
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cover Reveal ~ The Remedy by Serena Chase

The lovely Serena Chase, co-blogger at Edgy Inspirational Romance, has recently released her debut novel, The Ryn! I had the pleasure of reading an ARC back around the beginning of the year, and I am looking forward to diving into the sequel shortly! Readers who enjoy fantasy/fairy-tale combos, epic plots, exciting romance, and deeper themes should find a whole lot to love about Serena's stories. I'll be sharing a review of The Ryn very soon, with a review of The Remedy to follow later. =)

Curious about the "Eyes of E'veria"? Well, take a look at the cover for The Remedy, the second book in the series...

 Very pretty and mysterious, is it not??

I love how there are elements that match this book to its predecessor, and yet this cover is a little more "hidden." The fiery red hair takes up most of the background, suggesting something bursting to life (kind of like the cover/symbolism for Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins). But the hair also acts like a curtain, covering the heroine's expression and cloaking everything but a glimpse at her stunning gaze and her prestigious role. There is much we readers long to have revealed in this sequel, right? So we'll look forward to clicking past the cover (thinking Kindle e-book here) and figuratively going behind the curtain to find out the adventure and emotions that await!

What are your thoughts on the cover? How about the similarities and contrasts between the first and second covers in the series? 

If you're not familiar with this author, here's some information about her:

"A life-long lover of fairy tales, Serena Chase is the author of THE RYN (3/26/13) and THE REMEDY (April 2013). Together, these two novels comprise an expanded re-imagining of the classic Grimm fairy tale, Snow White & Rose Red, and are the first two books in the 'Eyes of E’veria' series.

A frequent contributor to USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog and Edgy Inspirational Romance, Serena lives in Iowa with her husband, two daughters, and a white golden-doodle named Albus. She has been known to live vicariously through her hair, however, so don’t be too surprised if she looks a tad different from one day to the next. We all have our vices.

Connect with Serena on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, & Goodreads.

You may also contact Serena Chase by email:"

And if you haven't yet read The Ryn, you can purchase an e-book copy now on! The Remedy should be releasing very soon!


  1. Thanks, Amber! I'm glad you like it!

  2. I'm about mid-way into The Ryn and loving it. Looking forward to reading The Remedy right after. I love how the covers seem to show a maturity in the character too. She looks young in The Ryn, then on The Remedy she looks a bit more mature. And they vivid blue eyes draw a person in! So pretty.

  3. I didn't think about it before Julie's comment, but she does look more mature. I do love how blue her eyes are, too.

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous! Well done to the designer and it makes this series look all the more interesting. Very "edgy" and mysterious - plus it "stands out" with some great color combinations. :)

    Love it!

  5. I hadn't thought about the fact that we can't see her expression. Good point! Now I really have to finish the Ryn so I can figure out what she's hiding in this one. :D

    By the way, I left an answer to your comment on my blog if your interested. But I basically said that I'm happy to "meet" you too! :) And thanks for the follow.

  6. Serena,

    You're very welcome! Happy to be a part of the launch team - and can't wait to read The Remedy! :)

    Your cover designer did a great job, and I love what you both came up with!


  7. Julie,

    I agree with Bluerose - that's a great observation! The covers go so nicely together. :) I'm sure you'll love the rest of The Ryn! And I'm looking forward to starting The Remedy soon, too!


  8. Juju,

    Me, too! Isn't this all so exciting?? :)


  9. Bluerose,

    Yes, the eyes (or should I say, "eye" - at least for The Remedy cover!) are beautiful. :) I think it especially "pops" because it's so different from the other colors on the cover (besides the font).


  10. Joy,

    Not a problem! :) Thanks for setting this up!


  11. Rissi,

    Agreed!! I like the color combos and mysteriousness, too. :)


  12. Kara,

    Thanks! I know what you mean - I need to find out what she's hiding (and what's hiding in the story), too!! :)

    And thanks for responding to my comment and following back!! It's seriously a wonder why we haven't run across each other online before. ;) But so glad we finally have! I'm grateful for all of the friendships I've made through blogging. :)

    (Just to let you know, I can also be generous with that exclamation mark, along with smiley faces! ;) And I love books and movies, too, so we are in good company!!)


  13. Charity,

    Agreed! :) The first one was great, and I'm excited to read the second!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!