
Saturday, April 5, 2014

To Die Once: Upcoming Release Announcement and Endorsement

It's an exciting time to see a friend's book baby being introduced to the world! Miranda Uyeh has been a dear blogging friend of mine for quite a while now - she shares very thoughtful and insightful reviews and posts over on her blog, To Be A Person. Her debut is special for several other reasons: I had the pleasure of editing it last fall; my proofreader and freelance buddy, Rachelle Rea, proofread the book this spring; and Lena - whose cover designs we all know and love - designed the stunning cover.

Let's just pause and talk about this cover for a moment.
  1. If you're familiar with Miranda's online presence (her blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), you know the font style/color choices are perfect! Love that Miranda's rockin' the brand. :) 
  2. The endorsement is very fitting for the story. Yep, mystery, intrigue, and romance abound!
  3. The model is a great match for the heroine, Jennifer: sophisticated, stubborn, lovely, wounded, and headstrong. And that expression - so intense.
  4. The roses! They play a prevalent role and serve as a strong symbol in the story, so of course they needed to be on the cover. So perfect that the one by the title appears almost dead in spots, and yet looks like it's about to bloom.
This cover is a bit more "glamorous" than you generally see with inspirational romance books, but I think it works well with the tone and unique elements of the story. What are your thoughts?


Now, as for the story itself, here's a description of the book from Miranda's blog:

"Two men, one woman, a rosebush … 
… a terrible past, an uncertain future 

Jennifer, a woman unexpectedly trapped in a path of love and passion against everything she believes.

Rodrigo, a man set to get what he wants at the cost of what matters most.

Stefano, a man with a past, a story to tell and passion to offer.

Chidi, a friend in need, a friend indeed. Or not?

From a culture where good girls follow the norm and live as they’ve been told, Jennifer is no different from any other girl until by happenstance, she meets and falls in love with Rodrigo, a man who’s handsome, rich and foreign. Different. She has no idea who he is or what he does, and is swept into a world of romance and passion. It is not long before she discovers a shocking truth that shakes both her world and his.

Then he is gone.

Stefano shows up at a time when Jennifer has made up her mind about the rules of life. He thinks she’s beautiful and is in love with her. In a bid to convince her to give him a chance in her life, old memories once buried are brought to life. And the events that follow don’t leave anyone unaffected by the truth of the past that was left unsettled.

Meanwhile, Jennifer with her friend Chidi, find themselves on a self-discovery journey that has one of them raising questions.

Some just have to ask, where is God in all this?

… an inspirational romance, from Lagos to Italy."


Here is my official endorsement:

"Miranda Uyeh has penned a novel full of heart. To Die Once is a story alternately thorny and tender that tackles the various forms of love - romance, friendship, and faith - in unique settings and situations. Often surprising, consistently intriguing, Uyeh's debut is a bold start to her blossoming writing career." 
~ Amber Stokes, Author of "The Heart's Spring" Series

Less officially...

It was a pleasure to be one of the editors of this book and to get an early glimpse at such a complex and touching read! The book blurb didn't quite prepare me for the scope of the story - the diverse locations, the intense and surprising twists and turns, and the vast emotional landscapes. Miranda holds nothing back with her debut, blending her own personal touch with the writing lessons she's picked up on her reading journey.

I came to appreciate the fact that Miranda knew what she wanted to convey with this story and stuck to it - not just the romance, but the essence of friendship and the call of faith. For those who are searching for something different in inspirational romance - something that still offers heart, a strong focus on relationships, and a beautiful redemption theme - To Die Once is your train ticket to a satisfying and poignant adventure. Come discover what it means to die once in a lifetime...

To Die Once on Goodreads

(The tour runs through May 21st.)

Will you be signing up for the blog tour or purchasing the book when it becomes available? Which intrigues you the most - the cover, the blurb, or the endorsements?


  1. The cover is eye-catching and stunning. Big congrats to both you and Miranda on the release of this novel :)

  2. Rel,

    I agree! I always love Lena's cover designs. :) And I think it's great how this one looks a little more mainstream in a gorgeous but not-too-revealing way. Nicely done on Lena and Miranda's part!

    And thank you so much for the kind words, dear Rel! I've missed chatting with you. :) Really appreciate you stopping by to check out Miranda's upcoming release!


  3. Rel,

    Thank you so much for the sweet words! Much appreciated. :)


    Thank you, my friend! I agree with you on Lena's work. The cover is so gorgeous, and I thank Lena for her patience and expertise. I appreciate you taking the time out to journey with me in preparing this book. You, Lena and Rachelle shared the struggle with me and I'm ever grateful! Fasten your seat belt for To Lie Once, book #2. Coming soon! ;) Lol!

  4. Stunning...

    My word, absolutely stunning. I may or may have not stared at this for at least a full five minutes when I saw it ;) Lena has an INCREDIBLE talent. I'm 219 pages into ''To Die Once'' and I'm looking forward to sharing a review soon. Go, Miranda!

  5. Thanks for posting about this Amber! I just signed up for the blog tour. I actually received an email from Miranda a while ago through my blog asking if I would review her upcoming novel, but some how the email got deleted. (Stupid technology!) The cover definitely caught my eye (I love roses!) and blurb has me wanting more! :)

  6. Miranda,

    My pleasure! :)

    Yes, Lena's work is always fabulous. I really love how the cover captures your story!

    And it really has been quite the journey to publishing this book, hasn't it? I admire your perseverance and determination, and I'm excited this day is finally here! Thank you for letting me share the adventure with you. :)

    And how fun to hear about Book 2!! Happy writing!


  7. Ganise,

    I so agree! It's different in a really unique and beautiful way. :) Love that you stared at it for 5 minutes, haha. ;) Lena's definitely got talent - I just love working with her!

    Looking forward to reading your review, my friend!


  8. Alyssa,

    Of course! So happy you're joining in on the fun. :)

    Ugh, yes, technology... *sigh* Glad I was able to remind you of the tour! Aren't the cover and blurb intriguing??


  9. Beautiful cover! I'm already signed up to be part of this tour and I'm super excited! I will probably be starting this book this week or the next and I'm really looking forward to it!

  10. Abbi,

    I think it's beautiful, too! So glad to hear you signed up for the tour. :) Hope you enjoy Miranda's debut!


  11. Lovely! SO exciting to see the cover and squeal about this book being released to the world!


  12. Rachelle,

    Yes! We're proud aunties with a beautiful book niece, right? ;) Thank you for all your efforts on the part of To Die Once - you rock!


  13. Ganise,

    Thank you! I appreciate your warm words! Lena was so patient with me as we searched for the ideal photo. When I finally saw this one, I just had to have it! She's so talented! I'm glad I got to work with her. :)

    Happy you're finding 'To Die Once' to your liking. Can't wait to read your review! :)

  14. This is beautiful - well done, ladies! Love the cover, this post and just everything.

    I'm eager to read this book once it eventually goes up for sale and wish you all the best, Miranda! You are indeed a wonderful blogger and I've no doubt that translates to your novel writing. Congrats.

  15. Alyssa,

    I'm so glad to have you join the blog tour! Even more glad you find the cover/blurb interesting. Lena's got talent! Can't stop saying that.

    PS I already emailed you the details for the blog tour. :)

  16. Abbi,

    Can't wait to read your review! Glad you signed up for the tour. I hope you have with this book. :)

  17. Echoing you, Rachelle! So glad to see 'To Die Once' finally out there! Thank you for being on this journey with me! :)

  18. Rissi,

    Thank you! 'To Die Once' will go up for sale pretty soon. Can't wait to read your review when it does! :)

  19. Rissi,

    So glad you liked the post, my friend! You are a great encourager. :) I so agree that the cover is gorgeous and Miranda is a talented blogger. Hope you enjoy the book when it releases!


  20. Miranda,

    Thank you for taking the time to stop by and say hi to everyone! I, too, can't stop singing Lena's praises. :) Hope your tour is a smashing success!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!