
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The King's Scrolls Blog Tour: Interview + Giveaway!

The epic series continues! Hard to believe that it's been almost a year (still a few months left to go) since I had the pleasure of hosting the cover reveal and blog tour for Resistance, Book 1 in the Ilyon Chronicles series by Jaye L. Knight. Such exciting times! Book 2 has just released today, and I've got Jaye here with the scoop on cover symbolism, dragons, and what's coming next...

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Amber: Welcome, Jaye! So exciting to see the Ilyon Chronicles series continue. What can readers expect with Book 2? Does it have a different tone/feel than Book 1?

Jaye: Thank you so much for having me, Amber! I can’t believe I’m releasing Book 2 already! It feels like I just did this, but yes, it’s incredibly exciting! The majority of Book 1 took place in either the city of Valcré or out at the resistance’s camp. In Book 2 readers will get to explore a bit more of Ilyon. The King’s Scrolls also focuses heavily on Kyrin, my female protagonist, and features a lot more of her family than readers got to see in Resistance. I had a lot of fun with all the family interaction. Some really fun new characters were also introduced in this book, including a few characters from the crete race. I loved being able to bring them in. They are probably my favorite of all my Ilyon races.

I think the tone of the book is a bit sadder than Resistance. And it takes place in late fall/early winter, and that gives it a different feel and fits in well with the theme of the story. In this chapter of the series, the characters really have to learn how to trust God even when things seem to be going horribly wrong. I’d say the theme verse for The King’s Scrolls is Isaiah 55:8-9, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Amber: We’ve gone from a sword to a quill in these first two covers of the series—a case of “the pen is mightier than the sword,” perhaps? :) What would your main characters in The King’s Scrolls think of that saying?

Jaye: I think that is a fitting description. :) As for what my characters would think, I guess that depends on the characters. Timothy, one of the new characters introduced in this book, would definitely agree. I think Kyrin would agree too. Kaden? Not so much. Lol!

Amber: Do you prefer to type or write by hand when working on the first draft of your stories?

Jaye: For years, the only way I could get anything written was by hand. I just couldn’t concentrate when I tried to work on the computer. A case of too many distractions most of the time. But then, this last summer, I bought a Microsoft Surface, something I had been wanting for quite a while since it came with a full version of Word. That little tablet completely changed everything. I started working on Book 4 of Ilyon Chronicles with it and wrote the majority of the book that way. Now that is the only way I write. I still, oddly, can’t concentrate when I’m on my desktop computer, but I can get a lot of work done on my Surface. Even though I sometimes miss my blue binder and blue pencils, I can get a lot more writing done faster by typing, so I’m really happy I decided to splurge a little and buy a Surface.

Amber: Based on the blurb for this story, it appears that Book 2 includes…dragons! Are we talking Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Smaug (The Hobbit), or something else entirely? Friend or foe?

Jaye: Yes! Dragons! That’s another thing I loved so much about writing this book. They’re definitely more of a Toothless dragon than Smaug. This picture on Pinterest is the best I have as far as how I picture them. They’re definitely not the really spiky dragons you see so often in fantasy art. And, unless you happen to be an enemy, they are very friendly. They’re almost cat-like, actually, and can be very affectionate with their riders.

Amber: Those sound like my kinds of dragons. ;)

This is just the second of a six-book series. Any hints as to what’s coming next—and when? 

Jaye: Well, I do plan to start editing book three as soon as I can, though once the tour is over, I want to devote time to getting a lot of book 5 written. It’s kind of been pushed aside lately. I would like to release book three as soon as I can, though. I consider it the book everyone’s been waiting for. It answers a lot of questions readers have, particularly about a certain beloved character. *cough*Jace*cough* So I’m quite anxious to share it. Will it be this year? Ideally, yes, but I have no idea. It depends on how editing goes. I also happen to be working on a little secret project on the side. I had no idea this story was going to take shape the way it did and that I would be working on it now, but it just demanded to be written. I hope to share the details soon now that The King’s Scrolls has been released and it won’t take away from that.

Amber: Such wonderful things to look forward to! Can't wait to hear more. Thank you for joining us today, Jaye!

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About the Book

Following the harrowing events that brought them to Landale Forest, Jace and Kyrin have settled comfortably into their new lives and the mission of protecting those under the emperor’s persecution. The fast approach of winter brings with it the anticipation of a quiet few months ahead. That is until the arrival of four mysterious, dragon-riding cretes who seek aid in a mission of great importance—not only to their own people, but to all followers of Elôm.

Hidden in the vast mining valley north of Valcré, a faithful crete has spent years sharing his knowledge with the destitute miners and their families and is known to possess what may be Arcacia’s last surviving copies of the King’s Scrolls—the Word of Elôm. Joining the cretes, those in Landale must find the crete teacher and bring him to safety, but it is a race against time. Should Daican’s men find him first, execution and the destruction of the Scrolls is certain.

When disaster strikes, all seems lost. Could Elôm have a plan even in the enemy’s triumph? 

Available on Amazon!
Buy Now

About the Author

Jaye L. Knight is a homeschool graduated indie author with a passion for writing Christian fantasy and clean new adult fiction. Armed with an active imagination and love for adventure, Jaye weaves stories of truth, faith, and courage with the message that even in the deepest darkness, God’s love shines as a light to offer hope. She has been penning stories since the age of eight and resides in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. You can connect with Jaye on her website, blog, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Etsy.

Resistance Kindle Sale

Haven’t begun the adventure into Ilyon? From February 17th - 23rd, get Resistance, the award-winning first book of Ilyon Chronicles for your Kindle on sale for only 99 cents! Check it out on Amazon!


Share in the excitement of the release and enter to win a themed Epic Winter giveaway! Prize pack includes an autographed copy of The King’s Scrolls, a CD by Future World Music (some of Jaye’s favorite writing music), a dragon bookmark, a stone hawk pendant (much like the ones mentioned in the book), and a few packages of Twining’s Winter Spice tea to sip while you read! (Giveaway is open to US residents only. Cannot be shipped internationally.) Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So excited we get to see some dragons in this one as well as more of Ilyon! Hopefully the tone is not too sad because something bad happens! Looking forward to getting my copy soon! :)

  2. Love the cretes and their dragons. They definitely give The King's Scrolls an exciting, fantasy feel, :)

  3. Ooh... More about Jace? *jumps* I can't wait!

  4. Thank you for being a part of this, Amber! I don't think I would have been nearly as capable of setting up this tour if I hadn't learned so much when you did it for me. :)

    @Laura - It does get sad at parts, but it's all for a reason. :) I'm looking forward to having you read it.

    @Shantelle - The cretes and dragons are probably my favorite part of Ilyon. They are so much fun to write about. :)

    @Katie - Yes! More Jace! Which is always a good thing, right? :D

  5. Laura,

    Huzzah for dragons (especially of the "Toothless"/How to Train Your Dragon variety)! ;) Bet this is another awesome story! Hope you enjoy it, friend.


  6. Shantelle,

    That's great to hear! The reviews that have been rolling in for this second installment of the series have been fab - so excited for Jaye. :D


  7. Katie Grace,

    I know, right?? ;) Thanks for stopping by!


  8. Jaye,

    Aww, I'm so glad that last tour was helpful to you, friend, and I'm happy to continue to help you promote your awesome stories! Congratulations on your many successes. :)


  9. Thanks for the reminder about this series, Amber. I have the book on my Kindle--now just to find time to read it!

  10. Audrey,

    My pleasure! I'm totally with you - I purchased the book for Kindle, as well, and I look forward to seeing what's in store for this series. :)



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