
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Revealing the Cover of My Next Novella...Where Trains Collide

I enjoyed writing How a Star Falls so much - describing contemporary places I love, working through modern trials and joys that new adults face - that I wanted to try my hand at more of these novellas. While initially I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to write about all-new characters, the positive reader reaction to Derrick's family in How a Star Falls, along with my own fondness for them, prompted me to finally pursue the "train story" I've been wanting to tell through the eyes of Derrick's middle sister, Trisha.

"Train story?" you may ask.

Trains hold a special place in my heart, and it was, in fact, on a train that I wrote the poem that inspired the title I chose to use for this blog. It's on a similar train ride that my next heroine finds herself...

A Cover Story

The potential model(s) for this cover pinned to our secret board on Pinterest ranged from very young-looking to old-fashioned, from a guy wearing a leather jacket to a guy wearing no shirt (it was hard to tell from the angle of the models' embrace...but not quite the look we were going for, anyway!).

A girl sitting by herself near some tracks prompted the first round of actual cover comps, but it was the sweet couple holding autumn leaves that truly captured the right look and feel. Together with the train tracks leading off into the horizon, the fanciful cotton candy clouds behind them, and the little heart rushing toward them above the italicized font, the picture produces a stirring effect of romance and tender uncertainty.

My talented friend and designer Lena Goldfinch once again blessed me with a gorgeous cover - perhaps my favorite of all! (And my first cover with both the hero and heroine depicted on the front! Huzzah!)

And I have to add one thing Lena wrote when sharing this comp:

I love the fiery leaves in their hands. With the green tree way in the distance, it almost suggests two seasons, i.e. two places/destinations...

Knowing the poem that ties into my blog title and this story, as well as the title of my indie-publishing venture, you could see how that contrast beautifully captures the seasons theme so prominent in my writing. Love the way Lena worded it!

For now we hold tightly to autumn, but summer will come around the bend someday...

About the Book

New Adult Contemporary Romance Novella

Two hearts racing in different directions will meet where trains collide.

Burned out and disillusioned with her chosen career path, Trisha Knolane gives in to impulse and hops on a train bound for Oregon, eager to escape the stress of college for a few days. But what begins as a fun little adventure suddenly collapses into a nightmare when she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is also on board.

All her hopes and dreams had once centered on Paul Benson. Now, when Trisha doesn't know where her current track will lead, Paul’s questions only complicate matters and spark a few of her own.

Questions that could change the course of her life.

A heartfelt and thought-provoking contemporary romance novella, Where Trains Collide faces the uncertain season of new adulthood head-on and shows that sometimes a path of broken dreams can lead to life's best destination.

Coming April 2015

Add to Goodreads | View on Pinterest


Fall in love with gorgeous autumn earrings by Belle on a Budget (perfect to set aside as a gift for yourself or a friend later on!) and treat yourself now to a little something on with a $5 gift card. This giveaway is open to residents of the US and Canada only, and you can enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover Reveal Participants

I'm always grateful for the wonderful blogging friends who share my enthusiasm and help me spread the word about my books! If you're interested in joining my street team (Amber's Gems) so you can stay in the loop and opt into my future blog tours and cover reveals, please feel free to sign up HERE. 

Here's a list of the dear gems and fellow bloggers who are participating in today's cover reveal:
What are your thoughts on the new cover? Are you also a fan of trains?


  1. It's pretty, Amber! Very vibrant.

  2. GORGEOUS cover, Amber! Congrats on another beautiful novella my friend!

  3. Congrats Amber! I'm so happy for you and definitely can't wait to read it! :D

  4. Yay!! Congratulations!!! The cover is beautiful!!

  5. Super excited for Where Trains Collide! :) Beautiful cover; I love fall too. :D

  6. That's a beautiful cover! I think it might be my favorite too. And I always love hearing your cover story! :)

  7. A gorgeous cover!! So sweet! :)

    The story sounds like its going to be wonderful... I'm so excited to read it! :)


  8. This looks beautiful and sounds amazing! Love the fall look and the train theme! Can't wait to read this!

  9. I love the covers. Trains are a favorite of mine second only to ships and the ocean, even though I now live in a land locked state.

  10. The new cover is so gorgeous! And your new story sounds great. Hope to read it when it comes out. : )

  11. Hey dearest friend! Just thought I'd stop by here and say congrats! So proud of you. Go girl! :)

  12. Your cover story's that accompany these posts are always fun, Amber. Thanks for sharing and for letting us take part in helping with your special reveal. Congrats! :)

  13. Dear Friends,

    I apologize for the long delay in responding! But I wanted to thank you all for your kind words and for checking out this post. :) I'm so glad the cover for Where Trains Collide is being so well-received! I am quite partial to it, myself. ;) Can't wait to share this story with you all!

    *Hugs* and much gratitude!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!