
Monday, June 10, 2013

Winner and Much Gratitude!

I was so blown away last week by the amazing and super sweet responses to the cover reveal for Bleeding Heart (and my birthday)!! The posts, the comments, the entries in the giveaway, the new friends and followers - I was so blessed by it all! Thank you so much to all of those who participated in the cover reveal and who expressed interest in this story. ♥

If you missed my post last week (or if you'd like to check back in), you can click HERE to read it. You'll find a list of blogs that participated in the cover reveal toward the bottom of the post, along with an excerpt from Chapter 1, my thoughts on the cover, and more!

Also, if you asked a question for my FAQs page as part of the giveaway, my responses are now posted!

And now, the winner of the bleeding heart note cards by Cindy Lindgren and the teardrop earrings by Belle on a Budget is...

Heidi Robbins!

Congratulations, Heidi! I've sent you an e-mail!

I hope you all have a fabulous start to your week! And if you're interested in reading a review of a new YA book from Playlist Young Adult Fiction, be sure to visit The Borrowed Book today!


  1. Heading on over to the Borrowed Book now. :) So glad your cover reveal week was fun!

  2. This was so much fun! What a delight to be part of your debut cover reveal. :) Blessings!

  3. Congrats to Heidi. Loved the cover reveal tour. Best wishes Amber.

  4. Congratulations, Heidi! That's awesome. :)

    Amber, all that excitement was wonderful to read/experience on your behalf! We are so happy for you and are delighted you are able to experience this season. Any small way I can support you in this, I am delighted to do so. Cannot wait for August and the official release of Bleeding Heart. :)

  5. Melissa,

    Thanks for checking out my review - and thank you for the kind words! It was a LOT of fun! :)


  6. Anne,

    Awww, thank you!! It's been a pleasure being part of your cover reveal, as well! :)


  7. Sandra,

    You're so sweet - thank you, my friend! :)


  8. Rissi,

    *Big hugs* I am so blessed to have a dear friend like you!! Thank you for all of your support! ♥



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!