
Friday, November 21, 2014

Quick Blog Tour Updates

Hello, friends! I just wanted to let you know that I now have images for the missing How a Star Falls blog tour giveaway prizes. Here's the full cover for the paperback version of the book (available now on Amazon for $6.64!):

Designed by Stone Lily Design

And for the jewelry prize pack, in addition to the star earrings pictured in the original post, the winner will receive this lovely seaside necklace:

Designed by Belle on a Budget
(The three starfish are perfect!)

Want to enter to win these prizes and more? Visit the blog tour announcement post HERE!

Also worth nothing:
Thank you all for celebrating this release with me! Hope you're enjoying the tour so far, and have a bright and shiny weekend. :)


  1. Congratulations on your book release!!! So exciting!!

  2. Beautiful. See, I just knew this would be a must in paperback. Definitely ordering this when I place a Christmas order via Amazon next week. Cannot wait to have it in my hands! :)

  3. Wow I love it! So pretty!

  4. Rissi,

    And you were so right. :) Thank you so much for wanting to order a copy! I too can't wait to hold it in my hands. :D I didn't order a proof copy this time, but the digital files looked fab and Lena did a fab job on the cover, with no issues, so I'm thinking it will be grand. Excited!


  5. Laura,

    Thank you! I'm quite fond of that cover, myself. :D


  6. ooh, ooh! I am SO excited that HaSF is going to be in paperback! What fun and what a beautiful cover!!

  7. And apparently I can't read very well, because I just now realized that was my endorsement on the back! I'm so delighted!!

  8. Joanne,

    Aww, I'm so touched by your excitement! :D And haha, I'm thrilled that your endorsement graces the cover. :) Many, many thanks for your kind words about the story (and cover)!


  9. woo hoo, VERY pretty (book cover and necklace)!!! Go Amber :) Wishing you a bright and shiny November, Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Kara,

    I'm so blessed to work with such creative and gifted people! I agree that Lena and Christy did lovely work on these designs. :)

    Thank you for the well-wishes and sweet words, friend! A happy Thanksgiving to you, as well. :)



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