
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn Bash ~ Celebrating with Elizabeth Ludwig!

Today's guest is Elizabeth Ludwig, author of Dark Road Home, the second book in the "Edge of Freedom" series. Elizabeth was my editor for Bleeding Heart, and she's also in charge of the group blog I contribute to (The Borrowed Book). Read on to learn more about this awesome lady and her latest release...


Amber: Lisa! It's a pleasure to host you here, dear friend. =) What does autumn mean to you, in your writing career and in your life? Is there something you especially love about the season?

Elizabeth: Autumn was always my favorite time of year when I lived in Michigan. There’s a crispness in the air, mingled with a hint of wood smoke—either from stoves gearing up in preparation of winter or from the last of summer’s campfires. Having grown up surrounded by farms, I’ve always appreciated autumn’s bounty, from tart red apples to pumpkins and squash. And the color! I’m still filled with awe when I behold a landscape clothed in orange, red, yellow, and brilliant purple.

Now, I live in Texas, and autumn is still special, only now it means Friday Night Lights, and the scent of BBQ and hot links mingling on the air with fresh cut grass.

Amber: Love your descriptions of how the season differs in different locales!

If the hero of Dark Road Home was invited to a harvest party, what would be his reaction? If he decided to go, what would he wear and how might he get involved?

Elizabeth: The hero of my latest release, Eoghan (pronounced “Owen”) Hamilton, is a bit of a loner. He’s the lean, muscular type, stubborn, with a fiery temper to match his russet hair. Thankfully, he’s also steadfast and loyal, and he loves to tease, so I think he would be in his element at a harvest party, so long as there weren’t any dark characters hanging about. If there were, he’d be in protective mode so he could safeguard the heroine.=)

As for what he’d wear and how he might get involved, well, Eoghan doesn’t care for the limelight much, since he’s spent the past several years in hiding, but if it meant taking a turn about the ballroom with the heroine…yeah…he just might be convinced to dance.

Amber: Awww! He loves to tease, he has a protective mode, and he'd like to dance with the heroine? I like this guy, Lisa! ;)

As for your heroine... What is her favorite part about autumn where she lives?

Elizabeth: Since my heroine, Ana Kavanagh, lives in New York City in 1897, she doesn’t get to enjoy the sights and sounds of autumn much, but she still loves the scents and smells. And she’s a fantastic cook, so she makes the most of all those wonderful seasonal vegetables.

Amber: I bet the hero appreciates that! ;) Could you share a snippet from the book?

Elizabeth: I’d love to! Here is a piece from DARK ROAD HOME (Bethany House, 2013).

 ~ Excerpt from Dark Road Home ~

Ana scraped the last bit of orange flesh from a pumpkin then set the empty rind aside to be cut into a bowl for baking. Pumpkin custard. Her mouth watered at the thought of the sweet, spicy scent that would soon fill the kitchen. The seeds, too, were delicious when roasted and lightly salted. She couldn’t wait to show Cara, who’d promised to stop by for a visit later, after she and Rourke had tended to a few tasks at the office where he worked.

Laverne, the boarding house cook and housekeeper, shuffled into the kitchen bearing a tray with the remnants of Amelia’s afternoon tea. “How ya coming with that custard?”

“Just fine,” Ana said, lifting the bowl to display her prize.

Laverne’s head bobbed with pleasure. “That’ll make a nice dessert, sure enough. Need me to fetch you some eggs?”

Thanks to the lamps Giles had rigged in the barn, and the warmer than normal temperatures, the hens were still laying. Ana nodded and pointed toward the counter. “I’ve a couple there, but with this much pumpkin, I’m sure I could use a few more.”

“Coming right up.” She scooted to the back door, her steps so light as to make Ana think she wore wings on her boots.

“Say hello to Giles for me,” she called teasingly. Laverne never missed an opportunity to visit with the hired handyman, today notwithstanding. Not that Ana minded being left alone to finish the dessert for tonight’s meal. Truly, she enjoyed her job at Mr. O’Bannon’s candle shop, but working alongside Laverne in a warm, toasty kitchen with the scent of baking bread tickling her senses. . .

Ach, this indeed was heaven. And tucked away where no one could see, she need pay no heed to what others might think of her hands.

What Eoghan might think.

Ana frowned. As quickly as the name—and the face that accompanied it—rose in her thoughts, she shoved them away. Oh, but she wished she could as easily shake the feeling that something about him was familiar. Maybe then she could finally rid her thoughts of his wry grin and dancing, devilish eyes.

Devil, indeed, she huffed, giving the spoon a hearty tap against the side of the bowl. Who else but a devil could ensnare a woman’s thoughts so?

~ End of Excerpt ~

Amber: Hehe, nice! Definitely gives a great sense of fall - I love roasted pumpkin seeds, so that mention has me eager for them! And love the romantic quandary. ;) Thanks for sharing with us, Lisa!



Elizabeth is giving away a paperback copy of Dark Road Home! Here are the rules:

  • Leave a comment with your e-mail address (required). Let us know what you think of this introduction to the hero and heroine of Dark Road Home! Or tell us what autumn food you're most looking forward to enjoying this season. =)
  • This drawing is open to everyone!
  • One winner will be randomly drawn using the List Randomizer on, and will be announced on this blog on Saturday, September 28th.
Tomorrow's guest is Jolina Petersheim, and we'll be chatting about The Outcast!


  1. I live in Texas too! Whoop!!! :) Where in Texas? I'm in College Station (Go Texas A&M!!! Go Johnny Manziel!!!!). We only have two seasons here: summer and February.:D

    (Not an entry)

  2. Okay, now I'm hungry for pumpkin custard . . . :-D Which, incidentally, is one of my favorite autumn treats. My husband asks for pumpkin pie each year as his birthday "cake," so you can see that pumpkin is big around this house. I live in cranberry-land up in the Northwoods of WI, so I tend to bake a lot of cranberry muffins each autumn, as well. Thank you for this giveaway, Amber and Elizabeth!

  3. Love the interview! I had the fun of meeting Elizabeth at ACFW while walking to the Baker Publishing Group dinner on Saturday night. :) Can't wait to read her latest.

    As for my favorite autumn food, do beverages count? Because it's a tie between pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider. :)

  4. I have been wanting to read this one. Sounds intriguing.
    I look forward to my favorite - pumpkin pie! Yum!
    Campbellamyd at Gmail dot com

  5. Sounds intriguing! I love this time of year for collecting colorful leaves :)


  6. Another Texan!! Whoop! I live in Bridge City, which is south and east of College Station, right on the Louisiana border.

    And I agree...two seasons...only mine are summer and football (GO STEELERS!)

  7. Jill, you're a Wisconsin girl? I always think of Laura Ingalls when I think of Wisconsin.

  8. Hi, Melissa!! Congratulations again on your BHP contract. Dinner was fun, wasn't it??

  9. Hey Amy! My husband loves pumpkin pie, too. I'm not a huge fan, but it almost feels sacrilegious not to have at least one slice heaping with whipped cream at Thanksgiving (can you believe we're talking about Thanksgiving already???).

  10. Welcome, Heidi! Do you ever tape the leaves to your windows? When my kids were little, they always wanted to bring the leaves inside. I finally figured out if we taped a few to the windows at kid height so they could see them, they'd quit asking for more. LOL!

  11. I can't wait to read this! you got me with the characters right from the start. A mystery and a probable love story just what every good novel needs! As for food anything pumpkin of course!

  12. Jackie! Hello again. :-)

    Good luck, my friend, and Happy Fall!

  13. I loved this introduction to Eoghan and Ana and can't wait to read DARK ROAD HOME. Thank you for this opportunity to win a copy!

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  14. Wonderful interview! To be honest, I was unsure of this book until I read this excerpt. Now I'm hooked and looking forward to reading your book. Thank you for sharing and please enter my name in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

  15. What a great post. I love how she described the differences too. :)

    Good luck all!

    (not an entry)

  16. I love Autumn's fall leaves, the cooler weather, but most of all I look forward to eating pumpkin pie.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    Janet E.

  17. My favorite season is Fall! Because I get to make pumpkin cookies, and also pumpkin breads too and drink pumpkin hot chocolate, have fires in the fireplace, see the changing of the leaves.

  18. Good afternoon, everyone! I love hearing about your favorite fall foods and traditions. Isn't this a fabulous time of year? And thank you for encouraging Lisa, too - she's a wonderful author, editor, and friend! :D

    Melissa: Ooooh, I LOVE apple cider! Clendenen's Cider Works in my home county makes the most delicious cider - like fall in a glass. :)

    Lisa: So good to have you here! :) I'm actually not a big fan of pumpkin pie either...although I don't think I've tried it in a long time. Not really my thing. :\ However, my mom made the most awesome apple dumplings with cinnamon sauce today - soooo delicious! And I love roasted pumpkin seeds. :)


  19. Hey Amber,

    I love apple cider juice, apple bumplings, but most of all anything that has pumpkin in it.

  20. I love apple pie and sweet potato dishes.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  21. Danie,

    Very cool! I'm generally not a big fan of pumpkin, but I do like roasted pumpkin seeds. :) Such a yummy, salty snack!

    Thanks for sharing!


  22. The autumn food I'm most looking forward to is pumpkin pie (or anything, for that matter).

    Enjoyed your interview - thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book, Elizabeth!

  23. @ Mrs. Ludwig

    Bridge City? I've never heard of it. Is it near Brownsville?

    I'm so happy for football season!!! ;D While I'm usually not crazy about football, having Johnny Manziel on our team makes it worth watching!!! He's SO amazing!! No wonder he won the Heisman Trophy. ;)

  24. Thank you for an opportunity to be a winner. I cannot wait to find out more about Eoghan and Ana.

    melback at cebridge dot net

  25. Glad you enjoyed it, Britney Adams. Good luck!

  26. That's AWESOME, Barbara!! Thanks for Amber for the opportunity to share a bit from my book. And good luck in the drawing!

  27. Thank you, Juju! Glad you could stop by.

  28. Hey, Janet E, your email reminded me of my husband. He signs all of his correspondence Von. Are you German?

  29. Danie, I live in Southeast Texas now, but we still get to enjoy a fire now and again. Can't WAIT for cooler weather!

  30. Amber, thanks for posting those additional comments.

    Merry, you're talking my language now. I love sweet potatoes!! Some places offer them as an alternative to baked potatoes...butter and brown sugar...YUM!

  31. You're very welcome, Bonnie. Good luck!

  32. Bridge City is WAAAY north of Brownsville. Think Houston, and then travel two hours due east (right on the LA border).

  33. Since moving 10 years ago to the border of Mexico or being in Nicaragua we don't get to experience Autumn anymore....BUT by cooking all our favorite foods we can pretend! Pumpkin Custard pies, hot chocolate, chili...

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  34. Oookay. I think I know where that is, now. :) How long have you been in Texas? I was born in California and spent the first seven years of my life there. We lived in San Diego and the temperature was basically the same year round: perfect. ;) And then we moved to blistering hot Texas! Boy! It took a while to get used to sweating all the time. ;) But I will say I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Texas wasn't one big desert with camels and cactus everywhere. :D

  35. Dark Road Home has some interesting characters to become acquainted with. I already have questions buzzing in my head. Thank you for offering a copy.

    I love all the traditional fall dishes--pumpkin pancakes or pumpkin shakes are delicious. I look forward to sweet potato casserole and cranberry relish.

  36. Thank you all for your fun comments, sharing your favorite fall foods and your thoughts on Elizabeth's excerpt! And thank you, Lisa, for interacting with everyone! :)

    Winner will be announced soon!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!