
Sunday, March 1, 2015

{Something New}: My Review of Meant to Be Mine + March Picks

I only ended up reading "something new" in February (out of my two picks)...but it was a wonderful "something"! You'll find my thoughts on Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade below, along with my March picks for this challenge. Happy new month!

About the Book

Ty Porter has always been irresistible to Celia Park. All through high school - irresistible. When their paths cross again after college - still irresistible. This time, though, Ty seems to feel exactly the same way about Celia. Their whirlwind romance deposits them at a street-corner Las Vegas wedding chapel.

The next morning they wake to a marriage certificate and a dose of cold reality. Celia's ready to be Ty's wife, but Ty's not ready to be her husband. He’s a professional bull rider, he lives on the road, and he’s long planned to settle down with the hometown girl he’s known since childhood.

Five and a half years pass. Celia's buried her dreams so that she can afford to raise her daughter. Ty's achieved all of his goals. Or thought he had, until he looks again into the eyes of the woman he couldn't forget and into the face of the child he never knew he had.

How much will Ty sacrifice to win back Celia’s trust and prove to her that their spontaneous marriage can still become the love of a lifetime?

Amazon | Goodreads

My Rating


My Review

Undoubtedly my favorite book of Becky Wade's so far! Funny enough, Meant to Be Mine has two elements that I generally don't consider a favorite in romances: a child, and a love triangle where two women are in love with the same man. Somehow this story must have been "meant for me" regardless, because I loved seeing Ty and Celia's romance play out!

This second book in the "Porter Family" series has a very unique premise, especially where Christian fiction is concerned: A Las Vegas wedding gone wrong - but a marriage that still means something even years after husband and wife have separated.

Each character, whether primary or secondary, is vividly drawn and enchantingly envisioned. Celia and her slightly hippie, baking-loving style. Ty and his utterly frustrating conceit and yet heart-melting vulnerability, values, and growth. Addie with her teal glasses, hot-pink cowgirl boots, and love of princess stories. Uncle Danny - single surfer dude with really bad luck in finding a date among his own older age group.

There are even cameos by Meg and Bo from Undeniably Yours, and scenes with younger brother Jake, who is set to star in A Love Like Ours. Let me tell you, I'm even more eager for the third book in the series after being captivated by Meant to Be Mine!

With themes of forgiveness and sacrifice woven into an engaging story about finding new dreams and reviving old love, this book is a delightful take on contemporary romance.

* * *

Care to join the {Something Old, Something New} Challenge? Visit PidginPea's Book Nook for all the details!

And now, here are my March 2015 picks...

{Something Old}
Acquired March 2012

Wisdom came as God’s gift, but sacred love was forged through passion’s fire…

Standing in the shadow of his famous father, young King Solomon wavers between fear and bravado, longing for a love that is true and pure—a love that can be his cornerstone.

A shepherdess in the northern city of Shunem, Arielah has known since she first laid eyes on Solomon that it was her destiny to become his bride. When her father secures a promise from Solomon to marry Arielah as a treaty bride to help unite the kingdom, it seems her dreams will come true.

But how can this simple shepherdess live as part of Solomon’s harem? Can Solomon set aside his distractions to give himself completely to just one woman? Or will he let duty, deception, and the daily routine divide his heart?

Mesu Andrews expertly weaves the words of the Song of Solomon into this touching story of the power of love from a master storyteller.

Amazon | Goodreads

{Something New}
Borrowed Late 2014 (I believe...)

Two misfits. One extraordinary love.

Eleanor... Red hair, wrong clothes. Standing behind him until he turns his head. Lying beside him until he wakes up. Making everyone else seem drabber and flatter and never good enough...Eleanor. 

Park... He knows she'll love a song before he plays it for her. He laughs at her jokes before she ever gets to the punch line. There's a place on his chest, just below his throat, that makes her want to keep promises...Park. 

Set over the course of one school year, this is the story of two star-crossed sixteen-year-olds—smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try.

Amazon | Goodreads


  1. Meant to be Mine - Wasn't it so good?

    Love's Sacred Song - This one looks quite interesting! I've frequently seen it.

    Eleanor & Park - Heard about that one, too.

    Happy reading!

  2. I'm so glad you loved Meant to Be Mine! I think it's one of my all-time favorites!

    Eleanor & Park has been on my radar for a little while now, so I'm interested in learning what you think!

  3. Ganise,

    Yes!! You were quite right - a fabulous read. :)

    I had mixed feelings about Mesu Andrews' debut, Love Amid the Ashes, but the writing was quite good and I'm looking forward to trying another one of her stories, finally!

    Eleanor and Park (and all of Rainbow Rowell's stories) seems to be quite popular. I've borrowed it from a coworker and am curious to see how it is, overall. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Brooke,

    I can totally see why! It's one of my favorites now, too. A truly wonderful contemporary romance!

    And I'm curious to see what I think of Eleanor and Park, as well. ;) I know the content is a little strong, but I'm hoping the story overall is worthwhile. :) I'll plan on reviewing it if I finish!

    Thank you for commenting!


  5. I've seen Love's Sacred Song a few times now and keep forgetting to put it on my TBR list. :-) I haven't read anything by Mesu Andrews yet, so this would be a good one to start with!

  6. I've recently developed an interest in "Eleanor and Park," so I look forward to seeing your thoughts on it if you read it and decide to share. :-) I probably won't get to it for awhile because I may have once again requested too many review copies.

    Happy March Reading, Amber!

  7. Alicia,

    Glad I could remind you of it! :) It's crazy to me how an author's backlist can build so fast... Didn't Love Amid the Ashes just release?? Ah, well - time just keeps flying by!

    I'm sure you could probably start with any of her books, as I don't think they're overly related, since they cover different stories in the Bible. But like you said - why not start with this one? Maybe we can compare thoughts! :)


  8. Grace,

    I've been curious about Rainbow Rowell's books, as well, and it was nice of a coworker to let me borrow this one. :) I'll hopefully be able to share my thoughts! It's hard to keep up with the reviews, isn't it?? I'm glad that this challenge is encouraging me to visit my TBR shelves and read and review books from there. If only I could stop acquiring more at such a fast pace... *heavy sigh* ;)

    Happy reading to you, too!


  9. So glad you enjoyed Meant to Be Mine! Eleanor & Park has been on my TBR list for a while - I'm looking forward to your review!

  10. PidginPea,

    It was delightful! :) I'm glad this challenge encouraged me to pick it up sooner rather than later!

    And it seems like Eleanor & Park is on a lot of TBR's hoping I can get it read and share my thoughts this month. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!