thanks for being an inspiration in this blogging community.

    Happy blogoversary, my friend - and BIRTHDAY! Yippee! So happy you have some fun plans today. Hope you enjoy your day. Wishing you many more happy blogging years. <3

  7. Happy birthday! You're such a sweetheart to still offer copies of your novels. Thanks friend!

  8. Happy birthday, Amber!!! Thank you for offering copies of your books! I can't wait to read another book by you! (Well, technically I listened to How a Star Falls, I didn't read it ... but I LOVED IT and I want to check out more of your work!)

  9. Happy birthday, Amber! :-) Your list of things that you're celebrating was fun to read - and reminded me of the things in my own life that I can be thankful for. You and your blog are a blessing to all of us book-lovers! Have a blessed year.

  10. Allison,

    Summer is a great thing to celebrate! And cherish that free time, for sure! :) Hope your season is a great one.

    Thank you!


  11. Grace,

    Thank you! :) And isn't it crazy that it's been two years since the cover reveal of Bleeding Heart?? Time is elusive stuff, indeed...

    Life's little things are totally worth celebrating! Those are the things that add up to years of memories to look back on and treasure. :)


  12. Jamie,

    Thanks so much! I'm celebrating a little late this year (my actual blogoversary was at the end of March), but better late than never, right? ;) Thanks for swinging by!


  13. Heidi,

    Thank you! And that's awesome - go you!!! Wishing you much success and satisfaction. :) Eating habits are definitely something I could work on making better...

    Hope you enjoy Elizabeth's story!


  14. Linda,

    You're very welcome! And a book launch is such a wonderful thing to celebrate! I hope everything is going well. :) I started reading your book this weekend, and really enjoyed that peek into a day in your life. You have a lovely writing style!


  15. Sherida,

    Aww, that's so kind of you to say! Thank you so much for your friendship and support. :) Blessings to you!


  16. Rissi,

    As always, I'm so touched by your thoughtful comment. ♥ Thank you for your constant support and encouragement - and for the kind birthday wishes! I'm blessed to know that these little posts serve a good purpose. :)

    *Hugs* to you, #BookBestie!


  17. Ariel,

    Aww, you're welcome! And thank you! Lovely to see you in the blogosphere again. :)


  18. Emily,

    Thank you so much! Your comment is like a big hug. :) It means a great deal to know that you enjoyed How a Star Falls and want to read more!

    Happy reading!


  19. Alicia,

    You are too kind! Thank you so much for the sweet words of encouragement. I'm thrilled you enjoyed reading the list. :) Thank you for your friendship, and blessings to you in the year ahead, as well!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!