
Saturday, March 30, 2013

3rd Blogoversary Party ~ Winners!

Today is officially my third blogoversary, and what fun these three years have been! Thank you to all of my wonderful, sweet, encouraging, inspiring readers for making blogging such a joy for me, and for making this party a blast! And thank you to our awesome guests this week - Lena, Rachelle, and Sandra. I'm so grateful to know and work with you three, and I'm wishing you the best with your writing!

And now, here are the winners of the blog party book giveaways:

 Jill Stengl won an e-book version of Aire

 Julie Graves won The Price of Victory

 CentralEast2 won Current of Love

Congratulations, winners! I'll be sending you an e-mail, so be sure to check your inboxes! And thank you to Lena and Sandra for your generosity!

Hope you all have a great Saturday! I'll be re-posting an Easter devotional tomorrow. =)


  1. I'm a winner, I'm a winner!! Woo hoo! Thanks so much Amber and thanks too to Sandra Leesmith as I was so hoping to read one of her books! Especially after the great recommendation from Julie Lessman :)

  2. Julie,

    Yes, indeed! ;) Congratulations!

    And that's awesome - I hope you love the book! :)

    Thanks for participating in the blog party this week! I've had such a blast!


  3. CONGRATS, winners!

    Amber thanks for hosting such a fun blog party. Looking forward to the next three. :)

  4. Congratulations on 3 wonderful years! I hope you have many more blogging years ahead. ;-)

    Renee C.

  5. Rissi,

    It was my pleasure! I had a ton of fun! :) And you're so sweet - thank you!!


  6. Renee,

    Thank you!! I'm so grateful for your help when I started this blog - and for all of your encouragement and help since then! :) I hope you have many more blogging years to come, as well!


  7. Congrats to the winners!! Happy 3-Year Blogoversary, Amber!! :)

  8. Melanie,

    Aww, thanks so much! So sweet of you to stop by with the kind wishes! :)

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!