
Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Release Announcement: The Fragrance of Geraniums

Happy book birthday to another fellow indie author's brand-new release, The Fragrance of Geraniums! Isn't the cover simply lovely? And the story sounds very heartfelt. Not to mention, it has a flower title, which is something you all know I can appreciate. ;) Enjoy learning more about this new book and its sweet author, Alicia!

Rhode Island - 1934

A Girl…

Grace Picoletti has nothing going for her – but she’s determined to succeed in life, nonetheless. Born to severe destitution, she claws her way up from the pit of family shame and secrets. She avoids close friendships – even with the likable, persistent Paulie Giorgi.

A Woman…

Despite her own agonizing emotional pain, childless Emmeline Kinner reaches out to a young woman so far beneath her. She could never have known whom else God would set in her path through her friendship with Grace.

A Mother…

Long ago, Sarah Picoletti resigned herself to a loveless, abusive life – and she believes that her daughter Grace must inherit the same fate. Yet Sarah’s own soul cries out for the blessed peace and hope of which the radio minister speaks.
Told from multiple perspectives, The Fragrance of Geraniums is a powerful story of three women – of the threads of mercy that connect them – and of heart-wrenching sorrows alchemized by the Heavenly Father’s overwhelming redeeming grace.
Purchase on Amazon | Add to Goodreads

A fourth-generation Rhode Island native, Alicia G. Ruggieri writes stories about the possibility of redemption for all things through the Cross and the cost of true mercy. With a degree in Communications and History, Alicia loves spending her days researching, writing, and caring for her family, and she avows that every life would be enriched through the addition of just one more dog. 
Connect with Alicia on her blog, Facebook, Goodreads, Google +, Pinterest, and Twitter.


Alicia is offering a copy of the book to one lucky winner! Kindle for international; paperback or Kindle for continental U.S. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The fact that the lady felt so unworthy.

  2. Topazshell,

    That does make for an emotional and relatable story, doesn't it? Good luck in the giveaway, and thanks for stopping by! :)



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