
Sunday, August 18, 2013

3...2...1 - The Bleeding Heart Blog Tour Has Begun!

Does anyone know where the first half of August went?? There's so much going on this month - but it's been packed with blessings for me so far, and I hope it's been the same for you! And, well, here it is August 18th, which means that the Bleeding Heart blog tour is go for launch!

I've been overwhelmed by the support I've received for my debut novel. My inbox has been inundated with fabulous interview questions for the tour, and the first reviews have been wonderful to read. I hope you enjoy visiting all the stops along the tour! While some of the interview questions were very similar, each interview is unique - and there will also be plenty of reviews, some extra e-book giveaways, and some other special posts along the way. 

Here's an overview of the blog tour schedule (but be sure to visit the official blog tour page on the Bleeding Heart site for direct links when they're available, as well as the latest information about the tour):

Sunday, August 18th
Monday, August 19th 
Tuesday, August 20th
Wednesday, August 21st
Thursday, August 22nd
Friday, August 23rd
Saturday, August 24th
Sunday,  August 25th
Monday, August 26th
Tuesday, August 27th
Wednesday, August 28th
Thursday, August 29th
Friday, August 30th
Saturday, August 31st

If you haven't picked up your copy of Bleeding Heart yet, it's currently only $2.99 for Kindle. (Or you can try your luck in one of the giveaways - or wait for the paperback version, which is coming soon!)

Speaking of giveaways...

"Journey to the West" Giveaway!

I've put together a prize package for the tour designed to give one lucky winner a special "journey to the West." In addition to a signed copy of my book (when the paperback becomes available), I'm including items I've handpicked from the various settings of Bleeding Heart. There's a deck of playing cards with pictures from the Pacific Northwest, which I bought at the Multnomah Falls gift shop in Oregon. There's a redwood bookmark and a copy of Falk's Claim: The Life and Death of a Redwood Lumber Town (a book about one of the settings which greatly aided me during the editing process and is a fascinating read), which I bought at a gift shop at Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. And there's a wooden train whistle (and a post card which I'll use to write a message to the winner) that I bought in Virginia City, Nevada.

All of these prizes will go to one winner who enters via the Rafflecopter form below! The winner will be announced at the end of the tour. Please note that this particular giveaway is U.S. only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I hope you have a great time visiting all of the fabulous blogs participating in the tour. And be on the lookout for a couple of special posts here (at this blog) during the tour - I want to share some fun extras and such with my readers!


  1. I'm so proud of you. Even though I'm not part of the tour I will definitely be visiting and trying to show my support. Congratulations sweetie. I hope it's a smash hit!

  2. I'm really looking forward to reading all the reviews and especially looking forward to when your paperback comes out!

    Congrats again Amber! : )

  3. Echoing Juju, yes, but I mean it sincerely, girl! I am PROUD of you! Glad you stuck with this story and made it happen. That alone is a BIG accomplishment. Betting Bleeding Heart will resonate (as it already has) with many readers.

    Congratulations, friend. This couldn't be happening to a nicer person. :)

  4. Congratulations, Amber! I'm so blessed to have met you and been able to read your gorgeous book! Thank you for being such a wonderful, supportive friend and fellow writer. I hope you enjoy every single moment of this journey, and know this Canadian girl is rooting for you! <3 God bless you!

  5. YAY AMBER!!!! I'm going to echo everyone else here and say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :o D **jumping up and down and laughing with excitement** ... **and just being undignified and crazy**
    I can't wait to read the interviews and reviews and everything everywhere!!!

    Have an awesome, blessed day!!!!!!!!
    --- **I can't BELIEVE this is finally happening! YAY!** ---
    Lots of love - and excited prayers - in Christ,
    okay, here's where I stop and write a post on my blog. ;o )

  6. Juju,

    Awww, thank you so much!! You are always so kind to me, and I greatly appreciate it. :) Hope you find the tour enjoyable!


  7. Cathy,

    You are awesome - thank you! Hope you find the paperback worth the wait. :) If anything, I know it will look beautiful because Lena Goldfinch is doing a lovely job so far in formatting it!


  8. Rissi,

    *Bear hugs* How can I thank you enough for your belief in me and your constant encouragement?? Thank you soooooo much for everything! :D


  9. Rebeka,

    Awww, friend, you are so sweet! Thank YOU for being a wonderful, supportive friend and talented fellow writer! *Big hugs* God bless you, too! :)


  10. Ysa,

    *Laughing* You are so cute!! I'm blessed by your excitement and support, my friend. :) Thank you very, very much for the encouragement and prayers! Hope you have fun with the tour!


  11. Ganise,

    Thanks so much, my friend! :)


  12. Looking forward to the different tour stops! Congratulations!

  13. This is so much fun, Amber! I'm looking forward to checking out the various stops along your tour and learning more about you. :-)

    One place in the West I would love to visit is Yosemite. I went there as a very small child and remember it vaguely--but I would love to see it when I can truly appreciate its beauty!

  14. Beth,

    Yay - hope you enjoy visiting them! :) And thank you!


  15. Jill,

    Aww, I'm so glad you think it's fun, and thank you for the sweet comment!

    I'm sure Yosemite would be a gorgeous place to visit. :) I know what you mean - there are some places it would be nice to visit again when you're older and can appreciate them more and have a different perspective on them!


  16. Whoo hoo! Amber, I am excited beyond words. Your first novel is here! I can't wait to get my hands on it. :-)

  17. Gwendolyn,

    How sweet is that??? Thank you so much for sharing my excitement, and for leaving comments at other blog-tour stops! :)

    I hope you find Bleeding Heart worth the wait!


  18. Yay Amber, BIG time congrats on this life changing achievement!!! I'm sooooo happy for you and believing God's very best for you in your writing journey,hugs and blessings girl :)

  19. Kara,

    Awww, thank you so much!! I really appreciate your sweet comment and encouragement. :) Hugs right back at ya!


  20. I have visited a lot of the western states, but would love to visit Oregon - from the pictures I've seen, & the comments I've heard, it has to be a beautiful state. I would also like to visit the national parks near the western coast.

    Your book sounds wonderful & I'd love to read it! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  21. bonton,

    Oh, Oregon is beautiful! I went to college there, and we've spent many a summer vacation in Sunriver, and it's truly a lovely state. :) And there are a lot of great national and state parks around here! I love the West Coast and our redwoods. :) Hope you get a chance to visit the area someday!

    Thank you for the kind words, and good luck in the giveaway!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!