
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Five Enchanted Roses Contest and Cover Reveal!

Anne Elisabeth Stengl and her Rooglewood Press are at it again! I'm sure many of you are familiar with last year's Five Glass Slippers writing contest that culminated in this month's upcoming release of Five Glass Slippers, a Cinderella-themed novella collection.

Shameless Plug: That contest inspired Fairy Slippers, my companion short story to Bleeding Heart. :) (Now available as part of a combo ebook on Amazon; you can learn more HERE.) 

Shameless plug aside... Today is all about a brand new writing contest, very similar in style but featuring a different fairy tale. Read on to learn more and to check out the gorgeous cover that will be used for the finished product!

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Rooglewood Press is delighted to introduce their second fairy tale novella contest—

Five Enchanted Roses 
a collection of “Beauty and the Beast” stories 

The challenge is to write a retelling of the beloved fairy tale in any genre or setting you like. Make certain your story is recognizably “Beauty and the Beast,” but have fun with it as well. Make it yours!

Rooglewood Press will be selecting five winners to be published in the Five Enchanted Roses collection, which will be packaged up with the gorgeous cover you see displayed here. Perhaps your name will be one of the five displayed on this cover?

All the contest rules and information (how to enter, story details, deadline etc.) may be found on the Rooglewood Press website. Just click HERE and you will go right to the page.

Rooglewood Press’s first collection, Five Glass Slippers, is available for pre-order now and will be released on June 14. Do grab yourself a copy and see what these talented writers have done with the timeless “Cinderella” tale!

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Two additional points to note:
  1. I just finished reading Five Glass Slippers - such a fun, whimsical, wonderful collection! I'll be posting my review later this month, so be on the lookout for that.
  2. The cover for Five Enchanted Roses was designed by Julia Popova, “ForestGirl.” You can find out more about this gifted artist on her website: 
Will you be entering the contest? What are your thoughts on the cover and the fairy-tale choice?


  1. I am SO excited for this contest. Oh my word. Glad we have till December though so I can be a good writer and finish my current WIP that's laid stagnant too long. ;)
    And Amber, if you're entering the contest I'd love to email back and forth with you brainstorming our stories and have some fun with it!

  2. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite fairy tale so I love it and the cover. I am seriously thinking about entering the contest.

  3. Wow. This sounds fun - and I adore the pretty cover art. Best of luck to all the participants! :)

  4. Meghan,

    I'm excited, too, as the fairy-tale choice and cover are awesome! I'm also glad we've got plenty of time, though, as - if I'm going to enter - I have to prioritize Morning Glory, what with my goal publication time frame. :)

    I'm not for sure yet, but if I do decide to enter I'd love to chat with you about our stories! That's so sweet of you to offer. :) Since I already wrote Bellflower (a Beauty & the Beast retelling for my current series), I thought I might skip this contest. But then a title idea came to me, so now I'm curious to try my hand at coming up with something different... We shall see! ;)


  5. Carissa,

    I love the fairy tale and the cover, as well! That's great that you're considering entering. :) Best wishes with your writing!


  6. Rissi,

    These contests really do get the creative juices flowing, don't they? And I love the cover art, too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting - and best wishes to you, as well, if you end up entering! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!