
Friday, May 31, 2013

Litfuse Publicity Blog Tour: Stealing the Preacher

Here's a description of the book:

"A cowboy who wants to be a preacher. An outlaw’s daughter who wants to change his mind.

On his way to interview for a position at a church in the Piney Woods of Texas, Crockett Archer can’t believe it when he’s forced off the train by an outlaw and presented to the man’s daughter as the preacher she requested for her birthday. He’s determined to escape–which would be much easier if he could stop thinking about Joanna Robbins and her unexpected request.

For months, Joanna had prayed for a minister. A man to breathe life back into the abandoned church at the heart of her community. A man to assist her in fulfilling a promise to her dying mother. But just when it seems her prayers have been answered, it turns out the parson is there against his will and has dreams of his own calling him elsewhere. Is there any way she can convince Crockett he ended up right where he was supposed to be?

With her signature blend of humor, history, and lively western romance, two-time RITA Award finalist and bestselling author Karen Witemeyer delivers a Texas love story sure to steal your heart."

My Rating


My Review

Karen Witemeyer's books are as comforting as chocolate - her writing silky smooth, the romance delicious, and the heart of it all too good to resist. She has the Christian Historical Romance genre down to a sweet science. And might I add that the covers her stories are "wrapped" in are so lovely and enticing? (I'm glad that Bethany House went with this cover - with the pretty pink and chocolate dress, the soft background colors, and the connection with a piece of the plot, which is always fun!)

I love the mixture of humor and seriousness, cute situations and sobering ones - all tied together with a ribbon of faith throughout the pages. Stealing the Preacher is signature Witemeyer in that way, with another quirky premise that leads to a heartwarming story.

This particular book might come across as a tad more "preachy" than some of her other books because of its premise (the hero is a preacher and the heroine has a certain loved one's salvation weighing on her heart), but the compassion and passion evident in the pages are touching. I think what kept me from loving it quite as much as some of her other books was the plot... Not to say that there weren't exciting elements, but it felt like the basic storyline was stretched out to fill up the pages. I just didn't think the stakes were high enough throughout the entire book to keep me completely enthralled. Everything felt rather soft and slow - from Crockett's decision-making, to the building up and breaking down of relationships, to the passing of events. (And I confess that I generally prefer my love triangles a little heavier on the "male" than the "female" elements.)

But for a gentle story in the Witemeyer tradition, with enough tension in parts to keep the story moving, Stealing the Preacher is an enjoyable read. I'm definitely curious to see whether Witemeyer writes a story for another Archer brother, or whether she introduces an entirely new cast. Her characters are great and her storytelling delectable, so I'm eager for more of her sweet stuff!

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion, to be shared during the Litfuse Publicity blog tour.*

Book Trailer

About the Author

Two-time RITA finalist and winner of the coveted HOLT Medallion and ACFW Carol Award, CBA bestselling author Karen Witemeyer writes historical romance because she believes that the world needs more happily-ever-afters. She is an avid cross-stitcher, shower singer, and bakes a mean apple cobbler. Karen makes her home in Abilene, Texas, with her husband and three children. Learn more about Karen and her books at

To Buy the Book: click HERE

Blog Tour: Check out the reviews from other blog tour participants HERE.

Litfuse Contest

Karen Witemeyer is "kindling" the excitement for Stealing the Preacher (Bethany House) with a Kindle Fire Giveaway and connecting with readers at her June 18th Facebook Author Chat Party!


  One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • Stealing the Preacher by Karen Witemeyer 
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends at 4pm on June 18th. Winner will be announced at the "Stealing the Preacher" Facebook Author Chat Party on June 18th. Connect with Karen for an evening of book chat, trivia, laughter, and more! Karen will also share an exclusive look at her next book and give away books and other fun prizes throughout the evening.

So grab your copy of Stealing the Preacher and join Karen on the evening of June 18th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)
Don't miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 18th!


  1. So glad you liked it! I would've been most upset if you hadn't. ;) I thought this line particularly true about all the Witemeyer's I've read: :I love the mixture of humor and seriousness, cute situations and sobering ones - all tied together with a ribbon of faith throughout the pages." Lovely!

  2. Ooh, ooh I'm reading this one right now. Loving it already. :)

  3. I'd like to try this book one day, but I would like to finish "Short-Straw Bride" first.

    Lovely review!


  4. Charity,

    I would have been most upset, too! ;) Karen Witemeyer is a talented author, and I love her stuff!

    Thank you for the compliment and the comment! :)


  5. Melissa,

    Yay! :) Enjoy - it's a sweet one!


  6. Grace,

    Both are great reads! I don't think you necessarily have to read Short-Straw Bride to enjoy this one - they stand well on their own. But I loved Short-Straw Bride, so I definitely recommend it!

    Glad you enjoyed the review! Thanks for stopping by! :)


  7. Need to get to this one soon or I'll miss that deadline. If the cover is any indication (there I go again - judging a book by its cover), the book should be an enjoyable read. I liked one of Karen's other books fine but am likely not as fond of them as I would have been some eight years ago given "western" fiction isn't my thing anymore. That being said, I fully expect to enjoy this one!

    Thank *you* for this beautiful review, Amber! :)

  8. I surely do love that cover! So pretty. I am definitely anxious to read this one some day. Witemeyer seems to write humor really well. I hope that's still true in this one? :)

  9. Rissi,

    I took a look at the blog tour schedule, and your date is June 13th, right? You've got plenty of time! Or at least if you're anything like me, as I'm a champion procrastinator. ;)

    And I'm guilty of judging books by their covers, so I understand! The cover matches the story really well, and I think you'll enjoy it. :) Of course, I LOVE historical romances set in the American West, but still... Witemeyer has a really nice writing style. :)

    Thank you for the sweet words!


  10. Kara,

    It is very pretty, isn't it? :) And yes, there's some humor in this one, too! Plenty of humorous and/or cute situations that are fun to read and well-written. :)


  11. Thanks for the wonderful review, Amber. Having my story compared to chocolate has to be the best compliment of all time. LOL!

  12. Karen,

    You're quite welcome! It doesn't get much better than chocolate, does it? ;) Love your books, and can't wait to read whatever you write next!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!