
Friday, February 1, 2013

"Season"-ed Snack Size Review: Cinder

Earlier this week I shared a couple of snack size reviews featuring a fairy tale and including one of my Christmas gifts. Today I bring you a snack size review of another "fairy tale," which also happens to have been given to me for Christmas! Enjoy the morsel, and do share your thoughts if you've read it, as well!

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Rating: Spring

A very creative and intense beginning to the "Lunar Chronicles" series that left me very glad I pre-ordered Scarlet (the sequel)! While there is plenty of action in this futuristic twist on "Cinderella," the focus is mainly on Cinder's self-discoveries and the dawning awareness of impending danger and epic adventure. The background is fascinating and tragic. Prince Kai is utterly endearing in his uncertainties and internal struggles. The story is a little unsatisfying on its own, but I'm impressed and intrigued by the concept of the series.

Note: "Seasoned" or "unseasoned" is in reference to my book rating system. Thanks to Juju of Tales of Whimsy for the inspiration regarding mini reviews!


  1. I think Scarlet is even better than Cinder (and most other bloggers seem to agree). Hope you love it once you get a chance to read it!

  2. This sounds so good. Your review is lovely.

  3. When this series first came out, I saw the cover and had no desire whatsoever to read it. Since I've been hearing such great things, I'm looking forward to reading the series now!

  4. Bookworm1858,

    I know of at least one other blogger who liked it better than Cinder, as well, and I am definitely excited to read it!! :) It sounds fabulous!


  5. Juju,

    It really is! It's just unfortunate that the last book of the series won't be out until 2015... Oh, well - I'm looking forward to the sequel, which releases very soon!

    Thank you for your sweet words about my review! :)


  6. Bluerose,

    While I've come to think of the cover as rather cool, it's not completely my thing, either... But yes, once you see all the great reviews and learn what it's about, it certainly makes you want to give it a try! I'm glad I did, and I can't wait to continue the series! Not only does Scarlet sound great, but I really like that cover. :) I hope you get a chance to read this soon!


  7. I agree that the cover turned me off to the book at first. But then after reading several reviews and then getting the book for free at a book conference I couldn't resist reading it any longer. And I have to say I was not disappointed! I loved it. Yes, I loved Scarlet even more! There are also 2 short stories if you want to spend .99 each on Amazon. I enjoyed them, but they aren't necessary to the other books. The problem with getting to read ARC books is that the wait is even longer for the next book to come out! Glad you liked it Amber :)

  8. Julie,

    The cover is certainly intriguing, but perhaps not initially appealing to everyone!

    And yes, I was referring to you when I said I knew a blogger who liked Scarlet better than Cinder! ;) I'm really looking forward to reading that one. :)

    As for ARCs, YES! It's funny - it seems like blogging in general kind of ruined me for bookstores, in a sense. I used to love going into Borders and seeing what new books they had received and put up on the shelves. But now I know about books months before they're available to purchase! It's really great, but just very different from how it used to be. (Besides the fact that Borders is no longer around...)

    I always love chatting books with you. :) Glad you stopped by!


  9. Oh Amber I miss Borders! I agree that with ARC's and blogging we get to know ahead of time what is coming out, but now and then my daughter and I still love to go walk through an actual bookstore. But confession: We both got Borders gift cards for Christmas and neither one of us have found something to buy because we HAVE every book that looks interesting! LOL!! Kind of a nice problem to have I guess ;)
    And ditto on the loving chatting about books with you!

  10. Happy you liked it, Amber! It's been something I've been curious about for eons - one of these days, I WILL remedy that. :)

  11. Julie,

    I still can't resist the draw of a bookstore, either. ;) And gift cards burn holes in my pockets, LOL! I got a B&N gift card for Christmas, and that's what I used to cover most of the cost of pre-ordering Scarlet. But yes, when you get to review so many fabulous books for free, the selection kind of dwindles! Hope you both can eventually find a great book or books to enjoy using those gift cards. :)


  12. Rissi,

    Thank you! I hope you get to remedy that sometime soon - it's a great, interesting read! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!