
Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Prettiest Paperback: The Novella Arrives!

Happy December and a very merry Christmas season, friends! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying some heartwarming Christmas movies and catchy Christmas songs. :)

I feel like I'm playing one massive game of catch-up during my free time...and shiny new books keep distracting me. Now I need to make time to actually read some of the new stories on my Kindle! This quote definitely seems to apply:

Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them...
~ Arthur Schopenhauer

And this one:

When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes.
~ Desiderius Erasmus

I might also add, "And Christmas decorations!"

But that's a different post. Not that my apartment is bursting at the seams with trimmings, but I'm quite happy with my tinsel, candles, etc.

Back to books...

I got a very exciting package today!

 Behold the beauty! :)

I ordered a few copies of How a Star Falls, and since I never ordered a proof copy, this is my first time seeing the novella in person. And oh my! I couldn't be happier with Lena Goldfinch's design and formatting.

The epic front cover...

The stunning back cover...

And the colorful spine, which I adore!

It's so strange to think that around this time last year, I was psyched about the cover but had no clue that the story within would turn out the way it did. How much can change in a year, and how wonderful the twists and turns in our tales can ultimately be. It's a tremendous blessing to sit in my own sweet little apartment, staring at a copy of a book that came about after experiencing uncertainty, moving away, and looking back on God's bounty and faithfulness.

Well, to wrap up for now, here's a reminder that you still have 12-ish days to enter the How a Star Falls book blast giveaway (prize = $50 gift card or PayPal cash). And if you read the novella for the blog tour, I'd so appreciate any reviews on Amazon!

Hopefully talk more soon about bookish and Christmas-y things!


  1. I LOVE it! Soooooo very pretty!! Is that your Christmas tree by the way? It's pretty epic if it is! :)

  2. It's a gorgeous little book, Amber! I'm looking forward to getting a hold of a copy. Oh, and I like your book Christmas tree! Merry Christmas time, and I hope you get to those books. :-D

  3. Amber the cover of your book is just beautiful. Can't wait to read it

  4. I like the colour blue so two thumbs up for the cover! Also, that last picture is sweet. Congratulations on the release of your latest, Amber!

  5. SO awesome!!! Yay!!! Congratulations!!!

  6. Laura,

    Thank you on both counts! :D Yes, the "tree" in my new header is one I "built," hehe. I did tweak the image a bit to make it sharper and warmer, but otherwise, it's legit! The book tree isn't very tall, but it's growing on me. ;) It's like a bookish version of a stubby Charlie Brown tree, LOL! The books on it, though, are fabulous.


  7. Grace,

    Thank you! I so hope you enjoy the story when you get to it. :)

    Thank you for the compliment about my "tree," as well! I had fun putting it together, even if it's rather short. ;)

    Merry Christmas and happy reading to you, too!


  8. Danie,

    Aww, thank you, friend! I hope you enjoy the story. :)


  9. Ganise,

    Blue is such a great color! I think purple might still be my favorite, but blue and green (those lovely cool colors) are right there with it. :)

    Thank you so much for the kind words!


  10. Emily,

    Thank you for sharing my joy!

    And many congratulations to YOU, as well! Saw your post about your proof copy for It Took a War - such an exciting time! *Hugs* and best wishes to you on this upcoming release. :D


  11. Amber,

    This is beautiful! I'm so happy your book arrived and cannot imagine the fun excitement of seeing it in print. Cannot wait to see it.

    Secondly, your layout! Girl, I love your new header (yay for a book tree) and those jingle bells...! Love it. :)

  12. Rissi,

    Thank you so much for sharing my happiness, as well as the whole journey to publishing this book! :) And thank you for your interest in the paperback version. I hope you like how it looks on your shelf! :D

    And one more: Thank you for the sweet words about my new design! I always have fun picking out a new background, and I thought the trees went well with using my book tree in the header. Not the fanciest - and this is why I'm the content writer and not one of the designers in our department. ;) But still, it's fun, and I'm glad you like the new look!


  13. I do the same with my money. Buy books...then food. After all, who needs to eat, right?

    The book looks lovely!! I have it added on my list and am eager to read it.

  14. Jack,


    Well, actually, I'm rather fond of food, too... Food and books, and I'm good. ;)

    Thank you for the sweet words, and for your interest in How a Star Falls! I so hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by!


  15. Awwwwww!!!!! Beautiful book! Beautiful daughter! Beautiful heart!!! Love your book tree, very clever. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Love you lots and lots!
    Love, Momma

  16. Aw, Momma!

    I loved seeing your comment during lunch today. I'm so blessed to have you for a mom! ♥ Thank you for the sweet words! *blushing* (Picture the cat from Puss in Boots going "Awww" then "Oooh" - well, you know what I mean! Hehe)

    And I'm glad you like the book tree. ;) Even though it's short enough to be a bush, I'm OK with how it turned out. Can't wait for you to come visit and see my place semi-decked-out for Christmas. :D

    Love you lots and lots, too!



  17. Congratulations on yet another beautiful book, Amber. And I love that picture of you. :)

  18. Rachelle,

    Thank you!! Grateful for your kind words and that sweet compliment. :) Looking forward to seeing your pic with your debut! :D



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