
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

More Fun with Filling in the Blanks

 My writing corner!

Hello, hello! How are you all this fine Tuesday night/Wednesday morning (whenever you read this)? I'm still loving my job, still trying to get my head in the game with Morning Glory (but I'm sensing a breakthrough if I could just focus a bit more! Research and daydreaming seem promising...), and still navigating the ins and outs of living on my own. It's all good. :)

I should have some more blog reviews for you all soon, as I'm participating in some August blog tours, and apparently I can't seem to stop reading when I should be writing...but I digress. I'm also participating in the Writing Process Blog Tour that's been making the rounds, so be looking for that post on Monday!

Anyway, I saw that Kara of Flowers of Quiet Happiness decided to do a retake of the book-themed Mad Libs post from last fall, so I thought I'd do the same, because it's just so fun! Here's the link to the last one I did: Fun with Filling in the Blanks. Here's the link to Kara's latest post: Mad Libs with Books :: Second Edition. And here's the link to the original outline from Books and Movies: Bookish Mad Libs.


I filled in the following blanks with titles of books I've read so far this year.

In school I was: Full Steam Ahead

People Might be Surprised I'm: The Dancing Master

(If dancing around my apartment counts, which it totally should.)

I will never be: Fairchild's Lady

(Sad but true...)

My fantasy job is: Uncovering Cobbogoth

(I mean, that is pretty fantastical!)

At the end of a long day I need: Sweet Mountain Music

I hate it when: Love Gone Wild

Wish I had: A Hero's Promise

My family reunions are: Out of the Blue

At a party you'd find me with: A Cowboy Unmatched

(Or at least, that would be nice.)

I've never been to: Austenland

A happy day includes: Sun and Moon

Motto I live by: God's Will

On my bucket list: Fly Away Home

(I've sort of already done that...but I wouldn't mind doing it again!)

In my next life I want to be: The Weather Girl


Any of these titles familiar to you? How would you fill in the blanks?


  1. How fun Amber! I tried my hand at filling in the blanks on my blog: Some of the titles made me laugh, both on your list and mine :)

  2. I'm going to do this too! So fun and I love the books you chose! Talk about awesome!

  3. Cool :) I am now tempted to join you in this. I like your motto and your writing corner. It's cute.

  4. Fabulous post, Amber. Love visiting all the blogs who joined in this fun - love your motto and place you've never been.

    Glad your job is still working out and is something you love. That's the best. :)

  5. Julie,

    Totally fun! I'm glad Kara posted about it again. :) And I'm happy you decided to participate, and that I could make you laugh! You had some hilarious and awesome choices, yourself!


  6. Laura,

    Yay! Just left a comment - so fun! Glad you enjoyed checking out my responses. :)


  7. Ganise,

    I saw that you did indeed join in - sweet! It's a fun little post to put together. :) And thank you! My daddy put this desk together for me, and I'm rather fond of my little apartment work space. :)


  8. Rissi,

    Thank you so much for the kind words! It's definitely been fun seeing everybody's posts and how differently we all filled in the blanks. :)

    And yes - so blessed to have a job that I enjoy, and one that offers room for challenge and growth, as well as friendship and fun. ♥


  9. I had so much fun reading your answers! I gave it a try myself...

    Thanks for the fun post!

  10. Hey Amber! I've actually not read any of these, but some of them are on my neverending TBR.

    I decided to join in, too! Here's my post:

  11. Shannah,

    Aww, yay - that makes me happy! So fun that everyone's joining in. :) It's a great blog post idea!


  12. Courtney,

    Hope you enjoy any of the ones you check out! Karen Witemeyer's are always fun, and I also quite enjoyed Fly Away Home and The Weather Girl. There are some other fun and touching ones on that list, too. :)

    Glad you joined in! Everyone has such creative match-ups. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!