
Friday, June 7, 2013

Another Adventure on the White Island!

Krissi Dallas is back!!! I'm so thrilled to be a part of the cover reveal for her fourth book in the "Phantom Island" series, Watermark - releasing sometime this fall. Absolutely cannot wait to read the next installment, which promises to be worth the wait!

It's quite possible you've heard me gush about this series either on this blog or on "The Borrowed Book" (with my reviews of Windchaser, Windfall, and Watercrossing). If you haven't, let me tell you right now: this is an awesome YA series, full of adventure, drama, romance, and a plot that pulls at the heartstrings while satisfying the imagination.

Before I share the striking cover of Watermark, take a look at the covers for the first three books:

I absolutely love the colors, and I'm so grateful to have paperback copies of each - they're beautiful!

You can probably guess how Watermark looks, but knowing the pattern doesn't take away from the bright and epic feel of it. Check it out!

Isn't it striking?? I love the color combinations here - intense turquoise and shimmery gold. The swirls give a hint at the complexities and turmoil within the pages, but the direction of the fish (in a more upward slant vs. the downward slant of the one on Watercrossing) suggests that, perhaps, this ending might be more final and positive than the cliffhanger at the end of the third book. We're moving in a new direction, folks, and I am quite eager to see how this story plays out!

Now, to skim the surface...

About the Book

"Relationships on the White Island are volatile and Whitnee, Morgan, and Caleb aren’t sure who they can trust—even each other. Politicians are lying, history is being rewritten, and motives are questionable. Whitnee sets out with Gabriel and a band of rebel spies to take back the enemy's biggest weapon—Whitnee's father. However, a shocking turn of events proves once again that the Island's secrets have the power to destroy more than just the truth. Separated from her friends, Whitnee battles her own fears in order to survive and protect the ones she loves. But when Morgan's illness finally comes to light, Whitnee faces a decision that could alter her future—and Morgan’s—forever. And whether she ultimately stays on the Island or leaves might not be her choice, after all."

About the Author

"Krissi Dallas loves pop music, mismatched socks, and fried chicken. She lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her youth minister husband, Sam, and their two wicked Yorkies, Elphie and Luna. Krissi enjoys hanging out with her quirky middle school students and building the dramatic, magical, and mysterious world that makes up the Phantom Island series. Be sure to check out Windchaser, Windfall, and Watercrossing. Krissi loves connecting with teens, as well as readers and writers of all ages! You can stalk her online at"


Krissi is generously offering a whole slew of prizes to go along with her cover reveal, including "an autographed Phantom Island trilogy pack, an autographed copy of Watermark when it releases, a tribal t-shirt, or an autographed copy of The Collector by debut author Victoria Scott!"

Please note: Enter using the Rafflecopter form below! The giveaway will be open for entries until Friday, June 14th. You must have a U.S. mailing address in order to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
For one of the entries (and/or just for fun!), click the image below to take the Phantom Island quiz and discover your tribe!



  1. You have me wanting to read these books so bad! I put them on my Amazon wishlist, and I think I debate on them most days! I keep telling myself to wipe out review books, and then go crazy. ;)

    The covers are beautiful! I'm looking forward to reading them! :)

  2. Thank you for participating in the reveal, Amber! I love how you picked up on the symbolism contained in the movement of the fish from Book 3 to Book 4. :) Love you!!

  3. Ohhh, these books looks fabulous. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Vicki ShackelfordJune 7, 2013 at 7:50 AM

    These books are so well written. I loved them all. They contain enough intrigue and action for my teenage boy to enjoy and enough romance so that my teenage daughter couldn't put them down. I highly recommend them!

  5. Bluerose,

    I think you would LOVE them!! The Kindle versions are probably the cheapest, but if you want paperbacks, I think they're cheaper on Krissi's blog than on Amazon. :) There's a link to the "White Island Shoppe" at the top of her website. Just as a heads up! ;) The covers are definitely beautiful!

    And yes, review books are both a blessing and sometimes a frustration... Hope you get to enjoy some "just for fun" reading soon!


  6. Krissi,

    My pleasure! Thank you for participating in mine earlier this week! :)

    And you know how much I love symbolism!! ;) (It was super fun being able to do a school paper on your books!) Love you, too!!


  7. Melissa,

    They are!! :) And you're welcome - thanks for stopping by!


  8. Vicki,

    Well said! Love that they appeal to both genders and all ages. :) Great books!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  9. I knew nothing about this series til now. But I'm definitely adding to GR! And those covers are awesome. Simple yet beautiful and striking at the same time. Thanks, Amber! :)

  10. Kara,

    So, so happy to introduce you to it, then! The covers are definitely awesome, and so are the stories! Hope you enjoy them! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!