
Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Days!

I've got some reviews to catch up on, and it feels like I'm forever playing catch-up with sleep! As I said on Twitter:

It's not that I can't fall asleep, but simply that I too often choose not to go to bed at a decent hour. I do like sleep (very much!)... I'd just like more hours in the day so that I could do other things, too! I suppose maybe I could prioritize my time better, but that's beside the point. ;)

My point in this post is that yes, I do have other posts I should share soon. But right now, I'm simply going to say I'm so grateful for blessings big and small...

For pumpkin-patch visits with friends (and scrumptious apple cider doughnuts).

For times at work that remind me of a greater goal, the good of the team, and that it's really not all about me.

For times at work where I feel incredibly encouraged and welcomed.

For recommendations and a shiny new indulgence in HD and popping colors.

For the opportunity to offer a book for pre-order.

For the fabulous successes of fellow author friends.

For the relief and joy of knowing a new story and its characters have reached the hearts of family and friends.

For great feedback to help make a story better.

For another story idea to daydream about and pursue.

For dear friends who support me in so many ways.

For a patient God and an abundant life.


  1. Food, friends, books and God. Sounds good to me! And sleep is nice as well. Lovely to read this.

    PS : If you ever think about joining Instagram one day, I hope you let me know! I've got an account there and it would be fun to connect. Plus, it'd be fun to ''see'' your fun adventures.

  2. Aw, Amber, these posts are always so fun and well put together. You never cease to remind us life's greatest treasures are found in everything living - thank you.

    Yay for fall awesomeness. I love that and have been binge taking photos of the trees in our yard; they are super pretty this year!

    Congrats on all your How a Fall Stars news and feedback; it's all well deserved. :)

  3. I'm convinced, apple cider donuts are one of the best things about fall.

  4. Ganise,

    That pretty nearly covers it all, doesn't it? ;) I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

    You know, I've been tempted to get an Instagram account - it does look like fun! And now that I have my new Fire tablet that takes pictures, it's even more tempting. :) I'll have to let you all know if I do start an account! Thank you for wanting to connect with me, and for your interest in my little adventures. :)


  5. Rissi,

    You are too kind, dear friend; so generous in your encouragement and creative in your lovely blog designs. You and Kara inspire me with your lovely posts! Thank you. :)

    And yes, I am adoring the fall season, as well, and wish it wouldn't be showing signs of fading already! Why can't the colorful leaves stay on the trees longer?? This season goes by too fast...

    Also, thank you so much for your confidence in my new novella and your sweet words. Super appreciated! *Hugs*


  6. Juju,

    Now that I've partaken of this fall treat, I completely understand that sentiment. ;) There are other things I really love about autumn, but apple cider doughnuts should be high on the list! Those, and apple dumplings...and fresh apple cider... Mmm!



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