
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Of Snowmen and Marketing...

We have a winner for the snowmen/Cinderella giveaway! And the winner is...

Carissa Miller

Congratulations, Carissa! Her name was randomly picked from the three who correctly guessed that the snowman representing me in this scene created by one of my coworkers is the one with the book (fourth from the left):

According to my friend/coworker, the reason I don't have a nose like the rest of my coworkers in this scene is because it's stuck in the book, haha. Yes, even in a company that publishes books, I guess my passion (obsession?) with reading still makes an impression! Being known as the reader isn't the worst reputation to have, right?

Anyway, thank you to everyone who played along! And Carissa, I'll email you to see which two Cinderella ebooks you'd like. :)

On another marketing note, I'm hoping to have an exciting book promotion in February - one that's a little different than ones I've had before for my own books. You'll find out why pretty soon! In preparation for that, I'd love to have you join my street team and/or sign up for my author newsletter, so you can stay in the loop. More fun to come!


  1. How awesome and congrats Carissa! Ooooo looking forward to seeing what the promotion is in February! :D

  2. Laura,

    Thank you for stopping by to offer your congrats - and for participating in the giveaway! :) (Great guess, BTW!)

    I'm very excited to share about some stuff that's in the works, and I'm SO not patient about spilling the beans. I'm sure you'll be hearing quite soon! ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!