
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Until That Distant Day... A Colorful Cover Reveal!

Today is a very special day... Jill Stengl has a brand-new cover to reveal - on her birthday, no less! Until That Distant Day is an historical romance set during the French Revolution, and it's one of the first books to be released from Rooglewood Press (owned and run by author Anne Elisabeth Stengl). The novel will be available April 25, 2014, but in the meantime, check out it's stunning cover!

My Thoughts: The epitome of historical romance covers! Nothing makes a female reader beg to take a trip back in time like a lovely, vintage outfit, right? The dress, the jewelry, the parasol - all show elegance and sophistication and hint that the story and writing will be laced with those things.Then there's the details like the title font that has a bit of fanciness, but suggests even more boldness, fitting with the book's description. There's the swirls at the top and the faded background that add a sense of mystery. And finally, I just have to say that the blend of colors is gorgeous! The purple makes the model stand out, perhaps with a royal flair. Blue suggests a quiet strength, but its vibrant shade hopefully hints at a bright personality beneath. Her hair is fiery, but not in an uncontrolled way. And her complexion is fragile, but her gaze is fearless. I love all of the dichotomies! I imagine a heroine such as this one, living in such difficult times, must have both sides to her.

What are your thoughts on the cover design?


About the Book

Paris, France

Colette DeMer and her brother Pascoe are two sides of the same coin, dependent upon one another in the tumultuous world of the new Republic. Together they labor with other leaders of the sans-culottes to ensure freedom for all the downtrodden men and women of France.

But then the popular uprisings turn bloody and the rhetoric proves false. Suddenly, Colette finds herself at odds with Pascoe and struggling to unite her fractured family against the lure of violence. Charged with protecting an innocent young woman and desperately afraid of losing one of her beloved brothers, Colette doesn’t know where to turn or whom to trust as the bloodshed creeps ever closer to home.

Until that distant day when peace returns to France, can she find the strength to defend her loved ones . . . even from one another?

About the Author

Jill Stengl is the author of numerous romance novels including Inspirational Reader's Choice Award- and Carol Award-winning Faithful Traitor, and the bestselling novella, Fresh Highland Heir. She lives with her husband in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin, where she enjoys her three cats, teaching a high school English Lit. class, playing keyboard for her church family, and sipping coffee on the deck as she brainstorms for her next novel.

You can connect with Jill on her blog, Books, Cats, and Whimsy, or on Facebook.


Jill is offering an enormous bundle prize of ten print novels and novellas, including her award-winning Faithful Traitor, several novella collections, and her three-book Longtree series. These will all be autographed! Enter the drawing using the Rafflecopter form below. (Open to residents of the US and Canada only.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
So, let's wish Jill a very happy birthday, and do share your thoughts on her new cover! 


  1. Happy Birthday Jill hope it is the best birthday ever. Love the cover of your book. It's beautiful.

  2. The cover for Until That Distant Day is stunning!! I am so excited to read this book; it looks and sounds intriguing! :)
    A question for Jill... what are some of your favorite reads?

    Thanks!! -Shantelle

  3. Gorgeous. You summed up all that needs to be said, Amber! *applauds*

    ...and Happy Birthday to Jill! Hope you have a special day. :)

  4. Danie,

    Thanks for stopping by and wishing Jill a happy birthday! Isn't the cover of her upcoming release so beautiful?? :)


  5. Juju,

    I know, right? That cover definitely creates interest for the story itself. I'll be curious to learn more this spring. :)


  6. Shantelle,

    I so agree! Thanks for commenting!


    P.S. Were you the "anonymous" who left a comment on the Love's Refuge blog tour launch post? I'd just like to verify whose entry that was. :)

  7. Rissi,

    Aww, thank you so much! *takes a bow* ;) Isn't the cover so very pretty?

    Thank you for stopping by, my friend, and wishing Jill a happy birthday!


  8. I can't wait to read your book, Jill! Does your daughter get her writing talent from you?

  9. Brooke,

    It does sound and look good, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by and participating in the giveaway!


  10. I would love to know some of your favorite books.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  11. Happy Birthday, Jill and the cover is beautiful!

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  12. Melanie,

    Thanks for checking out the cover reveal and leaving a question & comment for Jill! :)


  13. Wow--I'm slow to find all these kind wishes and questions!

    First of all, Amber, thank you so much for the work and time you put into my cover reveal! :-)

    Thank you all so much for the happy birthday wishes! I did have a lovely birthday, and this cover reveal just keeps adding to the fun.

    @Shantelle and Melanie--I love to talk about books! Some of my favorite reads are . . . the Tales of Goldstone Wood. Yes, I could be prejudiced but I honestly think I would give that answer even if the author weren't my daughter! I also love Jane Eyre, A Tale of Two Cities, the Narnia Chronicles, and pretty much anything by Dorothy Sayers, Rafael Sabatini, or Diana Wynne Jones. I also love Georgette Heyer's mysteries and Regency romances. How is that for an eclectic mix? I love discovering new-to-me favorites.

    @Brooke: I think Anne Elisabeth inherited much of her love of writing and literature from me, but her father is also a storyteller, so it's hard to say! I have been learning so much from my daughter these past few years--she is far more focused than I am, and her imagination just blows me away! I feel SO lucky and blessed to be first to read her manuscripts as they take shape--I can tell you that AMAZING stories are in store! :-D

  14. Jill,

    It was my pleasure to help with the cover reveal! Such an exciting occasion! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by to answer questions! I love how close you and your daughter are, and how you work together and support each other in the book biz. What a blessing! Can't wait to find out all that's in store for the "Tales of Goldstone Wood" series... :)


  15. Ummm I kind of love this cover!!! It reminds me ofthe tv series The Paradise and the girl on the cover reminds me of its main character, Denise! Really great cover!

  16. Renee,

    Isn't it gorgeous?? And that's awesome! Haven't seen that show... Is it good?

    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!