
Sunday, March 30, 2014

4th Blogoversary and Book Giveaway!

So... Maybe I should have a big blogoversary party every other year, and a fun little giveaway for the in-between years? Because that's how the blogoversaries have gone down so far. ;)

Alas, this is one of those years where I don't have a huge bash planned. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't exciting things lined up for the coming months! In fact, I've been rather preoccupied this week with upcoming publicity projects for clients that are going to be a ton of fun. We've got everything from an NA fantasy cover reveal and blog tour, to a romance tour, to a devotional book tour with a cat theme. Be sure to check out those pages and mark your calendars!

As for today, I thought I'd celebrate my 4th blogoversary by giving away some of my own books. Can't believe I can do that! I was still in the process of getting Bleeding Heart (my debut) ready for publication during my last blogoversary. It's been a crazy year!

Since Forget Me Not just released in paperback, I'm giving away a signed copy to one US resident. And for my international readers, I'm giving away an e-copy of any of my three books in "The Heart's Spring" series: Forget Me Not (Book 1), Bleeding Heart (Book 2) or Bellflower (the short-story collection). If you already have all my books, I'd be happy to gift a copy to someone for you if you win. :) You can enter using the form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you all so much for your readership! I'd love to hear what you enjoy about the blog and what you might like to see more of in the next year before my 5th blogoversary. (For example, do you like having my publicity clients' blog tours hosted here? Do you miss the devotional posts or author interviews? Do you want more reviews?) Blessings and *group hugs*!


  1. I like Amber's honest, open, real discussions of her faith, hopes, dreams. Thanks!

  2. I like the spiritual depth of your comments and reviews.

  3. I love reading your personal reflections and discussions of your faith. However, I'd love to see more devotionals and book reviews!

  4. Happy Blogaversary, Amber! I didn't realize we started blogging around the same time. (Mine is coming up next week!)

    I enjoy reading your blog and have enjoyed watching it grow to encompass more about your own writing/publishing journey, editing projects, and blog tours that you're coordinating.

  5. I just about everything about Amber!

  6. I really like you seasons rating system-so creative!! And I do like the giveaways :)

  7. Happy Blogoversary my precious friend!! Big time congrats on 4 years running and still going strong!

    I really enjoy your book reviews and how your rate them, but I honestly like everything about your blog as it reflects the beautiful person you are and your incredible faith :) Your creativity, your passion, your love for books, and your personality shine through on this blog making it a very unique place for readers/fellow booklovers like myself to enjoy. You also do a lovely job responding to comments and you're very accessible to anyone who wants to connect with you or get in touch with you, that means SOOOO much :)

    Keep up the great work, the writing, and the wonderful journey God has you's a pleasure being part of it with you! Congrats once again, Amber! Love and hugs to you, Kara

  8. Happy Fourth (Blog)Anniversary! So glad to have "met" you. *hugs*

    I like your reviews the best, but all of "Seasons of Humility" is pretty awesome. :-D

  9. Chris,

    That's so sweet! Thank you for the encouragement. It's really a blessing to know my readers are OK with me being open about those things. :) I so appreciate that!


  10. Jackie,

    Thank you! I'm so touched you feel that way. :)


  11. Jillian,

    Aww, thank you! I often feel like I'm just rambling in some of my posts, and I'm not always sure what I have to say is overly relevant to anyone else. ;) So this is very encouraging!

    It's been too long since I've posted some devotionals! One of my client's upcoming blog tours is for a devotional book, so I'm hoping that will reignite the passion. :) I think it would be great if we could get bloggers to contribute their own devotional posts to the tour!


  12. Brooke,

    Thank you! And happy blogoversary to you, as well!! How fun that we're blogoversary buddies. :)

    I really appreciate your kind words, and I'm so glad you like how things have grown and changed around here over these past few years! I kind of go through different cycles of what I focus on, but I'm really grateful to have this place as a platform for my books and my business. :) I've made such sweet and loyal friends here!


  13. Amy,

    Awwwww! *blushing* You're too kind! :) Thank you for being a loyal friend and reader!


  14. Marissa,

    Oh, yay! Glad to hear it. :) I had fun coming up with that from the very get-go. And everyone loves giveaways, right?? I know I enjoy entering them on other blogs, and I like that there's a give and take around the blogosphere to draw people in and offer something in return. ;) Good luck in this giveaway!


  15. Kara,

    Oh, friend - encourager extraordinaire! Your kind words mean so much to me. ♥ It's a blessing to know you feel that way about the blog, even when I'm just posting a bunch of reviews or random updates. :) I'm thrilled "Seasons of Humility" is an enjoyable place to visit, and I'm grateful for all the connections I've made! And I'm glad I come across as accessible, as I definitely want to be. :)

    Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me! *Big hugs* It's a privilege to know and work with you!


  16. Grace,

    Thanks so much, my friend! I'm so glad to have "met" you, as well. :) *Hugs* back!

    And yay! I love reading books and sharing my thoughts, so I'm glad you don't mind all the reviews. ;) Thank you for the sweet words!



  17. Hello Amber. I've been wanting these books since I saw them the first time. Hope can be a winner.
    Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  18. Maxie,

    Aw, I appreciate your interest in my books! Thank you. :) Good luck in the giveaway!


  19. Happy Anniversary !!
    I love everything about your blog but would enjoy more giveaways.
    Thanks for the opportunity to do so.
    Janet E.

  20. The things I like seeming most on this blog is updates on your books, and the giveaways.

  21. I stopped by your blog today - love your banner picture.

  22. Holy Catnip, Aunt Amber!! Where would us cats be without you??? You did such a great job editing our book, and then you put on the best blog tour ever for us! My brother, Bogey, and I (and our Mom, too!!) agree -- you're the best! Happy Anniversary!!

    I have an anniversary coming up, too. Five years ago on Palm Sunday, I was adopted into my forever home with my human Mom and Dad, and my brother, Bogey. It was the happiest day of my life. (So far!!)

    Your pal,

    Buckley Bergdorf,
    Cat Detective

  23. Janet,

    Thank you so much! And good to know. ;) There should be some great giveaways coming up for my clients' blog tours! And we have giveaways going on weekly at the group blog I contribute to, The Borrowed Book. :)


  24. Bethany,

    Thank you for the feedback! I do plan on sharing occasional updates about my books here, as this blog is more established. But I do share little updates and behind-the-scenes stuff at The Heart's Spring series blog, if you want to check that out now and then. :)


  25. Welcome, Ann!

    Thank you! Either my mom or I took that pic when taking the long way home. :) Aren't lambs so wonderful? Such a sweet sign of spring!

    Glad you stopped by!


  26. Buckley,

    Awww, you're too kind!! You know I had a blast editing your book and putting together your blog tour. :) Looking forward to our future projects! You and your mom are very talented.

    And that's wonderful that your own adoption anniversary is coming up. So glad you've been given such a loving home - and I know your mom and the rest of the cats are so glad to have you there! :) *Cuddles*


  27. I like your regular posts and your positive attitude about life in general - your kindness and sweet spirit come out in through your words. I'm fairly new to your blog so I don't have much to say. I have enjoyed your last two blog tours that have come through this blog!
    kam110476 at gmail dot com

  28. Kristen,

    I so appreciate your encouraging words! And it's wonderful to "meet" new friends through blogging. :) So glad that you've decided to stick around, and to hear you enjoyed the last two tours! I always have a blast organizing them, and these next few coming up should be a lot of fun. :) Hope you'll enjoy them!

    Thank you again!


  29. Happy 4 years!!!! :D

    I just love your blog, period! You're always so creative, and have a beautiful way with words. You're encouraging, but honest with your struggles. I enjoy everything, from your book reviews, to your personal posts, and everything in between. Wouldn't change a thing!!

  30. Bluerose,

    Awwwww!!! You are so incredibly sweet. I'm blessed to have met you through blogging - so grateful to have your friendship along this journey! ♥ Thank you so much for the encouragement!


  31. I pretty much love it all but the one thing I really like are the Snack Size reviews. It's such a cool idea and it's fun just to get your quick thoughts on a book!

  32. Abbi,

    You're so sweet - thank you! And oooh, good to know. :) It's been a while since I've done some of those, hasn't it...? I guess in one way that's good, because I'm reading more books that have to be reviewed (and I usually want to give those ones regular reviews). But I do have a lot of great books I've been acquiring (see the goals post above this one, haha), so I hope to dive into some of those soon - in which case I can share some more snack size reviews! :) Thanks for the feedback!


  33. Happy Blogoversary Amber! I got a Kindle app on my new phone and got your new book! Look forward to reading it soon. : )

  34. Cathy,

    Thank you so much - on both counts! :) Grateful for your friendship! Hope you enjoy Forget Me Not. :)


  35. Happy Anniversary on your blog! I enjoy it and think you do a fabulous job!

  36. Nancy,

    Thank you muchly! So glad you enjoy visiting here, and I really appreciate the kind words. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!