
Wednesday, October 30, 2013


October is coming to a close, and project deadlines are looming! I'm currently working on an editing project for a new client with Editing Through the Seasons, as well as doing a final read-through of client Sandra Leesmith's November release, Love's Refuge. (Interested in participating in the November blog tour? Sign-ups are still open for a couple more days!) Once I wrap up these two projects, I think most of my business projects will be publicity ones for the rest of the year...

...which will hopefully allow me to focus on rewrites for Forget Me Not in November! I'm not officially participating in NaNoWriMo (since I'm not starting a new novel from scratch), but while all my writer friends are working on their new projects, I can pretend I'm a part of it all. ;) I've started to realize just how much work editing this book will be. Yet some ideas have been buzzing in my brain that have me excited to make the story better. You can get a glimpse at the main characters and see a little of where my mind's been via the Forget Me Not Pinterest board, as well as the Forget Me Not "Soundtrack" Pinterest board, which I recently created. (I'm hoping to have the Forget Me Not soundtrack be a little more focused than Bleeding Heart's - maybe that will entice more readers to give it a try, since it's not as overwhelming!)

In other bookish news, I have finally decided to get things rolling for an author newsletter! I'm hoping for it to be a quarterly one (with an issue coming out during each of the seasons), with the first e-mail newsletter being sent out in January, or thereabouts. Maybe I'll even throw in a giveaway, a newsletter-only article, or something like that. In addition to sharing all my latest book news, I'm hoping to also feature some of my clients' books. We'll see how it goes... It should be fun, though!  You can sign up for the newsletter via the link below:

(I named my "publisher" Seasons of a Story, in case you were wondering where the name came from. I think it ties in nicely with my business' name and my blog title. =))

And now, for some other noteworthy tidbits...
  • The Haunting Joy blog tour concludes tomorrow! There have been a lot of great stops along the way - including a review from a "ghost" (too fun!). To catch up on all the posts, find links to purchase the book, and enter the tour-wide giveaway (which ends tonight!), visit the blog tour page. Also, don't forget that there's a Twitter chat tomorrow at noon EST/9 a.m. PST! It's the first chat Lena and I have hosted, so we'd love to see you there. (We'll even throw in some virtual M&Ms!) You can direct your questions regarding the book, the paranormal genre, Halloween memories, etc., to @lena_goldfinch, and include the hashtag #HauntingJoy. I'll be moderating via @SeasonsHumility.
  • Fellow self-pubbed author Heather Day Gilbert's Viking debut officially releases this Friday (November 1st)! Visit her website to learn more. Sounds epic! And isn't the cover stunning?
  • The Kindle Matchbook program commenced yesterday! I enrolled Bleeding Heart. What that means for you is that if you bought (or buy) the paperback version, you can get the Kindle version for FREE, so you can read the book on whichever platform you feel like, whenever you feel like it. Pretty sweet, right? At least, I think so! Let me know what your thoughts are on the program. If you're an author, did you or your publisher enroll your book? If you're a reader, will you be taking advantage of this offer?
  • And finally, one last thing on Bleeding Heart - the book is currently only $.99 for Kindle! I'd love any help in spreading the word!
Well, now that I've dumped all that info on you...have a fabulously bookish day! And be sure to stop by again tomorrow for the conclusion to the Haunting Joy blog tour.


  1. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Amber--and speaking of lovely covers...yours are so eye-catching! I just signed up for the Matchbook program, as well--sounds like a great idea with Christmas gift time around the corner!

  2. Heather,

    You're quite welcome! I'm so excited about your debut! :)

    And awww, thank you so much! Lena Goldfinch is an amazing cover designer - I love working with her. :)

    Doesn't the Matchbook program sound like a win-win? Plus, if someone buys the paperback and then lends it out, they've still got the e-book version. I like that there are more reading options, and a way to "reward" those who buy the paperback. :)


  3. I just bought a copy of Bleeding Heart! Really looking forward to reading it :)

  4. Jillian,

    That's wonderful! Thank you so much for buying a copy - hope you enjoy it! :)


  5. Love your new cover, Amber! Good luck with the edits!


  6. Sue,

    Thank you so much - on both counts! :) Appreciate you stopping by!



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