
Monday, September 16, 2013

My Review of On Distant Shores

Click HERE to read my official blog tour post, which includes a description of the book, information about the author, and links. (Please note that the giveaway has ended.)

My Rating


My Review

Sarah Sundin can be counted on to produce quality WWII fiction filled with interesting details, well-mixed themes, and tender romance. On Distant Shores is no exception.

It starts with a slow waltz back into the lives of characters from With Every Letter, with a few spins and turns as the reader gets new perspective from previous secondary characters. I found it interesting that the book begins before the ending of With Every Letter, although it quickly catches up to where that first book in the "Wings of the Nightingale" series left off. I appreciate that the hero and heroine I'd come to love in With Every Letter weren't neglected throughout the entirety of this story, and the hero and heroine of the third book (coming 2014) are also included, with even a little bit of character growth for the next heroine.

As for Hutch and Georgie, the hero and heroine of this book... Era- and war-specific romantic tension is Sundin's specialty. I confess that their scenes apart were frustrating to read, as I enjoyed witnessing their interactions. Yet a certain scene in the middle is all the sweeter for the long solo flights it took for them to get there. And a certain "other girl" enriches the story all the more...

I'd say there's a little more action in this book than With Every Letter, although the romance didn't woo me quite as much, or at least not in the same way. I confess that socially awkward Mellie and her epistolary love story were a little dearer to me than Georgie's story. But what I love about Sundin's books is that each one is so unique, despite being centered on the same war and often similar professions. Each character's fears and struggles are depicted in a memorable, thematic way. Georgie's lessons on safety vs. strength and Hutch's lesson in contentment resonate, and the use of gifts and outings to convey them is very well done.

For those who desire to be completely immersed in another era and to stay there for a while, On Distant Shores offers a worthwhile and well-crafted journey. The length of the book wasn't quite as enjoyable for me this time around, but I still think it's an excellent read when you're in the mood for this genre.

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion, to be shared during the Litfuse Publicity blog tour.*


  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this one, Amber! I won a copy at Sarah's Facebook party -- looking forward to reading it! :)

  2. Michelle,

    I'm so glad - thanks for reading them! :)

    And congrats!! I love winning books. :D I'm sure you'll enjoy this one!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!