
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Minute Read-a-thon Wrap-Up

So... *twiddles thumbs* Remember how I was supposed to fit in a lot of last-minute reading before the year's end? Yeah, I failed miserably, unfortunately!

I'm getting closer to finishing Love's Awakening by Laura Frantz, and I do hope to have that read before the ball drops and signals the start of 2014. Other than reading some more of that book, my weekend was filled with family matters, visits with friends, shopping, a small editing project, food, etc. It's not that I didn't have free time; it's just that I filled it with things other than reading. And when I went to read more at night, I'd get through a bit and then think, "I'll just shut my eyes for a moment." You can imagine the end result of that. While I'm a self-proclaimed night owl, I confess sleep claimed me...

Let's just hope that 2014 proves to be more productive in the reading department, or that I'll at least have a little more self-control when it comes to acquiring and requesting books, LOL!

However, I'm still glad to have learned of this read-a-thon - to meet some new bloggers and participate in the rainbow book-spine challenge, which was fun! Stay tuned for my last post of the year, featuring my favorite reads of 2013...


  1. Thank you for participating in this read-a-thon.

    I completely understand why you couldn't get your reads done. Life sometimes gets in the way, and sleep can take over.

    I wish you a very Happy New Year!!!

  2. Vonnie,

    I'm only sorry I didn't participate more! *sigh* But thank you for your understanding, as well as for the follow and the New Year's wishes! :) Happy New Year to you, as well!


  3. Hi, Amber!

    Happy New Year!! Don't feel bad! Life DOES indeed have a way of interfering with our best laid plans. You sure tried, and that's what matters.

    Thanks for participating in our read-a-thon, and we hope you decide to join in again later on this year!

    And you have another new follower!! : )

  4. P.S. I LOVED your holiday blog design, and LOVE this new one, too!! : )

  5. Maria,

    Aww, I so appreciate your sweet comments - and your kindness in following my blog! Even if I didn't read nearly as much as I wanted to, I'm so glad I made some new blogging friends thanks to this read-a-thon. :)

    Thank you very much for your understanding, and for the blog design compliments! A graphic designer, I'm not, but I do have fun trying to match colors between the blog backgrounds I find, header pictures, and links/titles/etc. So happy you like the look! One of my readers from way back suggested the change of design for the change of seasons, and I've had a great time with the idea. :)

    Happy New Year to you, as well!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!