
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Anon, Sir, Anon Review + Giveaway

Here's a description of the book:

The 12:55 out of Darlington brought more than Orville Farnham's niece; murder was passenger.

In coming to Whistlecreig, Genevieve Langley expected to find an ailing uncle in need of gentle care. In reality, her charge is a cantankerous Shakespearean actor with a penchant for fencing and an affinity for placing impossible bets.

When a body shows up in a field near Whistlecreig Manor and Vivi is the only one to recognize the victim, she is unceremoniously baptized into the art of crime-solving: a field in which first impressions are seldom lasting and personal interest knocks at the front door.

Set against the russet backdrop of a Northamptonshire fog, Anon, Sir, Anon cuts a cozy path to a chilling crime.

My Rating


My Review

Rachel Heffington is back with another unique take on historical fiction! This time, the story is heavier on the mystery, lighter on the romance, and all shades of interesting with the colorful characters.

As before, I'm impressed with Heffington's command of the English language and the way she strings words together to really set the mood. Occasionally the narrative does come across as a bit pretentious, but the story is soaked in all things British, and that's just not necessarily my cup of tea. ;) I did enjoy taking walks and bicycle rides through the countryside with Vivi and Farnham and witnessing the dynamic duo take some unconventional paths in both their crime-solving methods and their conversations.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure how I feel about our unusual hero and heroine. Uncle and niece are both quite clever (and they know it), but they're not without their soft spots and weaknesses. Theirs is a very unique relationship, and there's a bit of Holmes and Watson in their personalities and the ways they balance each other out.

As for the other characters, well, I quite liked Breen (Farnham's charismatic and rather sweet friend). And the murderer... Nope. My lips are sealed. Although I am tempted to throw in spoilers simply because I'd like to express my thoughts on where the story ended up! Alas.

For those Anglophiles who delight in quirky, surprising characters and mysteries that ramble through foggy countrysides and flame-lit manors, Anon, Sir, Anon is a charming read.

*With thanks to the author for providing me with an e-copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

Purchase the book today in paperback or Kindle ebook format.

About the Author

Rachel Heffington is a novelist, a nanny, and a people-lover living in rural Virginia with her family and black cat, Cricket. Her first novel, Fly Away Home, was independently published in February of 2014, while her novella, The Windy Side of Care, was published by Rooglewood Press in the Five Glass Slippers anthology in June of 2014. Visit Rachel online at


Rachel is generously offering a "Cozy Quagmire" prize package. Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter to win a complete party in a box!

The Cozy Quagmire Party Pack includes everything you’ll need to have an evening worthy of guests such as Vivi, Farnham, and Dr. Breen. Prize includes P.G. Tips (Rachel's favorite British black tea), a $5 Panera Bread gift-card for toasting-bread, a Yankee candle, matchbook, and a paperback copy of Anon, Sir, Anon.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Fantabulous review, Amber - as always! Well done and articulated. :)

  2. Thanks for the review, Rissi! :) And congrats on How A Star Falls! It looks so lovely...if only I had an e-reader...can't believe I'm saying that. XD

  3. My favorite thing about Autumn is eating lots of pumpkin pie!

  4. Rissi,

    Aww, you're going to make me blush! :) Thank you for the encouragement! I'm glad you enjoyed the review.


  5. Rachel,

    You're very welcome! Congratulations to you on this latest release and all your exciting projects.

    And thanks so much for the kind words! My designer is actually working on formatting the paperback version of How a Star Falls. :) I don't know if it will be done by the official release date, but at least it should be coming relatively soon, I believe! It's going to be a cute little paperback. :D


    P.S. I'm surprised you've held out on the e-reader phenomenon! How do you manage it? ;) Paperbacks are really special, though, aren't they?

  6. Madeline,

    Autumn is a fabulous time of year for food! I'm hoping my mom will make some super delicious apple dumplings when I go home for Thanksgiving. ;D



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