
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wanted: A Face for Zachary Taylor

I'm back with another series-extras post! I was planning on doing a "guess the scene" game to go along with the Bleeding Heart soundtrack, but since I'm currently working on that companion short story I keep mentioning, another idea has revealed itself. Hope you'll still find it fun!

Last week, I began a $10 gift card giveaway with a "guess the title" game. There's still time to enter if you haven't yet done so! Just leave a comment on that post with your guess for the title of Bleeding Heart's sequel. (More details HERE.)

Today you have a chance to get another entry in the drawing for the gift card (so this is not a new drawing, but a continuation of the one started last week)! Here are the rules (with a little background)...

I'm working on my contest entry for the Five Glass Slippers writing contest hosted by author Anne Elisabeth Stengl. I'm doing a Cinderella retelling called Fairy Slippers, set not long about a year after the end of Bleeding Heart in Falk, California in 1887 1888 (*I've already noticed a revision I have to make, LOL*). Rebeka of The Other World inspired me to consider writing a story about Zachary Taylor, one of Bleeding Heart's secondary, just so you all know, Zach is back!

I think this is a really fun writing prompt and an exciting contest, so I'm happy to give it a shot while telling a little more of Zachary Taylor's story. I hope you'll get to hear more about my entry in 2014 - either because it did all right in the contest (the top 5 entries will be published in a book titled Five Glass Slippers), or because it didn't make it, in which case I'd consider self-publishing it as a $.99 e-book or something. =)

Anywho, back to this contest! I got distracted by Pinterest again (what can I say?), and decided to create a board for this project. I have an actress in mind for the heroine, Margaret Richmond. But I'm having a tough time thinking of an actor who fits Zachary's looks and demeanor well. Here's a brief recap of his character:

~ Tall, dark hair, muscular
~ 42 years old
~ Served in the Confederate Army during the War Between the States (the Civil War)
~ Works as a cook in Falk, a redwood lumber town
~ Kind of gruff and doesn't say much, but a bit of a softy once you get to know him
~ Sings war ballads at the Saturday night dances

I would love your help in putting a face to Zachary Taylor! Gotta find that perfect pin for my Pinterst board, you know? ;)

So, here's how you can get another entry in the $10 gift card drawing:
  • Leave a comment with the name of the actor you think fits Zachary's character well. A link to a pic would be even better! Please also include your e-mail address so I can contact you if you win. (If you know I know it, you don't have to include it, but otherwise please do, so your entry can be counted.)
  • I kind of like more old-fashioned movies for actor pics, and I love to make a connection between a specific role the actor played and my character. (You can find examples of this on my Bleeding Heart and Forget Me Not boards.) However, you don't have to suggest the "winning" pic for your entry to be counted!
  • The winner of this double-play (two chances to win) giveaway will be announced at the conclusion of the blog tour on Saturday, August 31st.
Looking forward to hearing your suggestions! Don't forget that there are more Bleeding Heart blog tour posts this week (you can find all the links HERE) - and please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions about this giveaway or the tour.


  1. Hi! I would suggest Richard Armitage (yes, I know he is British but he can lost the accent). He fits the description, I think rather well (and he is actually 42 years old in real life, but that is just a bonus!) Here's a link to his imdb page:

    my email:

  2. Awesome idea! I wasn't expecting you to make the story about Zachary. :-D

    I am not sure who could be him, but if I do find the fitting Zach I'll come back and let you know.

  3. Jaguar Hero,

    Ooooh, great suggestion! And that's awesome that he's the same age! I just watched North & South again last Friday... *blissful sigh* I could definitely go for the comparison! ;)

    Thanks for participating!


  4. Grace,

    Glad you like the idea! It all just kind of came together when Rebeka noted she wanted more about Zachary Taylor... I wasn't planning on writing a full story about him, but doing a short story while challenging myself to fit it to the Cinderella writing contest rules seemed like a fun option. :) I'm enjoying writing it so far!

    Yes, do come back with a suggestion if you think of one! :)


  5. I would see him being played by someone like Gerard Butler. Strong and silent type

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  6. Shannon,

    Ah, Gerard Butler - love him! Especially in Phantom of the Opera and Nim's Island. :) Nice suggestion - thanks!


  7. Two pins just leaped into my mind when I read your description.
    I don't know if this will help, but I'll send them to you - look for something from Maria Rodriguez.
    Bleeding Heart sounds really cool - I should check it out : )

  8. Maria,

    Saw your comment on Pinterest - again, let me know if you find them, but no worries if you don't! If you remember the actors' names, the movies they were in, or if you have any other suggestions, feel free to share anything so I can enter you in the giveaway (if you'd like)! :)

    I'm happy to hear you think BH sounds good. :) I'd love for you to check it out sometime! It's currently $2.99 for Kindle, and a paperback version is coming very soon. :)


  9. How about one of my favorites? Matthew Settle. I first fell in love with him during a mini series he did called Into the West in 2005. Mat

    Do a search on Matthew Settle + Into the West. He's dreammmmy.

  10. Juju,

    Ooooh, niiiice! I've been curious about that series - just haven't tried it yet! I'm guessing you enjoyed it with an actor like that on board? ;)

    Thanks for the suggestion, Juju!


    P.S. Agreed about Gerard Butler!

  11. Zachary Taylor! *dances* I wish I knew more actors to suggest, but I love all the options others have put forward--especially Richard Armitage. ;)

  12. Rebeka,

    Haha, love your reaction!! ;) I'm particularly fond of Richard Armitage myself... ;) Leaning that direction - we shall see!


  13. beckie,

    Thank you for the suggestion! :) If you'd like to be entered in the giveaway, could you leave your e-mail address? Thanks!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!