
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Verdict: A Client Has Spoken

Remember that name I told you to file away for future reference if you're a fan of Christian historical romance? Well, the sweet and talented Rachelle Rea has written another blog post about our journey as editor and client, and I'm thrilled and honored by her words! (link below)

This experience has been such a blessing - Rachelle's enthusiasm is contagious, her humility is admirable, and her feedback has been a help and encouragement to me. My job editing her manuscript was made much easier by the fact that her story already sparkled with a beautiful style and fascinating research. It's been a pleasure reading her work and sharing my thoughts on it!

If you'd like to learn more about the lovely Rachelle, visit her at her newly re-designed blog, on Facebook, or on Twitter. And if you are ever in need of an editor, I would love to share the journey with you! Learn more at my website, Editing Through the Seasons. (And note the special offer for those who are getting ready to self-publish their books!)


  1. I just love that you are working on Rachelle's manuscript. You are two of my favorite young ladies and this makes me so happy! What a great team!

  2. Joanne,

    Awwww, that is so sweet of you to say!! :) Rachelle is a talented author and such a nice person - it's been a pleasure to work with her!

    Thank you so much for your kind words!


  3. Hopefully - someday, I'll be in need of an editor! That would make me ridiculously happy. :)

  4. Rissi,

    That's so awesome that you're an aspiring author, Rissi! I'm excited to hear more about your work someday! :)

    I would be very happy to be your editor, should you want me to be! :)


  5. That you've started an editing business is wonderful, Amber! I wish you great luck and hope you find success! :)

    ...and, yes! Someday (when I finish it!), I'd love to be able to have you edit. :)

  6. Rissi,

    Aww, thank you so much! :)

    And yay!! Looking forward to that day! :)


  7. Joanne, what lovely words! And a high compliment! :)

  8. Rachelle,

    I so agree! :) Glad you could stop by!



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