
Monday, July 15, 2013

Launch of May the K9 Spy's Blog Tour!!!

Are you ready to play with May? 'Cause she, author K.C. Frantzen, and I have a super fun blog tour planned - complete with a scavenger hunt for fellow spies - to celebrate the release of her first two illustrated Middle Grade books in Kindle format! Read on to learn the lowdown...


First off, be sure to note this link: Blog Tour HQ. If you're ever lost, unsure of your instructions (for the scavenger hunt), or curious about how to help spread the news, that's where you'll want to go! (The blog buttons link back to that page.)

And now, here's the schedule:
If there are any last-minute changes to this schedule, they will be noted on the blog tour page - so check there for the latest news and most up-to-date information!

Drawings and Freebies!

Scavenger Hunt

Have you seen any of the PBS Masterpiece Mystery shows? If so, you may recall their practice of marking certain letters in red throughout the credits when a show airs on TV, which spell a word that fits with that episode. (I’m pretty sure this isn’t just on Sherlock, but that’s the show I’m thinking of!)

Consider all of the posts for this blog tour (including this one but not including the conclusion) the "credits" for May the K9 Spy's adventures. You'll find one letter highlighted or marked in red in each of those posts, so take note! Write them down and then (here's the trick!) unscramble them to form a code word May wants to share with you all. A winner will be randomly drawn from the correct guesses, and he or she will win a $25 LongHorn Steakhouse gift card and a specially designed May the K9 Spy bookmark, pictured below:

Pawsome, right? Here are the rules:
  • This drawing is for U.S. residents ages 13 and up. 
  • Record your guess on the form HERE. Entries will be accepted through July 29th, with the winner announced on July 31st on May's Facebook page
  • Remember, you most likely won't be able to figure out the word until all of the blog tour posts have been shared. You should have between Thursday, July 25th and Monday, July 29th to figure out your answer and submit it.
  • If you have any questions, read more of the details on the scavenger hunt form on the blog tour page, and/or e-mail me at I'll share hints with everyone on the blog tour page if needed!
Lucky 7 Rewards for Reviewers

We have one more drawing going on during the blog tour, and that's the "Lucky 7 Rewards for Reviewers!" Basically, you grab a copy of May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy and/or May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris, write a review(s), share your review(s) on, and then e-mail me saying you did so for a chance to win some great prizes! There are 7 prizes in all, and they include the chance to have a character named after you in May's next book, pawographed copies of book 3 when it releases this fall, and more!

Entries are currently low, so don't miss out on this chance to win! Learn all of the details in May's latest newsletter or e-mail me at


To make things even easier for that reviewers drawing and even more exciting for those just hearing about this series, May's two e-books are going to be free at different times during the blog tour! Be sure to note these links and dates below in order to catch free copies of these sweet and exciting illustrated books:

This tour is only as fun as you all make it, so I do hope you'll visit the different posts along the way (spotlights, reviews, and interviews) and take part in the scavenger hunt! Interact with May, leave comments asking her questions, share your thoughts on the books - whatever you want to do! We're just glad you're here. *grin* Please don't hesitate to e-mail me or leave a comment on the blog tour page (or here) if you have any questions about the tour!


  1. That should be pawsome, Virginia!

  2. Gooood Morning Amber's pack!
    May the K9 Spy, checking in!!! (Mom is typing as usual. I have no thumbs so it's easier this way.)

    Well everypawdy, I'm so excited to have my hardcover books available as e-books that I'm wiggling my entire self. THANK YOU Miss Amber for helping us let your FURiends know. We're thrilled to be here today!

    For those familiar with my first story, May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy you know I was rescued from a bad situation and my new family moves to the country. One day I'm where I'm not supposed to be, out in the woods by myself, and discover a weird "bird" perched on a cement log near an old rickety shed... This adventure starts my journey to become a K9 Spy!

    My next story May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris begins with me in K9 Spy boot camp. A training exercise goes awry, and I'm DOGNAPPED! Oh NO! I end up in Paris where I team up with a feral cat who lives in a cemetery, and we go on a mission to thwart an evil plot.

    Mom and I used to say my stories are for children 8-12 but so many older children and adults have enjoyed them, we say they're for "animal lovers 8 and up."

    For parents and grandparents, know that my books are ones where good triumphs evil. As my FURiend, Mr Vince wrote about the first one, "Expresses all the Right Values: Love, Respect, Patriotism, Courage, Honor, Duty & Caring. All wrapped up in an adventure sure to please both young and old!"


    I hope you enjoy them! You're the ones we do it for. You keep letting us know your thoughts about them, we'll keep working to bring you good stories!

    And now, c'mon, let's GO PLAY!!!

  3. Miss Virginia - you got that right! Thanks for being here today!

  4. Miss Kav - Good catch!

    Miss Virginia really should know better... :) It was wee hours of the morning so maybe we can cut her some slack.

    (Though my boot camp instructor, Edgrr, would say that any slip ups often have unintended consequences in the K9 spy business. How do you think I get into so much trouble? BOL!)

    Thank for playing with us today. Have fun!

  5. Everypawdy,

    I'll be checking in throughout the day. Bring your FURiends and let's chat! Tell us about your critters, two or four footed - BOL! Feel free to ask questions too about me or the scavenger hunt or the K9 Spy Service, something else. *If something is classified, I'll let you know.* ;)

    Always remember, opportunity is on the way! Talk to you soon!

    Love from May

  6. Hi, May and KC! Exciting to be here for the beginning of your blog tour. What a fun sleuthing adventure! I'm looking forward to hosting you both for TUESDAY TEA tomorrow. Tea, parfaits, water and paw-some doggie treats!

  7. HEY HEY Miss Sherida!

    We are so excited to have tea with you! I've never been to a tea until you asked us... Mom has been to several. She has told me allll about it.

    She reminded me too, that I must be a lady and mind my manners. I'll do my best! BOL!

    Thank you for asking us!

  8. Virginia, Kav, and Sherida,

    Appreciate you all so much! Glad to have you on the blog tour team. :) Hope you have a ton of fun being a part of this - and thanks for spreading the word!


  9. May (and KC!),

    Appreciate your thoughtful responses and your excitement - I sincerely hope you enjoy this tour for you and your PAWsome books! :) Should be more info on your books in the coming posts, as well... Looking forward to seeing what everyone puts together!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!