
Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Winner and the Lighthouse

Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm for my latest cover reveal! I'm so excited by the feedback for both the cover and the premise/blurb of How a Star Falls. I'm having a grand time writing the beginning by hand here and there, and I'm looking forward to completing the story and sharing it with you all in this next season.

Now, to wrap up the cover reveal:

Chickie B!

Congratulations, Chickie, on winning the $10 gift card! I've sent you an email, so be sure to check your inbox. And thank you again to everyone who posted about the cover and entered the giveaway! *group hug*

* * *

Since these winner posts are kind of short and only really exciting to the actual winner(s), I thought I'd take the time to add a few pics from my recent on-a-whim, afternoon outing to the coast.

How a Star Falls takes place on the coast - but back in my home county of Northern California instead of Oregon. Here in this pic, though, you can see part of Highway 101 (at least, I believe that bridge I drove over is part of it...). So if you followed that highway south a while, you'd eventually wind up passing the towns featured in my WIP. ;)

To clarify, these pictures were taken at Heceta Head Lighthouse State Scenic Viewpoint. It's a gorgeous spot, and this past weekend was my first time visiting the place. 
And here's the lighthouse itself! I spent several minutes sitting on a bench nearby, writing a few lines for How a Star Falls. They didn't have to do with a lighthouse...but just being near the sea is inspiring, and a reminder of home. :)

Here's a parting shot of the lighthouse. Can you see it on the bluff there? The location is incredible, and I enjoyed the brief hike. Beautiful day, beautiful memory.

What are you currently working on? Where do you find inspiration?


  1. These are lovely pictures, Amber! It must have been so fun to write with all that beautiful inspiration around you! I'm currently in the editing process of my Civil War book called, It Took a War. I find inspiration by reading some great writing quotes, 1 Peter 4:10 and listening to the Gettysburg soundtrack. =)

  2. I'm so glad you can take trips like this, for a variety of reasons!


    My cousin LOVES Lighthouses so I'll be sharing with her too.

    Congratulations on everything you're doing. You amaze me. :)

  3. Lovely pictures! And the cover for your book is completely gorgeous!

    You probably have already heard of them, but lately I've really been jammin' to the bluegrass band Flatt Lonesome, many compare them to the Cherryholmes.

    Hope you are doing well! And I will definitely be on the lookout for more news about How a Star Falls!

  4. Hi, Amber! I'm so glad to hear you are writing a NA......and what a BEAUTIFUL cover!!! (I'll try to be patient as we wait for the next HEART'S SPRING book.)

    I'm catching up with four weeks of emails since getting back from our vacation to the west coast states. We decided to save Lake Tahoe and Virginia City for a separate trip, but we did drive along part of scenic Hwy 101 in Oregon.....lovely setting for a book .......with a stop at the Tillamook cheese factory.

    Congratulations on another stunning cover! I'm looking forward to your next release. Blessings!

  5. Emily Ann,

    Aw, thank you! I'm not really a photographer, but every once in a while some pics will turn out OK. ;) And yes, just being near the sea again was inspiring and comforting. :)

    Love the title of your WIP, as well as the things that inspire you. Thank you for sharing! And congratulations on making it to the editing process - that's a huge accomplishment! Best wishes on that stage. :)


  6. KC,

    You're so sweet to drop by! *Hugs* And you are too kind. :) You amaze me with all you do, as well!

    Thank you for your friendship and encouragement with writing and life in general!


  7. Faye,

    Thank you, and thank you! :)

    You know, I hadn't heard of Flatt Lonesome (at least that I can recall) - but I listened to the samples for their CDs on Amazon, and you are so right!! Totally reminds me of Cherryholmes. :) Thanks so much for the recommendation!

    I am indeed doing well, and I just came back today from a lovely three day weekend vacation with my family. :) Hope you're doing well, too, and thank you so much for stopping by and encouraging me!


  8. Sherida,

    So wonderful to see you here! Thank you for the kind words about How a Star Falls - and for your patience regarding Morning Glory. I did jot down a few notes when we were at a museum this weekend that might help when I return to MG, so here's hoping. :)

    Ugh about catching up with emails - isn't it crazy how they can pile up?? Hopefully you have some sweet ones in there that will be fun to respond to. :) Sorry to hear you didn't make it to VC and Lake Tahoe, but at least that's something to look forward to for another time! And how fun that you were traveling 101! I haven't been on that highway much in Oregon, but it was so nice going last weekend, and my home county is along 101 in California. :) Beautiful views!

    Thank you again for your sweet comment, and hope to talk to you more soon!


  9. That's awesome! So glad to hear that you are doing well!

  10. Faye,

    Aww, thank you!! *Hugs* Hope life is going well for you!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!