
Friday, February 14, 2014

My Review of Fly Away Home

Happy Valentine's Day, dear readers! I have the great pleasure of sharing about a romantic new release with you today: Fly Away Home - a debut by blogger extraordinaire (The Inkpen Authoress) and fellow self-pubbing friend Rachel Heffington. You can purchase signed copies from the author (learn more HERE), or you can buy the book on Amazon in either e-book or paperback formats! Read on to see what the book's about and to hear my thoughts...

Here's a description of the book:

"1952 New York City: Callie Harper is a woman set to make it big in the world of journalism. Liberated from all but her buried and troubled past, Callie craves glamour and the satisfaction she knows it will bring. When one of America's most celebrated journalists, Wade Barnett, calls on Callie to help him with a revolutionary project, Callie finds herself co-pilot to a Christian man whose life and ideas of true greatness run noisily counter to hers on every point. But when the secrets of Callie's past are hung over her head as a threat, there is space for only one love, one answer: betray Wade Barnett to save her reputation, or sacrifice everything for the sake of the man she loved and the God she fled. The consequences of either decision will define the rest of her life.

Self-preservation has never looked more tempting."

My Rating


My Review

The book begins with lots of sass, an intriguing setting, and a voice that both echoes the classics and injects both humor and wisdom in a fresh way. It's an interesting blend, and one that took me a bit to get comfortable with, but ultimately charmed me as the story progressed with lovely wording and great plot construction.

The heroine, Callie, frustrated me throughout a good deal of the book, and yet there was enough earnestness in her, enough hidden hurt visible through the holes in her mask, and enough hope for her character that she endeared herself to me and made me not mind being in her first-person POV. Plus, she loves her cat, chocolates, and writing - there's no way we couldn't be friends on at least some level!

And the hero... *happy sigh* He really is quite wonderful, despite his sometimes patronizing and occasionally foolish ways. Getting glimpses into his thoughts and heart through letters really added a touch of class and made the story that much sweeter and interesting.

There really is a lot to love - a trip back to the 1950s, the back-and-forth clash and banter between two journalists, a fascinating array of settings and situations, a dash of suspense, a lesson in true love, and some absolutely fabulous lines worthy of highlighting or underlining (either for their wittiness or their lyrical beauty). While there are a couple of borderline preachy scenes, this really is a unique and clever take on inspirational fiction, with one part of the storyline being a bit reminiscent of the movie Miss Potter. Heffington's voice shines like the New York skyline, and Fly Away Home is a brilliant debut.

*With thanks to the author for providing me with an e-copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*


  1. FABULOUS review, Amber! Thanks for sharing - I was already planning on snagging a copy of this next book ordering spree but your review has only made me more anxious to read it!


  2. Rissi,

    Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad the review made sense to you, because I wrote it in the wee hours of the morning. ;) But I knew there were some things I really had to convey - like the unique voice and blending of wit and wisdom. It's really a great read! I think this would be a lovely one to have in paperback form. :) So hope you enjoy it, too!


  3. Amber: Thank you so much for the sweet review and I am so glad you enjoyed it. I am quite aware that it's a "novel" take on the classic inspirational-romance scene so when you say it was a little different and unexpected, that makes me happy; I know I've come across the way I meant to. Thanks, again: reviews mean the world.

  4. This sounds like a great book! Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Rachel,

    My pleasure! I think that's wonderful that you made the story so "novel." It's an impressive debut. :) Happy to share my review - thanks for the chance to read it!


  6. Brooke,

    It is! Thanks for checking out my review. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!