
Thursday, March 28, 2013

3rd Blogoversary Party ~ Meet Sandra Leesmith!

It's my pleasure to welcome, Sandra Leesmith to the blog as our third guest this week! Sandra is a current client for Editing Through the Seasons, and I'm honored to be working with her.

Sandra contacted me the day I shared a guest post on Seekerville regarding my freelance editing business and what I've learned about spreading the word (and surviving) online. Color me thrilled! We're working on re-publishing some of her backlist titles as e-books - and it's been a great experience for me so far. I'm excited to share more about these projects with you in the near future!

Until then, read on to learn more about Sandra and today's giveaway...


Amber ~ Welcome, Sandra! Since this is a blogoversary party, could you share with us a little bit about your own blogging history? When did you start blogging for “Seekerville,” and how has that blog changed since it was created? 

Sandra ~ We started Seekerville in 2005. We had bumped into each for the past few years in writing
contests. We started emailing each other and stating that we wished each other would get published so we could win the contests. *smile* We decided that it would be easier to communicate on a loop, so we started sharing information. Then in 2005 it occurred to us that the info we were sharing should be shared with everyone. Until recently, the ins and outs of the publishing world seemed to be a big secret. We learned the hard way and wanted to share our information.

We started the blog and of course had no followers in the beginning. But word of mouth spread the news that we had valuable information for those trying to sail off "unpubbed island." We mostly shared contest information in the beginning, and then it evolved to articles on craft.

Eventually all of us ended up published, hence no more Unpubbed Island and into the village of Seekerville. Many of our friends have sailed into the publishing world and we love celebrating with them. Editors and agents find our information valuable and have supported us by guest-blogging with us. We keep on growing and have reader fans, as well, who are interested in the life of an author.

It has been a blessing to have a blog with a group because then the job doesn’t become so overwhelming. And with so much creative talent, we are always coming up with new and fresh ideas that our readers enjoy, such as the Yankee Belle CafĂ©, Speedbo, various parties, etc. Be sure and check us out. You won’t be disappointed.

 Amber ~ That's an awesome story! Seekerville is a happenin' place! ;)

How would you describe the current “season” of your writing career? (Slow? Growing? A harvest of creativity? A dry spell? Hopeful? Frustrating? However you want to describe it!)

Sandra ~ I honestly don’t know how to describe this season. I think it ties in with the season that the publishing world is in right now. A state of flux and major change. That describes me to a T at this point in the game. I pretty much knew what I wanted to accomplish and how the publishing world worked and had set my goals toward those means and ends. But I find myself smack in the middle of the changing paradigm and finding I have to reset my goals to match this new world. The exciting part is learning all of the new aspects of marketing in this new electronic age. I guess I’m learning right along with the traditional publishers.

Amber ~ I’m excited for this chance to work with you on some projects as you navigate the e-world! Can you tell us one thing you’re looking forward to sharing with your readers in the coming months?

Sandra ~ I’m really excited to get some of my out-of-print books back out there. It was a blow when they went off the shelves in six weeks. And the way the distribution went in those days, some of these books were not even in all of the stores. I had friends who could not buy the books even when they were out. Now with Amazon, the books can be purchased at a reasonable price anywhere in the country.

Amber ~ Reminds me of a line from the movie I.Q.: "What an exciting time to be alive!" 

These next questions are fun, brief-response questions. Your favorite season?

Sandra ~ Summer is my favorite season because it always means travel and time outdoors, two of my favorite things to do. When I was a teacher, summer meant travel and time to write.

Amber ~ Two quirky dreams (small or big) that you have?

Sandra ~ I want to travel to Spain to do research for a book that has been in my heart for a long time.

Amber ~ Three blogs you love to visit?

Sandra ~ Seekerville, Love Inspired Authors, and Harlequin Heartwarming

Amber ~ Four books you read recently?

Sandra ~
  1. THE BIBLE - I am always reading the Bible.
  2. SWEPT AWAY by Mary Connealy
  3. THE GENERAL’S SECRETARY by Debby Giusti
  4.  JESUS CALLING by Sarah Young
Amber ~ Five different themes for a party that would be fun to attend or host?

Sandra ~
  1. I love to go to parties and celebrate an author and his/her books. 
  2. I love impromptu happy hours when everyone brings an appetizer to share (our pickleball parties are great).
  3. Christmas parties are always a favorite.
  4. Picnic in the desert/woods (actually anywhere outdoors).
  5. Bunco parties. (At least I don’t fall asleep in those, lol.) 
Amber ~ Thank you for sharing with my readers today, Sandra! I'm looking forward to all that is yet to come. :)



I've discovered that Sandra is a very generous person. She basically told me she would go with any sort of book-giveaway I wanted to offer. ;) So today there will be two winners! One winner will receive a hardcover copy of The Price of Victory; another winner will receive a paperback copy of Current of Love. (These are Sandra's most recent novels.)

To enter, just leave a comment with your e-mail address. (If you have a preference as to which book you want to win, please note that in your comment, as well!)

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. The winners will be chosen via the List Randomizer on and announced on Saturday, March 30th. Good luck!


  1. Would love to read either one of these. Great interview ladies! It is so fun to hear about new authors :)


  2. Hi, Amber. Just saw your comment over in Seekerville, so I headed over here.

    So great to read Sandra's history of Seekerville. I just found Seekerville a few months ago. Such good information and the Seekers are so encouraging.

    I found you there, also--a good find! Congrats on your Speedbo accomplishments.

    Please enter me for either of Sandra's books... sheridastewart at gmail dot com.

    Thanks for the information on your blog! Fun to be writing together with others.

  3. Hi Julie, Are you an author also? Do you write?

    What genre is your favorite?

    THanks for joining us today.

  4. Hi Sherida, Great to see you here on Amber's blog. We are delighted you found us in Seekerville. I enjoy your comments.

    What genre are you writing in?

  5. Hi Amber, Thanks for featuring Seekerville today and inviting me to blog with you. What a lovely blog you have. Lots of interesting info.

  6. Great interview, Sandra. Spain. Wow. That would be fun!!!

  7. Julie,

    I'm excited to read both of these books, too! Don't they look good? :) I believe they're both clean romances, although not specifically Christian fiction.

    Glad I could introduce you to Sandra! :) Good luck in the drawing!


  8. Sherida,

    That was sweet of you - appreciate you visiting! :)

    I so agree about the Seekers! And thank you so much for the compliment! Congrats to you on your Speedbo accomplishments, as well!

    Good luck in the drawing! And isn't a treat to know you're not alone in this writing stuff? :)


  9. Sandra,

    It's my pleasure! Thank YOU for all that you do! :) And thank you for the kind words about my blog! I'm so pleased you find it a lovely place to visit. :)


  10. Tina,

    Wouldn't it?? How about we plan a Seekers and friends of Seekers trip there? ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  11. Sandra, nope, not an author :) I am a reader and blogger. I love all genre's but my favorite is romantic suspense.

    Amber, yes, they do look good! I am a sucker for a good cover too :) I'm really enjoying that your editing business is making progress. Go you!!

  12. I'm so happy for BOTH of you working together through Editing Through the Seasons! I'm sure it's a blessing for each of you. I'm glad to get to know Sandra a bit more, too! Both books look great.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  13. Julie,

    Ah, yes - I totally fall for a good cover! ;)

    Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement!! Feeling blessed. :)


  14. Bluerose,

    Aww, that's so sweet! Thank you!! This experience, as well as the hope it gives me and the excitement, has certainly been a blessing. I'm hoping that Sandra is pleased, too! :)

    Good luck in the drawing!


  15. I can hardly wait to get your backlist as ebooks, Sandra! How exciting! Beautiful blog, Amber!

  16. Amber, what a lovely blog! You have been offically bookmarked!

    Thanks for sharing an interview with Sandra. I think travel is her middle name : )

    How cool is this to repackage your backlist! Can't want for them!!!

  17. Glynna,

    It's definitely exciting! I hope this all works out so we can get them out there soon! :)

    Thank you for the sweet compliment about my blog! :)


  18. Audra,

    Aww!! Thank you! :) Hope you enjoy visiting here!

    I think you might be right about Sandra's middle name. ;)

    Hope we can get more info out about this soon! I was definitely thrilled that Sandra contacted me regarding this project. :)


  19. FUN interview, Sandra and Amber!! And Spain??? WOW!! I want to go to Ireland, so maybe we could make a research trip of it together, girlfriend!!

    And, JULIE ... you would LOVE Sandra's books!! Some of the best romance in the CBA, in my opinion, so do check them out!!


  20. would love to read either book centraleast2 at gmail dot com

  21. Hi Tina, Yes I am looking forward to Spain. I"m going with a girlfriend who is going five weeks ahead of me and will hike the 500 miles across the Pyrenees from Portugal, through Spain and France to the Alps. I'm meeting her in Madrid when she is DONE. lol Can't see me hiking 500 miles.

  22. Hi Bluerose, Sounds like maybe you've worked with Amber and Editing Through the Seasons. I'm really excited about it.

  23. Thanks Glynna. Seems like a lot of authors are doing this. It will be a big learning curve.

  24. Hi Audra, Travel is my middle name. My great grandmother came across the prairies in a covered wagon and I think she passed along that traveling gene. Of course my RV is a lot better traveling accommodations than a covered wagon. But we both saw the same landscapes.

  25. Hi Julie, Yes, lets do a trip together. Ireland, then Spain. woo hoooooo

  26. btw. Any of you readers out there have a real treat with Julie Lessman's books. Audra, Glynna and Tina write for Love Inspired and their books are wonderful too. I think Tina has one out this month. smile

  27. Hi Central East. Lots of good books to choose from here. Isn't it wonderful to have such a huge To Be Read pile?

  28. Oh yes, Julie Lessman has a book coming out also on April 1.

  29. Julie,

    Thank you! And Ireland?? I want to come, too!! ;)

    So glad you could stop by! :)


  30. CentralEast2,

    Awesome! Good luck in the drawing! :)


  31. Sandra,

    You actually are going to Spain?? That's fabulous! Hope you have a wonderful trip - and get all the research done that you're wanting to do! :)

    I haven't actually worked with Bluerose as an editor, but she's a dear blogging friend. :) I'm so glad you're excited, because you know I'm excited to work with you!!

    Thanks for sharing about some of the Seeker releases, and thank you again for being a guest this week!


  32. Thanks for having me, Amber. It is always fun to share and meet new people.

    Happy Easter.

  33. I love learning about new authors and cannot wait to read one of your books! :) (sadly I am from Canada and cannot win, but I really enjoyed learning more about you and will go on a hunt for your books up here in the cold North because they look great!) Have a great day and God bless!!!

  34. Lisa,

    So glad you were able to learn more about Sandra here! She's great, isn't she? :)

    Thank you for visiting!



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