
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cinderella of the Day: Emma Clifton (Five Glass Slippers Blog Tour)

The evening has only just begun, and you're wandering the perimeter of the room, filling a plate with chocolate-dipped strawberries, tarts, heavily-frosted cupcakes, and those delicious dinner mints. (A ball is no place to count calories.) Suddenly, the orchestra starts playing a song you recognize, and you smile wide as you sway to the tune. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a young man heading in your direction...

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And the Five Glass Slippers blog tour continues! (The home page/entrance hall can be found HERE.) We're celebrating the release of this special Cinderella-themed anthology (published by Rooglewood Press) by featuring each of the collection's five authors as "Cinderella of the Day." You'll find out which dress they're wearing to the ball, what dance song they've requested, and you'll hear about their very own Cinderella moment - in addition to discovering some fabulous fun facts via the interviews on participating blogs.

Today's "Cinderella of the Day" is Emma Clifton, author of "Broken Glass"!

Emma Clifton has been thinking up stories since before she knew how to type them out.  Reading books such as the Chronicles of Narnia, The Door Within Trilogy, and Redwall inspired her to take her writing more seriously.  Though her rigorous homeschool education keeps her busy, she also enjoys sewing, reading, and spending time with her family in beautiful Northern Virginia. 

"Broken Glass" by Emma Clifton

The slipper fits . . . but on the wrong girl! Rosalind never once danced with Prince Marius at the ball, for she is in love with his brother Henry. If only Rosalind and Marius would stop bickering long enough to invent a scheme, perhaps the three of them can find the real mystery lady. But they must work quickly, for dark deeds are afoot, and the kingdom is poised on the brink of disaster.

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Amber: Our next guest has arrived! Wonderful to see you here, Emma. Give us a twirl and let's see your lovely dress!

Amber: Well, this is fabulous! I love the simplicity with a bit of flair, and the color is very pretty. You look beautiful, Emma!

So tell us what song you're hoping to dance to tonight. :)


Amber: Haha, too fun! Disney is appropriate for any occasion, right? I don't think I would have thought of this one, but it really is a "get up and dance" song, isn't it? 

Could you share your Cinderella moment with us before you get back to dancing?

Emma: Recently, a young lady at my church was cleaning out her closet, so she invited all of the girls to come over and take what clothes they wanted. My sister and I went over and I didn't expect to find much. I was totally surprised! This young lady had a bunch of gorgeous dresses and a lot of them fit me perfectly! I was so happy and felt rather like Cinderella. Getting so many lovely dresses for free--it really made my day.

Amber: Aww, that's awesome! An unexpected gift. Who doesn't love getting new dresses? And no price tag - even better!

Want to learn more about Emma? She's starring on several blogs today, and you won't want to miss all the fun features:
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Do you want a chance to be Cinderella of the ball, as well? All this week (through Friday) you have a chance to enter the tour-wide giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a paperback copy of Five Glass Slippers, several Cinderella-themed items (including a bookmark crafted by Belle on a Budget, a journal, and a DVD copy of the Disney movie), as well as special gifts handpicked by a few of the collection’s authors (a glass slipper cookie cutter with recipe, freeze-dried astronaut ice cream, and an Apple Tree Inn cup and saucer). This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a gorgeous dress, Emma! You look so lovely.

  2. I love that dress!! And I loved Broken Glass. : )

  3. Awww, thank you Anne Elisabeth and Allison!

  4. This is a really fun blog tour :). Love the song choice!

  5. Would love to win! I love seeing new talent getting published. Great job!

  6. What a creative twist on Cinderella!!! I'd love to read it.

  7. So far I'm loving these posts, and the Cinderella stories that such lovely authoresses penned! I just purchased my ebook copy of the 5 Glass Slippers last night and had a hard time battling myself over whether or not to go to bed or to just keep reading. You ladies did a fantastic job! Huzzah!

  8. Love to win and share with my Granddaughter

  9. Emma, you're GORGEOUS! That beautiful dress looks perfect on you!

  10. Anne Elisabeth,

    I agree! Beautiful style and color. :)


  11. Thank you, Clara! I love that dress too. I just wish I had more occasions to wear it to...

  12. Allison,

    Same here! Emma's story is just so fun and creative. :D


  13. Katie,

    So happy you're enjoying it! :) And yes, love Emma's unique song choice!


  14. Janette,

    Good luck in the contest! I love how publishing today offers so many different avenues to writers so that we can see new talent get published. :) Yay!


  15. Kailin,

    It truly is! It's a really awesome retelling - very enjoyable. :D


  16. Sarah Elizabeth,

    So glad you're enjoying the posts! I love all these authors' responses and their creativity. :) And aren't their stories great? Hope you continue to love the collection!


  17. Deb,

    Aww! Good luck in the contest! This would be a great collection to share with your granddaughter. :)


  18. Emma,

    Oh, I hear you about wanting more occasions to wear dresses to... I have some newish ones that I love, but not enough dress-up occasions! Hope you get to wear yours to many splendid events. :)

    Hope you're having a great day, Cinderella!

    ~The Fairy Godmother

  19. I love your song choice Emma! How fun!! You really can't go wrong with Disney :D Look forward to reading your story. :)

  20. Charii,

    Isn't that so clever and fun for a song choice? Seriously, gotta love Disney! :) And Emma's story is spectacular!


  21. That dress!!! I want it! It's so pretty and it's in my favorite color: green! Emma looks absolutely lovely in it!

    Btw, that Monsters Inc. song for the ball is completely unexpected yet fitting. It would be very fun to dance to :)

  22. Vonnie,

    Green is a great color, and Emma wears it wonderfully! :)

    And isn't that a fun song choice? Like Emma's story - unexpected yet totally awesome. ;)



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