
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bookish Cheer!

Happy weekend, dear readers! I've got a couple of bookish things to share with you today. (I'm sort of addicted to the word bookish now - sorry it keeps showing up on my social media sites, LOL.)

Love's Promises

Let's start with the Love's Promises cover reveal conclusion. First, on the giveaway form we asked entrants which of Sandra's covers (between the three pictured below) was their favorite. Here's the breakdown...

Out of 17 votes:
  • 12% preferred Love's Miracles
  • 29% preferred Love's Refuge
  • 59% preferred Love's Promises 
When chatting with others on Twitter and participating blogs, it seemed like Love's Refuge was especially loved, but Love's Promises also seems to be adored by readers - and, I mean, who can resist the hero's smile? ;) So happy for Sandra, that all of her new covers this past year have been gorgeous! (Thanks to designer Lena Goldfinch!)

And now, for the winner of the journal giveaway from the cover reveal! And the winner is...


Congratulations, Jennifer! Gotta love a new journal - so much potential and promise with those blank pages. :)

Jennifer has been e-mailed and has responded. For those who didn't win, though, there's going to be a super awesome giveaway for the Love's Promises blog tour in April, so stay tuned!

Speaking of the blog tour... If you're a blogger interested in participating in the tour by reviewing or spotlighting the book, interviewing the author, or posting some special feature, sign-ups are still open! Just fill out the form on the blog tour page, and I'll be in contact via e-mail. We're looking at the week of April 21-25 for the tour dates. Hope you'll join us - it's going to be a lot of fun!

And don't forget that you can purchase the Kindle version of this book now on Amazon!

Forget Me Not


As many of you know, I offered the Kindle version of Forget Me Not (Book 1 in my "Heart's Spring" series) for free this past week. I thought it would be a neat way to celebrate the official release of Bellflower & Fairy Slippers as a combo ebook, as well as see how a freebie promo would do now that I have other books for sale. (The other freebie promo I did last fall for Bleeding Heart was before any of my other books had been released.)

Well, I am pleased to pronounce it a success! Here is the total for how many times the book was downloaded Monday through Friday (March 17-21):


That, my friends, is a lot of potential new readers!! I'm so thrilled by the interest in Forget Me Not (and I know Lena's gorgeous cover design had to be a big part of that), and I hope people are blessed by the story.

Throughout the week, Forget Me Not remained on Amazon's Best Sellers list for Free Kindle books, usually hovering on the second or third page (between #31 and #50, or thereabouts). Forget Me Not also made some free best sellers lists for certain genres. Here are some highlights:

#1 in Historical Romance

#1 in Western Romance

#2 in Inspirational Romance

Forget Me Not (#3) and Laura Frantz's Courting Morrow Little (#1) together on Historical Romance list! (Pic courtesy of Melanie)

Keep in mind that these lists are updated hourly, so these are just snapshots (literally, ha!). And forgive my rather unprofessional highlighting and circling - I was playing around with this new-to-me tool and having too much fun. ;)

Despite all that, though, Forget Me Not stayed #1 or #2 in Western Romance for most of the week, and it was so fun to see Elizabeth on the charts! 

I consider the freebie promo a success for several reasons: the potential new readers, the visibility, and the sales - as this time I had other books in the series available for purchase, so my sales for Bleeding Heart and Bellflower increased! Since sales weren't doing too well this winter, any boost is good news in my book. ;)

HUGE thanks to all of you who helped spread the word on Twitter, Google +, Pinterest, on your blogs, and elsewhere! It truly made a difference, and your help and support are greatly appreciated. *Hugs* all around, dear friends, and thank you for all you do!!

If you missed Forget Me Not's freebie promo, it's only $2.99 for Kindle - and only $8.09 for the paperback. Happy reading!


  1. That is a lot of downloads! Congrats, Amber- happy for you. :-D

  2. Amber, your news is so exciting! Congratulations on the awesome numbers and rankings.! (Thank you for the Tea House video link....interesting.) I sent you my info for Sandra's blog tour. Enjoying Love's Promises right now!

  3. Congratulations, Amber!! Very well deserved. I don't know if you saw my comment on your Goodreads profile? Well, I was one of the readers who downloaded a copy of FORGET ME NOT :) I've gotten a glimpse of the first pages and my guess is that it's a beautiful love story. Looking forward to fully diving into it!

  4. Grace,

    Almost 5000 more than for the Bleeding Heart freebie promo last fall - I'm really pleased! :) Thank you so much for the support and kind words! *Hugs*


  5. Sherida,

    Thank you!! And thank you for signing up for the Love's Promises blog tour. I know the Tea House is probably different than what you were thinking, but I hope you'll still find its scene in the book fun. ;) Glad to have you on board!


  6. Ganise,

    You're so sweet - thank you! :) And no, I hadn't seen your comment! So glad you mentioned it (I responded!). Thank you so much for downloading Forget Me Not. I do hope you'll find it to be a good love story. :) *Hugs*


  7. Congratulations Amber! That's awesome!

  8. Hannah,

    Thank you, dear friend! :)



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