
Monday, May 12, 2014

"Matching" Snack Size Reviews

This month the four novellas comprising A Match Made in Texas were made available separately in Kindle format! I absolutely love Karen Witemeyer's work, and I heard good things about Regina Jennings' novella, so I decided to pre-order both of those. Here are my snack size reviews...

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A Cowboy Unmatched by Karen Witemeyer

Rating: Spring/Summer

A Cowboy Unmatched features the youngest Archer brother (Neill) and a young widow who surprises him at every turn and thoroughly lassos his heart in no time flat. The love story is incredibly tender, as independent, outcast Clara finds herself wooed by protective, understanding, and gentlemanly Neill. Throw in a figure from Clara's past who poses a threat to Neill and Clara's future, add in some brief appearances and mentions of the older Archer brothers and their families, and you've got another engaging Witemeyer read that offers a sweet ending to the Archer tales!

An Unforeseen Match by Regina Jennings

Rating: Spring/Summer

Currently $1.99 for Kindle

An Unforeseen Match is a story of misunderstandings and a battle of wills. Grace is losing her eyesight, but what's more, she might just lose her heart when a man with a secret shows up on her doorstep, answering an ad she never placed (and one far different than the one she had planned to place). Grace and Clayton's interactions and conversations are authentic and endearing, and I loved watching the romance play out. Some aspects of both the premise and the interactions reminded me a bit of Where the Wild Rose Blooms by Lori Wick (a story I fell in love with when I was younger) - and interestingly enough, the heroes of both books share the same name. This is a touching novella that ends up skimming the surface of some surprising depths.

Note: "Seasoned" or "unseasoned" is in reference to my book rating system. Thanks to Juju of Tales of Whimsy for the inspiration regarding mini reviews!


  1. These were my two favorite of the collection! I also enjoyed Mary Connealy's. Thanks for mentioning Lori Wick's novel- adding it to my list! :)

  2. Heidi,

    Awesome! They were very, very good - really enjoyed them. :) And Mary Connealy always writes fun stories!

    Hope you enjoy checking out Lori Wick's Where the Wild Rose Blooms! It's the first in a series, and I remember loving the books when I was younger. Haven't read them in a while, but I'm sure they're still good! ;)


  3. Juju,

    Thank you! These really are such cute/sweet novellas. :)

    And I'm so glad you like the new header! Picmonkey is my new best friend. ;) I really liked your idea of using that one pic of me with the lupines, but I wasn't quite sure if that particular pic fit with the "humility" theme (I look rather proud with my silly stance there, haha), and I wanted to crop an image to have a thinner banner. I liked how the clouds worked with this one. :) Thanks again for the inspiration!


  4. Amber, these reviews are beautiful. Well said - and may I just say, you've made this non-western girl curious! Particularly about Regina's. Thank you. :)

    Echoing Juju, but I must also say, your new look is lovely! You've matched everything so prettily.

  5. Rissi,

    Aww, thank you so much! I think you could enjoy these even if you're not a huge fan of Westerns, because they're just little doses, you know? ;) And Regina's focus on the romantic tension would be enjoyable for anyone who likes romance, no matter the era, I believe. :)

    Thank you for the kind words about the blog design, as well! With the help of PicMonkey, it was fun trying something just a tad bit different. I really like that font for the header. :) And may I just say that I LOVE your new header with the bicycle?? You've got crafty and cute down to a science, my friend!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!