
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Time for Candy—Cover Candy, That Is!

Inspired by Rissi of Dreaming Under the Same Moon and her awesome posts, The Enchanted Inkpot's clever cover posts, and the desire to show off a few Harvest House books, I bring you a mixed bag of delicious cover candy...

Bright and Beautiful

Bonus: I saw a note on MaryLu's Coming Soon page that there's going to be a 5th book in the Legacy of the King's Pirates series, coming Fall 2015—and it's going to be a time-travel romance!! How fabulous is that??

Clever, Cute, and Classy

Bonus: Lena Goldinch (my cover designer and indie mentor) is getting ready to take the sweet historical romance genre by storm! Want to be one of the very first to read and review her brand-new novel in a brand-new genre for her? You can email me at for details! 

Peachy in Purple

Which of these treats most appeals to you? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Note: Some of these are available now, but most are going to be released later this year or early next year. You can see more of my cover finds on my Cover Candy board on Pinterest.


  1. Thanks for sharing these- certainly some pretty covers! My favorite is probably "Tears of the Sea." I'm so glad she decided to write a mermaid book. And now she's got a time-travel book planned? Yay!

  2. Wow!
    Those covers are so lovely.
    Thanks for sharing them:0)

  3. Wow! Thanks so much for including me! Hmmm...I think my favorites of the others are My Heart Stood Still, The Last Heiress and The Unexpected Bride.

  4. Amy! Love her books.

    A Cliche Christmas sounds fun.

  5. Gorgeous covers, Amber!!! Thanks for including mine!! Hugs!

  6. Ooo! All the pretties! :)

    I first saw Katie Ganshert's via Pinterest and thought it really striking.

    I think my favorites are Both of Me and Becoming Beauty though. Simple, yet the coloring of both is beautiful! I'd want them on my shelf for the covers alone!

    I love these kind of posts. :D But it's making my Pinterest coverlove board really quite full! ;)

  7. Grace,

    It does have such a pretty cover, doesn't it? Definitely "bright and beautiful"! And I'm also thrilled that she's branching out and writing mermaid and time-travel stories - so fun. :D Can't wait!


  8. Ella,

    Aren't they, though? So glad you agree. :D Thank you for stopping by to check them out!


  9. Elisabeth,

    You're very welcome - your new cover is stunning. :) (And I'm a huge fan of purple!)

    So happy to hear you like some of our upcoming Harvest House covers! I adore the cover for The Last Heiress. :) And didn't my cover designer do a lovely job on her own upcoming cover (The Unexpected Bride)? Coming soon!


  10. Juju,

    I've only read Love Gone Wild, but I have The Wedding Game and I pre-ordered Sway, and I'm looking forward to reading both!

    And I agree - A Cliche Christmas sounds very cute! I read one of her other books and really enjoyed it. And I like this new cover that Amazon/Waterfall Press gave this book. :)


  11. MaryLu,

    I so agree! And you're very welcome. :D Looking forward to your upcoming releases!


  12. Kara,

    Right?? :D

    I saw Katie's on Pinterest, as well, and I really like the color scheme. :)

    Sounds like you're a fan of purple, as well? Those covers are both quite striking, and the stories sound really interesting!

    I hear ya about having a full cover-love board... Oh, these designers, making such irresistible covers! ;)


  13. I love the Lori Copeland cover! SO pretty! Becoming Beauty looks intriguing! The Last Heiress is neat--the pearls and the dark red font are a neat combo!

  14. Meghan,

    I agree with you on all three counts - and I'm so happy that two of the Harvest House covers stood out to you! Go team! ;)


  15. Thanks so much for including The Tomb, A Novel of Martha! And I'm so excited to see another book from Jonathan Friesen - what a great cover for Both of Me, can't wait to read it.

  16. Stephanie,

    Happy to! Your recent release in the series was just wonderful. Sure this next one will be, too! :)

    And I don't think I've read anything by Jonathan, but this new one sure does sound and look intriguing!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  17. Oo-la-la! Love SO many of these.

    The Dandelion Field intrigued me from the moment I saw it; Amy is lovely (color me curious); Katie's has a GREAT color scheme; Elizabeth's is perfectly suited to the summary with its "fairytale" like sky and the fence line at the bottom; Pierced by Love = darling; and then there is Becoming Beauty. What a gorgeous design! I hadn't see it and now I'm certainly adding that to my TBR!

    Oo! And I agree with Juju, A Cliché Christmas does sound sweet - not to mention being nice and short. :)

    Loved this post, Amber.

  18. Rissi,

    Aren't they just fabulous? We're becoming regular treasure-seekers when it comes to book covers! ;)

    I sort of stumbled upon The Dandelion Field, and I just had to include it! Such a sweet scene depicted on the cover.

    I'm definitely curious about Amy's new book - already have it on my Kindle waiting to be read. :)

    I so agree about Katie's cover's color scheme! So eye-catching.

    Yes - I'm a big fan of Elisabeth's! Fitting with the title and summary, and so beautiful in its simplicity.

    Pierced by Love and Becoming Beauty are both from Cedar Fort books - they've had some great covers lately! And I've quite enjoyed a couple of the books I've read through their review program. :)

    And short but sweet reads can be the best!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, and for inspiring me with your lovey posts and bookish enthusiasm. :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!