
Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Harvest of Winners!

I have a list of winners to announce today - such a fun time! 

The first is the winner of the handmade Kindle bag, which was the prize Sandra offered in conjunction with her latest cover reveal last Friday. If you missed the cover (or you just love to look at cover pretties!), here it is again:

So sweet!

And the winner of the Kindle bag is...


Congratulations! I've sent you an e-mail, and you have until Wednesday, October 2nd to confirm your entry and claim your prize.

(Speaking of cover reveals, I have to add that there will be another one on Tuesday, October 1st. Two fun things about this reveal: 1. The author is also the cover designer. 2. It's a special edition cover, and that cover design will only be available in paperback format!)

And now, on to the list of winners from the Autumn Bash 2013! (Click on the button below to see all of the autumn bash posts - there are some great interviews worth checking out if you missed them when they were originally posted!)

The following winners were chosen randomly using the List Randomizer on They have until Wednesday, October 2nd to respond to my e-mail and claim their prizes before new winners are drawn - and they must be from the eligible countries (dependent on the particular giveaway) in order to claim their prizes.
  • Carissa won a copy of Love's Awakening by Laura Frantz!
  • Anne Elisabeth Stengl's cover reveal winners will be announced on her blog in a couple of days!
  • Amy C. won a copy of Made to Last by Melissa Tagg! 
  • Danie Walther won a copy of Dark Road Home by Elizabeth Ludwig!
  • Barbara Thompson won a copy of The Outcast by Jolina Petersheim!
  • Melody won a copy of Born of Persuasion by Jessica Dotta!
Congratulations, winners!

Huge thanks to the authors for their time and generosity - and to all you readers for supporting them and sharing the enthusiasm this past week! I hope you all had a lovely time at the bash. =)

More cover reveals and blog tours and reviews to come! I'm behind on my reading still, but on the plus side my sweet aunt taught me an easy way to knit hats! I'm so excited to know how to do something crafty like this (besides cross-stitching, which my grandma taught me), and who doesn't love a handmade hat this time of year, right? My family and friends' heads will be kept warm this fall, hehe. ;) Hope you all are enjoying the start of this delightful season!


  1. Cherie,

    Thank you so much for stopping by to congratulate the winners! You're welcome any time. :)


  2. Wahoo! Send me Melody's address and I'll get the book out to her!

  3. Jessica,

    Done! :) Thank you so much for your generosity!


  4. Yay! Big congrats to all of the winners! Fabulous sequence of posts highlighting so many talented authors, Amber. :)

  5. Rissi,

    You're so sweet, my friend!! Thank you for stopping by to congratulate the winners, and thank you for the kind words about the bash! Definitely a group of talented authors. :)


  6. Congratulations everyone, especially Sandra on this latest fabulous release!!! :)

  7. KC (and May!),

    You're so sweet! Thank you for checking in to wish everyone well! You'll love Sandra's latest, I'm thinking! :)

    Hope you are doing well, my friend!



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