
Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Review of Mistaken

Here's a description of the book from the author's website:

"Since booze and prohibition have made criminals out of every man in her world, Laurie Burke resolves to find at least one honorable man to fill her life. Convinced that handsome newcomer Daniel Shepherd is connected with her brother’s rum-running gang, Laurie quickly scratches his name off her list.

Daniel has mixed feelings about returning to the dirty mill town of his youth, but grudgingly agrees to manage his grandfather’s drug store until a replacement can be found. The moment he meets Laurie on the windswept bluff overlooking the beach, he knows that if he can earn her love, he might have a reason to stay. But when Laurie pushes him away--for none other than Federal Agent Samuel Brown--Daniel wonders if Laurie really is the upstanding woman he thought her to be.

The Strait of Juan de Fuca, just off the beaches of Port Angeles, Washington, was treacherous water for reckless rumrunners—and the agents who tried to catch them. So when she realizes her brother is in danger, romance is the last thing on Laurie's mind. Yet the people she believes she can trust, may not be so honorable after all."

My Rating


My Review

The first chapter impressed me, and then what followed proceeded to sweep me away into another era full of time-specific tension and yet universal relational drama. Karen Barnett writes the kind of romantic suspense I enjoy - historical! And historical done well, with interesting details that don't bog down the plot, and descriptions that make the setting come alive. Despite the difficult situations the main characters find themselves in, I loved being immersed in their story for a time, really feeling their dilemmas and remaining hopeful for their revelations.

Mistaken is a story about jumping to wrong conclusions - for both the characters and the reader. That first night when Daniel and Laurie meet and Laurie's brother is introduced gives everyone wrong impressions, and it's neat to see the following complexities of some characters that could have become too typical. The danger might not be overly intense throughout the entire plot (although it's still there in terms of poor choices and hurting hearts), but there's enough to carry the plot along while allowing the setting/time period to shine and the relationships to take center stage. And even though the ending has its moments that might feel a bit cliché for the genre, it ended up surprising me in parts and leaving me satisfied when all was said and done.

Loved the authentic emotions and attitudes, loved the little twists and suspense, and loved the intriguing look into America's past. This is a well-written historical romantic suspense that has me excited to know more is in the works from Barnett!

*With thanks to Abingdon Press and NetGalley for providing me with a temporary e-ARC of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

Now available on!


  1. Ooohh, sounds interesting! I don't know a lot about that point in history; I wonder if there's any Canadian inspirational historical fiction?

  2. Sounds like such a good read! I think I might have to go add it to the list :)

  3. Thanks for taking the time to review Mistaken, Amber! I'm glad you enjoyed Daniel's and Laurie's story. The book was a lot of fun to research and write.

    Rebeka B, I'm pleased to say that there will be more 1920s/30s books coming out this year. I've been watching the "upcoming releases" lists and noticed several of authors delving into this time period. I'm not sure about Canadian stories. That's a good question. Mistaken refers to Canada several time (that's where the rumrunners go to buy their stash), but there are no scenes located there. I wanted to, but could never find the perfect point in the plot in which to put it.

    Karen Barnett

  4. Okay, this looks AMAZING! I love books set in the 20s and 30s and I am so glad that shows like Downton Abbey and the movie The Great Gatsby are making all things set around that time "cool" again. I'll definitely be looking for this one! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  5. Rebeka,

    It really is, and I recommend it! Loved the setting and historical descriptions. :)

    Hmmm... Not many books come to mind, although I'm sure there's some out there! I read Love Finds You in Prince Edward Island, Canada by Susan Page Davis, which wasn't a favorite, but sweet. Maybe *you* can write some stories to fill this obvious void??? :)


  6. Jamie,

    I thought it was awesome! Hope you do, too! :)


  7. Karen,

    Appreciate your comment! It was my pleasure - loved your book! I imagine the research was quite fascinating. :)

    Thanks for sharing about upcoming releases, and for stopping by!


  8. Renee,

    Oh, I think you'll really enjoy this one!! Glad I could share about it with you - hope you get your hands on it soon! :)


  9. Juju,

    I thought so! :) Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!